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Namespace jsf.ajax

Defined in: jsf.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Adds an error handler to our global error queue.
Adds a global event listener to the ajax event queue.
jsf.ajax.request(element:, event:, options)
this function has to send the ajax requests following request conditions must be met:
  • the request must be sent asynchronously!
  • the request must be a POST!!! request
  • the request url must be the form action attribute
  • all requests must be queued with a client side request queue to ensure the request ordering!
jsf.ajax.response(request, context)
processes the ajax response if the ajax request completes successfully
Namespace Detail
Method Detail
<static> jsf.ajax.addOnError(errorListener)
Adds an error handler to our global error queue. the error handler must be of the format function errorListener(<errorData>) with errorData being of following format:
{function} errorListener
error handler must be of the format function errorListener(<errorData>)

<static> jsf.ajax.addOnEvent(eventListener)
Adds a global event listener to the ajax event queue. The event listener must be a function of following format: function eventListener(<eventData>)
{function} eventListener
event must be of the format function eventListener(<eventData>)

<static> jsf.ajax.request(element:, event:, options)
this function has to send the ajax requests following request conditions must be met:
{String|Node} element:
any dom element no matter being it html or jsf, from which the event is emitted
{EVENT} event:
any javascript event supported by that object
{Map} options
: map of options being pushed into the ajax cycle

<static> jsf.ajax.response(request, context)
processes the ajax response if the ajax request completes successfully
the ajax request!
the ajax context!

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