Class DefaultInvoker

  extended by org.apache.maven.shared.invoker.DefaultInvoker
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultInvoker
extends Object
implements Invoker

Class intended to be used by clients who wish to invoke a forked Maven process from their applications

Plexus component:

Field Summary
static String ROLE_HINT
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.maven.shared.invoker.Invoker
ROLE, userHome
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 InvocationResult execute(InvocationRequest request)
          Executes Maven using the parameters specified by the given invocation request.
 File getLocalRepositoryDirectory()
          Gets the path to the base directory of the local repository to use for the Maven invocation.
 InvokerLogger getLogger()
          Gets the logger used by this invoker to output diagnostic messages.
 File getMavenHome()
          Gets the path to the base directory of the Maven installation used to invoke Maven.
 File getWorkingDirectory()
          Gets the working directory for the Maven invocation.
 Invoker setErrorHandler(InvocationOutputHandler errorHandler)
          Sets the handler used to capture the error output from the Maven build.
 Invoker setInputStream(InputStream inputStream)
          Sets the input stream used to provide input for the invoked Maven build.
 Invoker setLocalRepositoryDirectory(File localRepositoryDirectory)
          Sets the path to the base directory of the local repository to use for the Maven invocation.
 Invoker setLogger(InvokerLogger logger)
          Sets the logger used by this invoker to output diagnostic messages.
 Invoker setMavenHome(File mavenHome)
          Sets the path to the base directory of the Maven installation used to invoke Maven.
 Invoker setOutputHandler(InvocationOutputHandler outputHandler)
          Sets the handler used to capture the standard output from the Maven build.
 Invoker setWorkingDirectory(File workingDirectory)
          Sets the working directory for the Maven invocation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String ROLE_HINT
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DefaultInvoker()
Method Detail


public InvocationResult execute(InvocationRequest request)
                         throws MavenInvocationException
Description copied from interface: Invoker
Executes Maven using the parameters specified by the given invocation request. Parameters not specified by the invocation request will be derived from the state of this invoker instance. In case both the invoker instance and the invocation request provide a value for a particular option, the value from the invocation request dominates.

Specified by:
execute in interface Invoker
request - The invocation request to execute, must not be null.
The result of the Maven invocation, never null.


public File getLocalRepositoryDirectory()
Description copied from interface: Invoker
Gets the path to the base directory of the local repository to use for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
getLocalRepositoryDirectory in interface Invoker
The path to the base directory of the local repository or null to use the location from the settings.xml.


public InvokerLogger getLogger()
Description copied from interface: Invoker
Gets the logger used by this invoker to output diagnostic messages.

Specified by:
getLogger in interface Invoker
The logger used by this invoker to output diagnostic messages, never null.


public Invoker setLocalRepositoryDirectory(File localRepositoryDirectory)
Description copied from interface: Invoker
Sets the path to the base directory of the local repository to use for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setLocalRepositoryDirectory in interface Invoker
localRepositoryDirectory - The path to the base directory of the local repository or null to use the location from the settings.xml.
This invoker instance.


public Invoker setLogger(InvokerLogger logger)
Description copied from interface: Invoker
Sets the logger used by this invoker to output diagnostic messages.

Specified by:
setLogger in interface Invoker
logger - The logger used by this invoker to output diagnostic messages, may be null to use a default logger.
This invoker instance.


public File getWorkingDirectory()
Description copied from interface: Invoker
Gets the working directory for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
getWorkingDirectory in interface Invoker
The working directory for the Maven invocation or null if the working directory is derived from the base directory of the processed POM.


public Invoker setWorkingDirectory(File workingDirectory)
Description copied from interface: Invoker
Sets the working directory for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setWorkingDirectory in interface Invoker
workingDirectory - The working directory for the Maven invocation, may be null to derive the working directory from the base directory of the processed POM.
This invoker instance.


public File getMavenHome()
Description copied from interface: Invoker
Gets the path to the base directory of the Maven installation used to invoke Maven.

Specified by:
getMavenHome in interface Invoker
The path to the base directory of the Maven installation or null if using the default Maven installation.


public Invoker setMavenHome(File mavenHome)
Description copied from interface: Invoker
Sets the path to the base directory of the Maven installation used to invoke Maven. This parameter may be left unspecified to use the default Maven installation which will be discovered by evaluating the system property maven.home and the environment variable M2_HOME.

Specified by:
setMavenHome in interface Invoker
mavenHome - The path to the base directory of the Maven installation, may be null to use the default Maven installation.
This invoker instance.


public Invoker setErrorHandler(InvocationOutputHandler errorHandler)
Description copied from interface: Invoker
Sets the handler used to capture the error output from the Maven build.

Specified by:
setErrorHandler in interface Invoker
errorHandler - The error handler, may be null if the output is not of interest.
This invoker instance.


public Invoker setInputStream(InputStream inputStream)
Description copied from interface: Invoker
Sets the input stream used to provide input for the invoked Maven build. This is in particular useful when invoking Maven in interactive mode.

Specified by:
setInputStream in interface Invoker
inputStream - The input stream used to provide input for the invoked Maven build, may be null if not required.
This invoker instance.


public Invoker setOutputHandler(InvocationOutputHandler outputHandler)
Description copied from interface: Invoker
Sets the handler used to capture the standard output from the Maven build.

Specified by:
setOutputHandler in interface Invoker
outputHandler - The output handler, may be null if the output is not of interest.
This invoker instance.

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