View Javadoc
1   package org.eclipse.aether.util.graph.transformer;
3   /*
4    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
5    * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
6    * distributed with this work for additional information
7    * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
8    * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
9    * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
10   * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
11   * 
12   *
13   * 
14   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
15   * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
17   * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
18   * specific language governing permissions and limitations
19   * under the License.
20   */
22  import java.util.ArrayList;
23  import java.util.Arrays;
24  import java.util.Collection;
25  import java.util.Collections;
26  import java.util.HashMap;
27  import java.util.HashSet;
28  import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
29  import java.util.Iterator;
30  import java.util.List;
31  import java.util.ListIterator;
32  import java.util.Map;
33  import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
35  import org.eclipse.aether.RepositoryException;
36  import org.eclipse.aether.artifact.Artifact;
37  import org.eclipse.aether.collection.DependencyGraphTransformationContext;
38  import org.eclipse.aether.collection.DependencyGraphTransformer;
39  import org.eclipse.aether.graph.DefaultDependencyNode;
40  import org.eclipse.aether.graph.Dependency;
41  import org.eclipse.aether.graph.DependencyNode;
42  import org.eclipse.aether.util.ConfigUtils;
44  /**
45   * A dependency graph transformer that resolves version and scope conflicts among dependencies. For a given set of
46   * conflicting nodes, one node will be chosen as the winner and the other nodes are removed from the dependency graph.
47   * The exact rules by which a winning node and its effective scope are determined are controlled by user-supplied
48   * implementations of {@link VersionSelector}, {@link ScopeSelector}, {@link OptionalitySelector} and
49   * {@link ScopeDeriver}.
50   * <p>
51   * By default, this graph transformer will turn the dependency graph into a tree without duplicate artifacts. Using the
52   * configuration property {@link #CONFIG_PROP_VERBOSE}, a verbose mode can be enabled where the graph is still turned
53   * into a tree but all nodes participating in a conflict are retained. The nodes that were rejected during conflict
54   * resolution have no children and link back to the winner node via the {@link #NODE_DATA_WINNER} key in their custom
55   * data. Additionally, the keys {@link #NODE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SCOPE} and {@link #NODE_DATA_ORIGINAL_OPTIONALITY} are used
56   * to store the original scope and optionality of each node. Obviously, the resulting dependency tree is not suitable
57   * for artifact resolution unless a filter is employed to exclude the duplicate dependencies.
58   * <p>
59   * This transformer will query the keys {@link TransformationContextKeys#CONFLICT_IDS},
60   * {@link TransformationContextKeys#SORTED_CONFLICT_IDS}, {@link TransformationContextKeys#CYCLIC_CONFLICT_IDS} for
61   * existing information about conflict ids. In absence of this information, it will automatically invoke the
62   * {@link ConflictIdSorter} to calculate it.
63   */
64  public final class ConflictResolver
65      implements DependencyGraphTransformer
66  {
68      /**
69       * The key in the repository session's {@link org.eclipse.aether.RepositorySystemSession#getConfigProperties()
70       * configuration properties} used to store a {@link Boolean} flag controlling the transformer's verbose mode.
71       */
72      public static final String CONFIG_PROP_VERBOSE = "aether.conflictResolver.verbose";
74      /**
75       * The key in the dependency node's {@link DependencyNode#getData() custom data} under which a reference to the
76       * {@link DependencyNode} which has won the conflict is stored.
77       */
78      public static final String NODE_DATA_WINNER = "conflict.winner";
80      /**
81       * The key in the dependency node's {@link DependencyNode#getData() custom data} under which the scope of the
82       * dependency before scope derivation and conflict resolution is stored.
83       */
84      public static final String NODE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SCOPE = "conflict.originalScope";
86      /**
87       * The key in the dependency node's {@link DependencyNode#getData() custom data} under which the optional flag of
88       * the dependency before derivation and conflict resolution is stored.
89       */
90      public static final String NODE_DATA_ORIGINAL_OPTIONALITY = "conflict.originalOptionality";
92      private final VersionSelector versionSelector;
94      private final ScopeSelector scopeSelector;
96      private final ScopeDeriver scopeDeriver;
98      private final OptionalitySelector optionalitySelector;
100     /**
101      * Creates a new conflict resolver instance with the specified hooks.
102      * 
103      * @param versionSelector The version selector to use, must not be {@code null}.
104      * @param scopeSelector The scope selector to use, must not be {@code null}.
105      * @param optionalitySelector The optionality selector ot use, must not be {@code null}.
106      * @param scopeDeriver The scope deriver to use, must not be {@code null}.
107      */
108     public ConflictResolver( VersionSelector versionSelector, ScopeSelector scopeSelector,
109                              OptionalitySelector optionalitySelector, ScopeDeriver scopeDeriver )
110     {
111         this.versionSelector = requireNonNull( versionSelector, "version selector cannot be null" );
112         this.scopeSelector = requireNonNull( scopeSelector, "scope selector cannot be null" );
113         this.optionalitySelector = requireNonNull( optionalitySelector, "optionality selector cannot be null" );
114         this.scopeDeriver = requireNonNull( scopeDeriver, "scope deriver cannot be null" );
115     }
117     public DependencyNode transformGraph( DependencyNode node, DependencyGraphTransformationContext context )
118         throws RepositoryException
119     {
120         List<?> sortedConflictIds = (List<?>) context.get( TransformationContextKeys.SORTED_CONFLICT_IDS );
121         if ( sortedConflictIds == null )
122         {
123             ConflictIdSorter sorter = new ConflictIdSorter();
124             sorter.transformGraph( node, context );
126             sortedConflictIds = (List<?>) context.get( TransformationContextKeys.SORTED_CONFLICT_IDS );
127         }
129         @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
130         Map<String, Object> stats = (Map<String, Object>) context.get( TransformationContextKeys.STATS );
131         long time1 = System.nanoTime();
133         @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
134         Collection<Collection<?>> conflictIdCycles =
135             (Collection<Collection<?>>) context.get( TransformationContextKeys.CYCLIC_CONFLICT_IDS );
136         if ( conflictIdCycles == null )
137         {
138             throw new RepositoryException( "conflict id cycles have not been identified" );
139         }
141         Map<?, ?> conflictIds = (Map<?, ?>) context.get( TransformationContextKeys.CONFLICT_IDS );
142         if ( conflictIds == null )
143         {
144             throw new RepositoryException( "conflict groups have not been identified" );
145         }
147         Map<Object, Collection<Object>> cyclicPredecessors = new HashMap<>();
148         for ( Collection<?> cycle : conflictIdCycles )
149         {
150             for ( Object conflictId : cycle )
151             {
152                 Collection<Object> predecessors = cyclicPredecessors.get( conflictId );
153                 if ( predecessors == null )
154                 {
155                     predecessors = new HashSet<>();
156                     cyclicPredecessors.put( conflictId, predecessors );
157                 }
158                 predecessors.addAll( cycle );
159             }
160         }
162         State state = new State( node, conflictIds, sortedConflictIds.size(), context );
163         for ( Iterator<?> it = sortedConflictIds.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
164         {
165             Object conflictId =;
167             // reset data structures for next graph walk
168             state.prepare( conflictId, cyclicPredecessors.get( conflictId ) );
170             // find nodes with the current conflict id and while walking the graph (more deeply), nuke leftover losers
171             gatherConflictItems( node, state );
173             // now that we know the min depth of the parents, update depth of conflict items
174             state.finish();
176             // earlier runs might have nuked all parents of the current conflict id, so it might not exist anymore
177             if ( !state.items.isEmpty() )
178             {
179                 ConflictContext ctx = state.conflictCtx;
180                 state.versionSelector.selectVersion( ctx );
181                 if ( ctx.winner == null )
182                 {
183                     throw new RepositoryException( "conflict resolver did not select winner among " + state.items );
184                 }
185                 DependencyNode winner = ctx.winner.node;
187                 state.scopeSelector.selectScope( ctx );
188                 if ( state.verbose )
189                 {
190                     winner.setData( NODE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SCOPE, winner.getDependency().getScope() );
191                 }
192                 winner.setScope( ctx.scope );
194                 state.optionalitySelector.selectOptionality( ctx );
195                 if ( state.verbose )
196                 {
197                     winner.setData( NODE_DATA_ORIGINAL_OPTIONALITY, winner.getDependency().isOptional() );
198                 }
199                 winner.setOptional( ctx.optional );
201                 removeLosers( state );
202             }
204             // record the winner so we can detect leftover losers during future graph walks
205             state.winner();
207             // in case of cycles, trigger final graph walk to ensure all leftover losers are gone
208             if ( !it.hasNext() && !conflictIdCycles.isEmpty() && state.conflictCtx.winner != null )
209             {
210                 DependencyNode winner = state.conflictCtx.winner.node;
211                 state.prepare( state, null );
212                 gatherConflictItems( winner, state );
213             }
214         }
216         if ( stats != null )
217         {
218             long time2 = System.nanoTime();
219             stats.put( "ConflictResolver.totalTime", time2 - time1 );
220             stats.put( "ConflictResolver.conflictItemCount", state.totalConflictItems );
221         }
223         return node;
224     }
226     private boolean gatherConflictItems( DependencyNode node, State state )
227         throws RepositoryException
228     {
229         Object conflictId = state.conflictIds.get( node );
230         if ( state.currentId.equals( conflictId ) )
231         {
232             // found it, add conflict item (if not already done earlier by another path)
233             state.add( node );
234             // we don't recurse here so we might miss losers beneath us, those will be nuked during future walks below
235         }
236         else if ( state.loser( node, conflictId ) )
237         {
238             // found a leftover loser (likely in a cycle) of an already processed conflict id, tell caller to nuke it
239             return false;
240         }
241         else if ( state.push( node, conflictId ) )
242         {
243             // found potential parent, no cycle and not visisted before with the same derived scope, so recurse
244             for ( Iterator<DependencyNode> it = node.getChildren().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
245             {
246                 DependencyNode child =;
247                 if ( !gatherConflictItems( child, state ) )
248                 {
249                     it.remove();
250                 }
251             }
252             state.pop();
253         }
254         return true;
255     }
257     private void removeLosers( State state )
258     {
259         ConflictItem winner = state.conflictCtx.winner;
260         List<DependencyNode> previousParent = null;
261         ListIterator<DependencyNode> childIt = null;
262         boolean conflictVisualized = false;
263         for ( ConflictItem item : state.items )
264         {
265             if ( item == winner )
266             {
267                 continue;
268             }
269             if ( item.parent != previousParent )
270             {
271                 childIt = item.parent.listIterator();
272                 previousParent = item.parent;
273                 conflictVisualized = false;
274             }
275             while ( childIt.hasNext() )
276             {
277                 DependencyNode child =;
278                 if ( child == item.node )
279                 {
280                     if ( state.verbose && !conflictVisualized && item.parent != winner.parent )
281                     {
282                         conflictVisualized = true;
283                         DependencyNode loser = new DefaultDependencyNode( child );
284                         loser.setData( NODE_DATA_WINNER, winner.node );
285                         loser.setData( NODE_DATA_ORIGINAL_SCOPE, loser.getDependency().getScope() );
286                         loser.setData( NODE_DATA_ORIGINAL_OPTIONALITY, loser.getDependency().isOptional() );
287                         loser.setScope( item.getScopes().iterator().next() );
288                         loser.setChildren( Collections.<DependencyNode>emptyList() );
289                         childIt.set( loser );
290                     }
291                     else
292                     {
293                         childIt.remove();
294                     }
295                     break;
296                 }
297             }
298         }
299         // there might still be losers beneath the winner (e.g. in case of cycles)
300         // those will be nuked during future graph walks when we include the winner in the recursion
301     }
303     static final class NodeInfo
304     {
306         /**
307          * The smallest depth at which the node was seen, used for "the" depth of its conflict items.
308          */
309         int minDepth;
311         /**
312          * The set of derived scopes the node was visited with, used to check whether an already seen node needs to be
313          * revisited again in context of another scope. To conserve memory, we start with {@code String} and update to
314          * {@code Set<String>} if needed.
315          */
316         Object derivedScopes;
318         /**
319          * The set of derived optionalities the node was visited with, used to check whether an already seen node needs
320          * to be revisited again in context of another optionality. To conserve memory, encoded as bit field (bit 0 ->
321          * optional=false, bit 1 -> optional=true).
322          */
323         int derivedOptionalities;
325         /**
326          * The conflict items which are immediate children of the node, used to easily update those conflict items after
327          * a new parent scope/optionality was encountered.
328          */
329         List<ConflictItem> children;
331         static final int CHANGE_SCOPE = 0x01;
333         static final int CHANGE_OPTIONAL = 0x02;
335         private static final int OPT_FALSE = 0x01;
337         private static final int OPT_TRUE = 0x02;
339         NodeInfo( int depth, String derivedScope, boolean optional )
340         {
341             minDepth = depth;
342             derivedScopes = derivedScope;
343             derivedOptionalities = optional ? OPT_TRUE : OPT_FALSE;
344         }
346         @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
347         int update( int depth, String derivedScope, boolean optional )
348         {
349             if ( depth < minDepth )
350             {
351                 minDepth = depth;
352             }
353             int changes;
354             if ( derivedScopes.equals( derivedScope ) )
355             {
356                 changes = 0;
357             }
358             else if ( derivedScopes instanceof Collection )
359             {
360                 changes = ( (Collection<String>) derivedScopes ).add( derivedScope ) ? CHANGE_SCOPE : 0;
361             }
362             else
363             {
364                 Collection<String> scopes = new HashSet<>();
365                 scopes.add( (String) derivedScopes );
366                 scopes.add( derivedScope );
367                 derivedScopes = scopes;
368                 changes = CHANGE_SCOPE;
369             }
370             int bit = optional ? OPT_TRUE : OPT_FALSE;
371             if ( ( derivedOptionalities & bit ) == 0 )
372             {
373                 derivedOptionalities |= bit;
374                 changes |= CHANGE_OPTIONAL;
375             }
376             return changes;
377         }
379         void add( ConflictItem item )
380         {
381             if ( children == null )
382             {
383                 children = new ArrayList<>( 1 );
384             }
385             children.add( item );
386         }
388     }
390     final class State
391     {
393         /**
394          * The conflict id currently processed.
395          */
396         Object currentId;
398         /**
399          * Stats counter.
400          */
401         int totalConflictItems;
403         /**
404          * Flag whether we should keep losers in the graph to enable visualization/troubleshooting of conflicts.
405          */
406         final boolean verbose;
408         /**
409          * A mapping from conflict id to winner node, helps to recognize nodes that have their effective
410          * scope&optionality set or are leftovers from previous removals.
411          */
412         final Map<Object, DependencyNode> resolvedIds;
414         /**
415          * The set of conflict ids which could apply to ancestors of nodes with the current conflict id, used to avoid
416          * recursion early on. This is basically a superset of the key set of resolvedIds, the additional ids account
417          * for cyclic dependencies.
418          */
419         final Collection<Object> potentialAncestorIds;
421         /**
422          * The output from the conflict marker
423          */
424         final Map<?, ?> conflictIds;
426         /**
427          * The conflict items we have gathered so far for the current conflict id.
428          */
429         final List<ConflictItem> items;
431         /**
432          * The (conceptual) mapping from nodes to extra infos, technically keyed by the node's child list which better
433          * captures the identity of a node since we're basically concerned with effects towards children.
434          */
435         final Map<List<DependencyNode>, NodeInfo> infos;
437         /**
438          * The set of nodes on the DFS stack to detect cycles, technically keyed by the node's child list to match the
439          * dirty graph structure produced by the dependency collector for cycles.
440          */
441         final Map<List<DependencyNode>, Object> stack;
443         /**
444          * The stack of parent nodes.
445          */
446         final List<DependencyNode> parentNodes;
448         /**
449          * The stack of derived scopes for parent nodes.
450          */
451         final List<String> parentScopes;
453         /**
454          * The stack of derived optional flags for parent nodes.
455          */
456         final List<Boolean> parentOptionals;
458         /**
459          * The stack of node infos for parent nodes, may contain {@code null} which is used to disable creating new
460          * conflict items when visiting their parent again (conflict items are meant to be unique by parent-node combo).
461          */
462         final List<NodeInfo> parentInfos;
464         /**
465          * The conflict context passed to the version/scope/optionality selectors, updated as we move along rather than
466          * recreated to avoid tmp objects.
467          */
468         final ConflictContext conflictCtx;
470         /**
471          * The scope context passed to the scope deriver, updated as we move along rather than recreated to avoid tmp
472          * objects.
473          */
474         final ScopeContext scopeCtx;
476         /**
477          * The effective version selector, i.e. after initialization.
478          */
479         final VersionSelector versionSelector;
481         /**
482          * The effective scope selector, i.e. after initialization.
483          */
484         final ScopeSelector scopeSelector;
486         /**
487          * The effective scope deriver, i.e. after initialization.
488          */
489         final ScopeDeriver scopeDeriver;
491         /**
492          * The effective optionality selector, i.e. after initialization.
493          */
494         final OptionalitySelector optionalitySelector;
496         State( DependencyNode root, Map<?, ?> conflictIds, int conflictIdCount,
497                DependencyGraphTransformationContext context )
498             throws RepositoryException
499         {
500             this.conflictIds = conflictIds;
501             verbose = ConfigUtils.getBoolean( context.getSession(), false, CONFIG_PROP_VERBOSE );
502             potentialAncestorIds = new HashSet<>( conflictIdCount * 2 );
503             resolvedIds = new HashMap<>( conflictIdCount * 2 );
504             items = new ArrayList<>( 256 );
505             infos = new IdentityHashMap<>( 64 );
506             stack = new IdentityHashMap<>( 64 );
507             parentNodes = new ArrayList<>( 64 );
508             parentScopes = new ArrayList<>( 64 );
509             parentOptionals = new ArrayList<>( 64 );
510             parentInfos = new ArrayList<>( 64 );
511             conflictCtx = new ConflictContext( root, conflictIds, items );
512             scopeCtx = new ScopeContext( null, null );
513             versionSelector = ConflictResolver.this.versionSelector.getInstance( root, context );
514             scopeSelector = ConflictResolver.this.scopeSelector.getInstance( root, context );
515             scopeDeriver = ConflictResolver.this.scopeDeriver.getInstance( root, context );
516             optionalitySelector = ConflictResolver.this.optionalitySelector.getInstance( root, context );
517         }
519         void prepare( Object conflictId, Collection<Object> cyclicPredecessors )
520         {
521             currentId = conflictId;
522             conflictCtx.conflictId = conflictId;
523             conflictCtx.winner = null;
524             conflictCtx.scope = null;
525             conflictCtx.optional = null;
526             items.clear();
527             infos.clear();
528             if ( cyclicPredecessors != null )
529             {
530                 potentialAncestorIds.addAll( cyclicPredecessors );
531             }
532         }
534         void finish()
535         {
536             List<DependencyNode> previousParent = null;
537             int previousDepth = 0;
538             totalConflictItems += items.size();
539             for ( int i = items.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
540             {
541                 ConflictItem item = items.get( i );
542                 if ( item.parent == previousParent )
543                 {
544                     item.depth = previousDepth;
545                 }
546                 else if ( item.parent != null )
547                 {
548                     previousParent = item.parent;
549                     NodeInfo info = infos.get( previousParent );
550                     previousDepth = info.minDepth + 1;
551                     item.depth = previousDepth;
552                 }
553             }
554             potentialAncestorIds.add( currentId );
555         }
557         void winner()
558         {
559             resolvedIds.put( currentId, ( conflictCtx.winner != null ) ? conflictCtx.winner.node : null );
560         }
562         boolean loser( DependencyNode node, Object conflictId )
563         {
564             DependencyNode winner = resolvedIds.get( conflictId );
565             return winner != null && winner != node;
566         }
568         boolean push( DependencyNode node, Object conflictId )
569             throws RepositoryException
570         {
571             if ( conflictId == null )
572             {
573                 if ( node.getDependency() != null )
574                 {
575                     if ( node.getData().get( NODE_DATA_WINNER ) != null )
576                     {
577                         return false;
578                     }
579                     throw new RepositoryException( "missing conflict id for node " + node );
580                 }
581             }
582             else if ( !potentialAncestorIds.contains( conflictId ) )
583             {
584                 return false;
585             }
587             List<DependencyNode> graphNode = node.getChildren();
588             if ( stack.put( graphNode, Boolean.TRUE ) != null )
589             {
590                 return false;
591             }
593             int depth = depth();
594             String scope = deriveScope( node, conflictId );
595             boolean optional = deriveOptional( node, conflictId );
596             NodeInfo info = infos.get( graphNode );
597             if ( info == null )
598             {
599                 info = new NodeInfo( depth, scope, optional );
600                 infos.put( graphNode, info );
601                 parentInfos.add( info );
602                 parentNodes.add( node );
603                 parentScopes.add( scope );
604                 parentOptionals.add( optional );
605             }
606             else
607             {
608                 int changes = info.update( depth, scope, optional );
609                 if ( changes == 0 )
610                 {
611                     stack.remove( graphNode );
612                     return false;
613                 }
614                 parentInfos.add( null ); // disable creating new conflict items, we update the existing ones below
615                 parentNodes.add( node );
616                 parentScopes.add( scope );
617                 parentOptionals.add( optional );
618                 if ( info.children != null )
619                 {
620                     if ( ( changes & NodeInfo.CHANGE_SCOPE ) != 0 )
621                     {
622                         for ( int i = info.children.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
623                         {
624                             ConflictItem item = info.children.get( i );
625                             String childScope = deriveScope( item.node, null );
626                             item.addScope( childScope );
627                         }
628                     }
629                     if ( ( changes & NodeInfo.CHANGE_OPTIONAL ) != 0 )
630                     {
631                         for ( int i = info.children.size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
632                         {
633                             ConflictItem item = info.children.get( i );
634                             boolean childOptional = deriveOptional( item.node, null );
635                             item.addOptional( childOptional );
636                         }
637                     }
638                 }
639             }
641             return true;
642         }
644         void pop()
645         {
646             int last = parentInfos.size() - 1;
647             parentInfos.remove( last );
648             parentScopes.remove( last );
649             parentOptionals.remove( last );
650             DependencyNode node = parentNodes.remove( last );
651             stack.remove( node.getChildren() );
652         }
654         void add( DependencyNode node )
655             throws RepositoryException
656         {
657             DependencyNode parent = parent();
658             if ( parent == null )
659             {
660                 ConflictItem item = newConflictItem( parent, node );
661                 items.add( item );
662             }
663             else
664             {
665                 NodeInfo info = parentInfos.get( parentInfos.size() - 1 );
666                 if ( info != null )
667                 {
668                     ConflictItem item = newConflictItem( parent, node );
669                     info.add( item );
670                     items.add( item );
671                 }
672             }
673         }
675         private ConflictItem newConflictItem( DependencyNode parent, DependencyNode node )
676             throws RepositoryException
677         {
678             return new ConflictItem( parent, node, deriveScope( node, null ), deriveOptional( node, null ) );
679         }
681         private int depth()
682         {
683             return parentNodes.size();
684         }
686         private DependencyNode parent()
687         {
688             int size = parentNodes.size();
689             return ( size <= 0 ) ? null : parentNodes.get( size - 1 );
690         }
692         private String deriveScope( DependencyNode node, Object conflictId )
693             throws RepositoryException
694         {
695             if ( ( node.getManagedBits() & DependencyNode.MANAGED_SCOPE ) != 0
696                 || ( conflictId != null && resolvedIds.containsKey( conflictId ) ) )
697             {
698                 return scope( node.getDependency() );
699             }
701             int depth = parentNodes.size();
702             scopes( depth, node.getDependency() );
703             if ( depth > 0 )
704             {
705                 scopeDeriver.deriveScope( scopeCtx );
706             }
707             return scopeCtx.derivedScope;
708         }
710         private void scopes( int parent, Dependency child )
711         {
712             scopeCtx.parentScope = ( parent > 0 ) ? parentScopes.get( parent - 1 ) : null;
713             scopeCtx.derivedScope = scope( child );
714             scopeCtx.childScope = scope( child );
715         }
717         private String scope( Dependency dependency )
718         {
719             return ( dependency != null ) ? dependency.getScope() : null;
720         }
722         private boolean deriveOptional( DependencyNode node, Object conflictId )
723         {
724             Dependency dep = node.getDependency();
725             boolean optional = ( dep != null ) && dep.isOptional();
726             if ( optional || ( node.getManagedBits() & DependencyNode.MANAGED_OPTIONAL ) != 0
727                 || ( conflictId != null && resolvedIds.containsKey( conflictId ) ) )
728             {
729                 return optional;
730             }
731             int depth = parentNodes.size();
732             return ( depth > 0 ) ? parentOptionals.get( depth - 1 ) : false;
733         }
735     }
737     /**
738      * A context used to hold information that is relevant for deriving the scope of a child dependency.
739      * 
740      * @see ScopeDeriver
741      * @noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients in production code, the constructor may
742      *                change without notice and only exists to enable unit testing.
743      */
744     public static final class ScopeContext
745     {
747         String parentScope;
749         String childScope;
751         String derivedScope;
753         /**
754          * Creates a new scope context with the specified properties.
755          * 
756          * @param parentScope The scope of the parent dependency, may be {@code null}.
757          * @param childScope The scope of the child dependency, may be {@code null}.
758          * @noreference This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients in production code, the constructor may
759          *              change without notice and only exists to enable unit testing.
760          */
761         public ScopeContext( String parentScope, String childScope )
762         {
763             this.parentScope = ( parentScope != null ) ? parentScope : "";
764             derivedScope = ( childScope != null ) ? childScope : "";
765             this.childScope = ( childScope != null ) ? childScope : "";
766         }
768         /**
769          * Gets the scope of the parent dependency. This is usually the scope that was derived by earlier invocations of
770          * the scope deriver.
771          * 
772          * @return The scope of the parent dependency, never {@code null}.
773          */
774         public String getParentScope()
775         {
776             return parentScope;
777         }
779         /**
780          * Gets the original scope of the child dependency. This is the scope that was declared in the artifact
781          * descriptor of the parent dependency.
782          * 
783          * @return The original scope of the child dependency, never {@code null}.
784          */
785         public String getChildScope()
786         {
787             return childScope;
788         }
790         /**
791          * Gets the derived scope of the child dependency. This is initially equal to {@link #getChildScope()} until the
792          * scope deriver makes changes.
793          * 
794          * @return The derived scope of the child dependency, never {@code null}.
795          */
796         public String getDerivedScope()
797         {
798             return derivedScope;
799         }
801         /**
802          * Sets the derived scope of the child dependency.
803          * 
804          * @param derivedScope The derived scope of the dependency, may be {@code null}.
805          */
806         public void setDerivedScope( String derivedScope )
807         {
808             this.derivedScope = ( derivedScope != null ) ? derivedScope : "";
809         }
811     }
813     /**
814      * A conflicting dependency.
815      * 
816      * @noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients in production code, the constructor may
817      *                change without notice and only exists to enable unit testing.
818      */
819     public static final class ConflictItem
820     {
822         // nodes can share child lists, we care about the unique owner of a child node which is the child list
823         final List<DependencyNode> parent;
825         // only for debugging/toString() to help identify the parent node(s)
826         final Artifact artifact;
828         final DependencyNode node;
830         int depth;
832         // we start with String and update to Set<String> if needed
833         Object scopes;
835         // bit field of OPTIONAL_FALSE and OPTIONAL_TRUE
836         int optionalities;
838         /**
839          * Bit flag indicating whether one or more paths consider the dependency non-optional.
840          */
841         public static final int OPTIONAL_FALSE = 0x01;
843         /**
844          * Bit flag indicating whether one or more paths consider the dependency optional.
845          */
846         public static final int OPTIONAL_TRUE = 0x02;
848         ConflictItem( DependencyNode parent, DependencyNode node, String scope, boolean optional )
849         {
850             if ( parent != null )
851             {
852                 this.parent = parent.getChildren();
853                 this.artifact = parent.getArtifact();
854             }
855             else
856             {
857                 this.parent = null;
858                 this.artifact = null;
859             }
860             this.node = node;
861             this.scopes = scope;
862             this.optionalities = optional ? OPTIONAL_TRUE : OPTIONAL_FALSE;
863         }
865         /**
866          * Creates a new conflict item with the specified properties.
867          * 
868          * @param parent The parent node of the conflicting dependency, may be {@code null}.
869          * @param node The conflicting dependency, must not be {@code null}.
870          * @param depth The zero-based depth of the conflicting dependency.
871          * @param optionalities The optionalities the dependency was encountered with, encoded as a bit field consisting
872          *            of {@link ConflictResolver.ConflictItem#OPTIONAL_TRUE} and
873          *            {@link ConflictResolver.ConflictItem#OPTIONAL_FALSE}.
874          * @param scopes The derived scopes of the conflicting dependency, must not be {@code null}.
875          * @noreference This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients in production code, the constructor may
876          *              change without notice and only exists to enable unit testing.
877          */
878         public ConflictItem( DependencyNode parent, DependencyNode node, int depth, int optionalities,
879                              String... scopes )
880         {
881             this.parent = ( parent != null ) ? parent.getChildren() : null;
882             this.artifact = ( parent != null ) ? parent.getArtifact() : null;
883             this.node = node;
884             this.depth = depth;
885             this.optionalities = optionalities;
886             this.scopes = Arrays.asList( scopes );
887         }
889         /**
890          * Determines whether the specified conflict item is a sibling of this item.
891          * 
892          * @param item The other conflict item, must not be {@code null}.
893          * @return {@code true} if the given item has the same parent as this item, {@code false} otherwise.
894          */
895         public boolean isSibling( ConflictItem item )
896         {
897             return parent == item.parent;
898         }
900         /**
901          * Gets the dependency node involved in the conflict.
902          * 
903          * @return The involved dependency node, never {@code null}.
904          */
905         public DependencyNode getNode()
906         {
907             return node;
908         }
910         /**
911          * Gets the dependency involved in the conflict, short for {@code getNode.getDependency()}.
912          * 
913          * @return The involved dependency, never {@code null}.
914          */
915         public Dependency getDependency()
916         {
917             return node.getDependency();
918         }
920         /**
921          * Gets the zero-based depth at which the conflicting node occurs in the graph. As such, the depth denotes the
922          * number of parent nodes. If actually multiple paths lead to the node, the return value denotes the smallest
923          * possible depth.
924          * 
925          * @return The zero-based depth of the node in the graph.
926          */
927         public int getDepth()
928         {
929             return depth;
930         }
932         /**
933          * Gets the derived scopes of the dependency. In general, the same dependency node could be reached via
934          * different paths and each path might result in a different derived scope.
935          * 
936          * @see ScopeDeriver
937          * @return The (read-only) set of derived scopes of the dependency, never {@code null}.
938          */
939         @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
940         public Collection<String> getScopes()
941         {
942             if ( scopes instanceof String )
943             {
944                 return Collections.singleton( (String) scopes );
945             }
946             return (Collection<String>) scopes;
947         }
949         @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
950         void addScope( String scope )
951         {
952             if ( scopes instanceof Collection )
953             {
954                 ( (Collection<String>) scopes ).add( scope );
955             }
956             else if ( !scopes.equals( scope ) )
957             {
958                 Collection<Object> set = new HashSet<>();
959                 set.add( scopes );
960                 set.add( scope );
961                 scopes = set;
962             }
963         }
965         /**
966          * Gets the derived optionalities of the dependency. In general, the same dependency node could be reached via
967          * different paths and each path might result in a different derived optionality.
968          * 
969          * @return A bit field consisting of {@link ConflictResolver.ConflictItem#OPTIONAL_FALSE} and/or
970          *         {@link ConflictResolver.ConflictItem#OPTIONAL_TRUE} indicating the derived optionalities the
971          *         dependency was encountered with.
972          */
973         public int getOptionalities()
974         {
975             return optionalities;
976         }
978         void addOptional( boolean optional )
979         {
980             optionalities |= optional ? OPTIONAL_TRUE : OPTIONAL_FALSE;
981         }
983         @Override
984         public String toString()
985         {
986             return node + " @ " + depth + " < " + artifact;
987         }
989     }
991     /**
992      * A context used to hold information that is relevant for resolving version and scope conflicts.
993      * 
994      * @see VersionSelector
995      * @see ScopeSelector
996      * @noinstantiate This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients in production code, the constructor may
997      *                change without notice and only exists to enable unit testing.
998      */
999     public static final class ConflictContext
1000     {
1002         final DependencyNode root;
1004         final Map<?, ?> conflictIds;
1006         final Collection<ConflictItem> items;
1008         Object conflictId;
1010         ConflictItem winner;
1012         String scope;
1014         Boolean optional;
1016         ConflictContext( DependencyNode root, Map<?, ?> conflictIds, Collection<ConflictItem> items )
1017         {
1018             this.root = root;
1019             this.conflictIds = conflictIds;
1020             this.items = Collections.unmodifiableCollection( items );
1021         }
1023         /**
1024          * Creates a new conflict context.
1025          * 
1026          * @param root The root node of the dependency graph, must not be {@code null}.
1027          * @param conflictId The conflict id for the set of conflicting dependencies in this context, must not be
1028          *            {@code null}.
1029          * @param conflictIds The mapping from dependency node to conflict id, must not be {@code null}.
1030          * @param items The conflict items in this context, must not be {@code null}.
1031          * @noreference This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients in production code, the constructor may
1032          *              change without notice and only exists to enable unit testing.
1033          */
1034         public ConflictContext( DependencyNode root, Object conflictId, Map<DependencyNode, Object> conflictIds,
1035                                 Collection<ConflictItem> items )
1036         {
1037             this( root, conflictIds, items );
1038             this.conflictId = conflictId;
1039         }
1041         /**
1042          * Gets the root node of the dependency graph being transformed.
1043          * 
1044          * @return The root node of the dependeny graph, never {@code null}.
1045          */
1046         public DependencyNode getRoot()
1047         {
1048             return root;
1049         }
1051         /**
1052          * Determines whether the specified dependency node belongs to this conflict context.
1053          * 
1054          * @param node The dependency node to check, must not be {@code null}.
1055          * @return {@code true} if the given node belongs to this conflict context, {@code false} otherwise.
1056          */
1057         public boolean isIncluded( DependencyNode node )
1058         {
1059             return conflictId.equals( conflictIds.get( node ) );
1060         }
1062         /**
1063          * Gets the collection of conflict items in this context.
1064          * 
1065          * @return The (read-only) collection of conflict items in this context, never {@code null}.
1066          */
1067         public Collection<ConflictItem> getItems()
1068         {
1069             return items;
1070         }
1072         /**
1073          * Gets the conflict item which has been selected as the winner among the conflicting dependencies.
1074          * 
1075          * @return The winning conflict item or {@code null} if not set yet.
1076          */
1077         public ConflictItem getWinner()
1078         {
1079             return winner;
1080         }
1082         /**
1083          * Sets the conflict item which has been selected as the winner among the conflicting dependencies.
1084          * 
1085          * @param winner The winning conflict item, may be {@code null}.
1086          */
1087         public void setWinner( ConflictItem winner )
1088         {
1089             this.winner = winner;
1090         }
1092         /**
1093          * Gets the effective scope of the winning dependency.
1094          * 
1095          * @return The effective scope of the winning dependency or {@code null} if none.
1096          */
1097         public String getScope()
1098         {
1099             return scope;
1100         }
1102         /**
1103          * Sets the effective scope of the winning dependency.
1104          * 
1105          * @param scope The effective scope, may be {@code null}.
1106          */
1107         public void setScope( String scope )
1108         {
1109             this.scope = scope;
1110         }
1112         /**
1113          * Gets the effective optional flag of the winning dependency.
1114          * 
1115          * @return The effective optional flag or {@code null} if none.
1116          */
1117         public Boolean getOptional()
1118         {
1119             return optional;
1120         }
1122         /**
1123          * Sets the effective optional flag of the winning dependency.
1124          * 
1125          * @param optional The effective optional flag, may be {@code null}.
1126          */
1127         public void setOptional( Boolean optional )
1128         {
1129             this.optional = optional;
1130         }
1132         @Override
1133         public String toString()
1134         {
1135             return winner + " @ " + scope + " < " + items;
1136         }
1138     }
1140     /**
1141      * An extension point of {@link ConflictResolver} that determines the winner among conflicting dependencies. The
1142      * winning node (and its children) will be retained in the dependency graph, the other nodes will get removed. The
1143      * version selector does not need to deal with potential scope conflicts, these will be addressed afterwards by the
1144      * {@link ScopeSelector}.
1145      * <p>
1146      * <strong>Note:</strong> Implementations must be stateless.
1147      */
1148     public abstract static class VersionSelector
1149     {
1151         /**
1152          * Retrieves the version selector for use during the specified graph transformation. The conflict resolver calls
1153          * this method once per
1154          * {@link ConflictResolver#transformGraph(DependencyNode, DependencyGraphTransformationContext)} invocation to
1155          * allow implementations to prepare any auxiliary data that is needed for their operation. Given that
1156          * implementations must be stateless, a new instance needs to be returned to hold such auxiliary data. The
1157          * default implementation simply returns the current instance which is appropriate for implementations which do
1158          * not require auxiliary data.
1159          * 
1160          * @param root The root node of the (possibly cyclic!) graph to transform, must not be {@code null}.
1161          * @param context The graph transformation context, must not be {@code null}.
1162          * @return The scope deriver to use for the given graph transformation, never {@code null}.
1163          * @throws RepositoryException If the instance could not be retrieved.
1164          */
1165         public VersionSelector getInstance( DependencyNode root, DependencyGraphTransformationContext context )
1166             throws RepositoryException
1167         {
1168             return this;
1169         }
1171         /**
1172          * Determines the winning node among conflicting dependencies. Implementations will usually iterate
1173          * {@link ConflictContext#getItems()}, inspect {@link ConflictItem#getNode()} and eventually call
1174          * {@link ConflictContext#setWinner(ConflictResolver.ConflictItem)} to deliver the winner. Failure to select a
1175          * winner will automatically fail the entire conflict resolution.
1176          * 
1177          * @param context The conflict context, must not be {@code null}.
1178          * @throws RepositoryException If the version selection failed.
1179          */
1180         public abstract void selectVersion( ConflictContext context )
1181             throws RepositoryException;
1183     }
1185     /**
1186      * An extension point of {@link ConflictResolver} that determines the effective scope of a dependency from a
1187      * potentially conflicting set of {@link ScopeDeriver derived scopes}. The scope selector gets invoked after the
1188      * {@link VersionSelector} has picked the winning node.
1189      * <p>
1190      * <strong>Note:</strong> Implementations must be stateless.
1191      */
1192     public abstract static class ScopeSelector
1193     {
1195         /**
1196          * Retrieves the scope selector for use during the specified graph transformation. The conflict resolver calls
1197          * this method once per
1198          * {@link ConflictResolver#transformGraph(DependencyNode, DependencyGraphTransformationContext)} invocation to
1199          * allow implementations to prepare any auxiliary data that is needed for their operation. Given that
1200          * implementations must be stateless, a new instance needs to be returned to hold such auxiliary data. The
1201          * default implementation simply returns the current instance which is appropriate for implementations which do
1202          * not require auxiliary data.
1203          * 
1204          * @param root The root node of the (possibly cyclic!) graph to transform, must not be {@code null}.
1205          * @param context The graph transformation context, must not be {@code null}.
1206          * @return The scope selector to use for the given graph transformation, never {@code null}.
1207          * @throws RepositoryException If the instance could not be retrieved.
1208          */
1209         public ScopeSelector getInstance( DependencyNode root, DependencyGraphTransformationContext context )
1210             throws RepositoryException
1211         {
1212             return this;
1213         }
1215         /**
1216          * Determines the effective scope of the dependency given by {@link ConflictContext#getWinner()}.
1217          * Implementations will usually iterate {@link ConflictContext#getItems()}, inspect
1218          * {@link ConflictItem#getScopes()} and eventually call {@link ConflictContext#setScope(String)} to deliver the
1219          * effective scope.
1220          * 
1221          * @param context The conflict context, must not be {@code null}.
1222          * @throws RepositoryException If the scope selection failed.
1223          */
1224         public abstract void selectScope( ConflictContext context )
1225             throws RepositoryException;
1227     }
1229     /**
1230      * An extension point of {@link ConflictResolver} that determines the scope of a dependency in relation to the scope
1231      * of its parent.
1232      * <p>
1233      * <strong>Note:</strong> Implementations must be stateless.
1234      */
1235     public abstract static class ScopeDeriver
1236     {
1238         /**
1239          * Retrieves the scope deriver for use during the specified graph transformation. The conflict resolver calls
1240          * this method once per
1241          * {@link ConflictResolver#transformGraph(DependencyNode, DependencyGraphTransformationContext)} invocation to
1242          * allow implementations to prepare any auxiliary data that is needed for their operation. Given that
1243          * implementations must be stateless, a new instance needs to be returned to hold such auxiliary data. The
1244          * default implementation simply returns the current instance which is appropriate for implementations which do
1245          * not require auxiliary data.
1246          * 
1247          * @param root The root node of the (possibly cyclic!) graph to transform, must not be {@code null}.
1248          * @param context The graph transformation context, must not be {@code null}.
1249          * @return The scope deriver to use for the given graph transformation, never {@code null}.
1250          * @throws RepositoryException If the instance could not be retrieved.
1251          */
1252         public ScopeDeriver getInstance( DependencyNode root, DependencyGraphTransformationContext context )
1253             throws RepositoryException
1254         {
1255             return this;
1256         }
1258         /**
1259          * Determines the scope of a dependency in relation to the scope of its parent. Implementors need to call
1260          * {@link ScopeContext#setDerivedScope(String)} to deliver the result of their calculation. If said method is
1261          * not invoked, the conflict resolver will assume the scope of the child dependency remains unchanged.
1262          * 
1263          * @param context The scope context, must not be {@code null}.
1264          * @throws RepositoryException If the scope deriviation failed.
1265          */
1266         public abstract void deriveScope( ScopeContext context )
1267             throws RepositoryException;
1269     }
1271     /**
1272      * An extension point of {@link ConflictResolver} that determines the effective optional flag of a dependency from a
1273      * potentially conflicting set of derived optionalities. The optionality selector gets invoked after the
1274      * {@link VersionSelector} has picked the winning node.
1275      * <p>
1276      * <strong>Note:</strong> Implementations must be stateless.
1277      */
1278     public abstract static class OptionalitySelector
1279     {
1281         /**
1282          * Retrieves the optionality selector for use during the specified graph transformation. The conflict resolver
1283          * calls this method once per
1284          * {@link ConflictResolver#transformGraph(DependencyNode, DependencyGraphTransformationContext)} invocation to
1285          * allow implementations to prepare any auxiliary data that is needed for their operation. Given that
1286          * implementations must be stateless, a new instance needs to be returned to hold such auxiliary data. The
1287          * default implementation simply returns the current instance which is appropriate for implementations which do
1288          * not require auxiliary data.
1289          * 
1290          * @param root The root node of the (possibly cyclic!) graph to transform, must not be {@code null}.
1291          * @param context The graph transformation context, must not be {@code null}.
1292          * @return The optionality selector to use for the given graph transformation, never {@code null}.
1293          * @throws RepositoryException If the instance could not be retrieved.
1294          */
1295         public OptionalitySelector getInstance( DependencyNode root, DependencyGraphTransformationContext context )
1296             throws RepositoryException
1297         {
1298             return this;
1299         }
1301         /**
1302          * Determines the effective optional flag of the dependency given by {@link ConflictContext#getWinner()}.
1303          * Implementations will usually iterate {@link ConflictContext#getItems()}, inspect
1304          * {@link ConflictItem#getOptionalities()} and eventually call {@link ConflictContext#setOptional(Boolean)} to
1305          * deliver the effective optional flag.
1306          * 
1307          * @param context The conflict context, must not be {@code null}.
1308          * @throws RepositoryException If the optionality selection failed.
1309          */
1310         public abstract void selectOptionality( ConflictContext context )
1311             throws RepositoryException;
1313     }
1315 }