Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.surefire.testng.TestNGDirectoryTestSuite
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 package org.apache.maven.surefire.testng;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import java.util.SortedMap;
 import java.util.TreeMap;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ArtifactVersion;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.DefaultArtifactVersion;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.NonAbstractClassFilter;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.TestSetFailedException;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.util.LazyTestsToRun;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.util.RunOrderCalculator;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.util.ScanResult;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.util.TestsToRun;
  * Test suite for TestNG based on a directory of Java test classes. Can also execute JUnit tests.
  * @author <a href="">Brett Porter</a>
  * @author <a href='mailto:the[dot]mindstorm[at]gmail[dot]com'>Alex Popescu</a>
 public class TestNGDirectoryTestSuite
     implements TestNgTestSuite
     private final ArtifactVersion version;
     private final Map options;
     private final Map junitOptions;
     private final String testSourceDirectory;
     private final File reportsDirectory;
     private SortedMap testSets;
     private final ScanResult scanResult;
     private final String testMethodPattern;
     private final RunOrderCalculator runOrderCalculator;
     private final Class junitTestClass;
     public TestNGDirectoryTestSuite( String testSourceDirectory, String artifactVersion, Properties confOptions,
                                      File reportsDirectory, String testMethodPattern,
                                      RunOrderCalculator runOrderCalculator, ScanResult scanResult )
 80  0
 82  0
         this.runOrderCalculator = runOrderCalculator;
 84  0
         this.options = confOptions;
 86  0
         this.testSourceDirectory = testSourceDirectory;
 87  0
         this.reportsDirectory = reportsDirectory;
 88  0
         this.scanResult = scanResult;
 89  0
         this.version = new DefaultArtifactVersion( artifactVersion );
 90  0
         this.testMethodPattern = testMethodPattern;
 91  0
         this.junitTestClass = findJUnitTestClass();
 92  0
         this.junitOptions = createJUnitOptions();
 93  0
     public void execute( TestsToRun testsToRun, ReporterFactory reporterManagerFactory )
         throws ReporterException, TestSetFailedException
 99  0
         if ( !testsToRun.allowEagerReading() )
 101  0
             executeLazy( testsToRun, reporterManagerFactory );
 103  0
         else if ( testsToRun.containsAtLeast( 2 ) )
 105  0
             executeMulti( testsToRun, reporterManagerFactory );
 107  0
         else if ( testsToRun.containsAtLeast( 1 ) )
 109  0
             Class testClass = (Class) testsToRun.iterator().next();
 110  0
             executeSingleClass( reporterManagerFactory, testClass );
 112  0
     private void executeSingleClass( ReporterFactory reporterManagerFactory, Class testClass )
         throws TestSetFailedException
 117  0
         this.options.put( "suitename", testClass.getName() );
 119  0
         RunListener reporter = reporterManagerFactory.createReporter();
 120  0
         ConsoleOutputCapture.startCapture( (ConsoleOutputReceiver) reporter );
 122  0
         startTestSuite( reporter, this );
 124  0
         final Map optionsToUse = isJUnitTest( testClass ) ? junitOptions : options;
 126  0 new Class[]{ testClass }, testSourceDirectory, optionsToUse, version, reporter, this,
                             reportsDirectory, testMethodPattern );
 129  0
         finishTestSuite( reporter, this );
 130  0
     public void executeLazy( TestsToRun testsToRun, ReporterFactory reporterFactory )
         throws ReporterException, TestSetFailedException
 136  0
         for ( Iterator testClassIt = testsToRun.iterator(); testClassIt.hasNext(); )
 138  0
             Class c = (Class);
 139  0
             executeSingleClass( reporterFactory, c );
 140  0
 141  0
     private Class findJUnitTestClass()
         Class junitTest;
 148  0
             junitTest = Class.forName( "junit.framework.Test" );
 150  0
         catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
 152  0
             junitTest = null;
 153  0
 154  0
         return junitTest;
     public void executeMulti( TestsToRun testsToRun, ReporterFactory reporterFactory )
         throws ReporterException, TestSetFailedException
 160  0
         List testNgTestClasses = new ArrayList();
 161  0
         List junitTestClasses = new ArrayList();
 162  0
         for ( Iterator it = testsToRun.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 164  0
             Class c = (Class);
 165  0
             if ( isJUnitTest( c ) )
 167  0
                 junitTestClasses.add( c );
 171  0
                 testNgTestClasses.add( c );
 173  0
 175  0
         File testNgReportsDirectory = reportsDirectory, junitReportsDirectory = reportsDirectory;
 177  0
         if ( junitTestClasses.size() > 0 && testNgTestClasses.size() > 0 )
 179  0
             testNgReportsDirectory = new File( reportsDirectory, "testng-native-results" );
 180  0
             junitReportsDirectory = new File( reportsDirectory, "testng-junit-results" );
 183  0
         RunListener reporterManager = reporterFactory.createReporter();
 184  0
         ConsoleOutputCapture.startCapture( (ConsoleOutputReceiver) reporterManager );
 185  0
         startTestSuite( reporterManager, this );
 187  0
         Class[] testClasses = (Class[]) testNgTestClasses.toArray( new Class[testNgTestClasses.size()] );
 189  0 testClasses, this.testSourceDirectory, options, version, reporterManager, this,
                             testNgReportsDirectory, testMethodPattern );
 192  0
         if ( junitTestClasses.size() > 0 )
 194  0
             testClasses = (Class[]) junitTestClasses.toArray( new Class[junitTestClasses.size()] );
 196  0
    testClasses, testSourceDirectory, junitOptions, version, reporterManager, this,
                                 junitReportsDirectory, testMethodPattern );
 200  0
         finishTestSuite( reporterManager, this );
 201  0
     private boolean isJUnitTest( Class c )
 205  0
         return junitTestClass != null && junitTestClass.isAssignableFrom( c );
     private Map createJUnitOptions()
 210  0
         Map junitOptions = new HashMap( this.options );
 211  0
         junitOptions.put( "junit", Boolean.TRUE );
 212  0
         return junitOptions;
     // single class test
     public void execute( String testSetName, ReporterFactory reporterManagerFactory )
         throws ReporterException, TestSetFailedException
 219  0
         if ( testSets == null )
 221  0
             throw new IllegalStateException( "You must call locateTestSets before calling execute" );
 223  0
         TestNGTestSet testSet = (TestNGTestSet) testSets.get( testSetName );
 225  0
         if ( testSet == null )
 227  0
             throw new TestSetFailedException( "Unable to find test set '" + testSetName + "' in suite" );
 230  0
         RunListener reporter = reporterManagerFactory.createReporter();
 231  0
         ConsoleOutputCapture.startCapture( (ConsoleOutputReceiver) reporter );
 233  0
         startTestSuite( reporter, this );
 235  0 new Class[]{ testSet.getTestClass() }, this.testSourceDirectory, this.options, this.version,
                             reporter, this, reportsDirectory, testMethodPattern );
 238  0
         finishTestSuite( reporter, this );
 239  0
     public static void startTestSuite( RunListener reporter, Object suite )
 243  0
         ReportEntry report = new SimpleReportEntry( suite.getClass().getName(), getSuiteName( suite ) );
 247  0
             reporter.testSetStarting( report );
 249  0
         catch ( ReporterException e )
             // TODO: remove this exception from the report manager
 252  0
 253  0
     public static void finishTestSuite( RunListener reporterManager, Object suite )
         throws ReporterException
 258  0
         ReportEntry report = new SimpleReportEntry( suite.getClass().getName(), getSuiteName( suite ) );
 260  0
         reporterManager.testSetCompleted( report );
 261  0
     public String getSuiteName()
 265  0
         String result = (String) options.get( "suitename" );
 266  0
         if ( result == null )
 268  0
             result = "TestSuite";
 270  0
         return result;
     private static String getSuiteName( Object suite )
         String result;
 276  0
         if ( suite instanceof TestNGDirectoryTestSuite )
 278  0
             return ( (TestNGDirectoryTestSuite) suite ).getSuiteName();
 280  0
         else if ( suite instanceof TestNGXmlTestSuite )
 282  0
             return ( (TestNGXmlTestSuite) suite ).getSuiteName();
 286  0
             result = "TestSuite";
 289  0
         return result;
     public Map locateTestSets( ClassLoader classLoader )
         throws TestSetFailedException
 295  0
         if ( testSets != null )
 297  0
             throw new IllegalStateException( "You can't call locateTestSets twice" );
 299  0
         testSets = new TreeMap();
 301  0
         final TestsToRun scanned = scanResult.applyFilter( new NonAbstractClassFilter(), classLoader );
 303  0
         final TestsToRun testsToRun = runOrderCalculator.orderTestClasses( scanned );
 305  0
         for ( Iterator it = testsToRun.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 307  0
             Class testClass = (Class);
 308  0
             TestNGTestSet testSet = new TestNGTestSet( testClass );
 310  0
             if ( testSets.containsKey( testSet.getName() ) )
 312  0
                 throw new TestSetFailedException( "Duplicate test set '" + testSet.getName() + "'" );
 314  0
             testSets.put( testSet.getName(), testSet );
 316  0
 318  0
         return Collections.unmodifiableSortedMap( testSets );