Class EmptyRepositoryHashSearch

  extended by org.apache.maven.shared.jar.identification.repository.EmptyRepositoryHashSearch
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EmptyRepositoryHashSearch
extends Object
implements RepositoryHashSearch

Empty repository hash search. Always returns an empty list.

Used for local only implementation of a RepositoryHashSearch. It is expected for the users of this library to provide an implementation of a RepositoryHashSearch against a real repository.

'Plexus Component:'
role="org.apache.maven.shared.jar.identification.repository.RepositoryHashSearch" role-hint="empty"

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 List searchBytecodeHash(String hash)
          Search the repository for artifacts matching the given hash code when consider the bytecode of the classes in the file.
 List searchFileHash(String hash)
          Search the repository for artifacts matching the given hash code when consider the entire contents of the file.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EmptyRepositoryHashSearch()
Method Detail


public List searchBytecodeHash(String hash)
Description copied from interface: RepositoryHashSearch
Search the repository for artifacts matching the given hash code when consider the bytecode of the classes in the file.

Specified by:
searchBytecodeHash in interface RepositoryHashSearch
hash - the hash code to use
a list of Artifact instances that matched


public List searchFileHash(String hash)
Description copied from interface: RepositoryHashSearch
Search the repository for artifacts matching the given hash code when consider the entire contents of the file.

Specified by:
searchFileHash in interface RepositoryHashSearch
hash - the hash code to use
a list of Artifact instances that matched

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