Apache MyFaces

Tag library validation report

Tag library validation report automatically generated by the Maven taglib plugin

This report contains a basic validation of tag handler classes for the following tag libraries:

Myfaces Commons Converter Tag Library 1.2. mcc.tld


found loadable extends TagSupport/TagExtraInfo class
success success success org.apache.myfaces.commons.converter.ConvertBooleanTag
- attribute name tld declares tag declares
warning falseValue
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning trueValue
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.


found loadable extends TagSupport/TagExtraInfo class
success success success org.apache.myfaces.commons.converter.ConvertDateTimeTag
- attribute name tld declares tag declares
warning dateStyle
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning locale
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning pattern
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning timeStyle
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning timeZone
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning type
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.


found loadable extends TagSupport/TagExtraInfo class
success success success org.apache.myfaces.commons.converter.ConvertEnumTag
- attribute name tld declares tag declares
warning targetClass
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.


found loadable extends TagSupport/TagExtraInfo class
success success success org.apache.myfaces.commons.converter.TypedNumberConverterTag
- attribute name tld declares tag declares
warning currencyCode
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning currencySymbol
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning destType
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning groupingUsed
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning integerOnly
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning locale
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning maxFractionDigits
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning maxIntegerDigits
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning minFractionDigits
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning minIntegerDigits
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning pattern
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.
warning type
Attribute type different from String and not declared in tld.