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6   package org.apache.maven.plugins.invoker.model;
8   /**
9    * 
10   *         Describes a build job processed by the Maven Invoker
11   * Plugin. A build job can consist of a pre-build hook script,
12   *         one ore more invocations of Maven and a post-build hook
13   * script.
14   *       
15   * 
16   * @version $Revision$ $Date$
17   */
18  @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
19  public class BuildJob
20      implements
21  {
23        //--------------------------/
24       //- Class/Member Variables -/
25      //--------------------------/
27      /**
28       * The path to the project to build. This path is usually
29       * relative and can denote both a POM file or a project
30       * directory.
31       */
32      private String project;
34      /**
35       * The name of this build job.
36       */
37      private String name;
39      /**
40       * The description of this build job.
41       */
42      private String description;
44      /**
45       * The result of this build job.
46       */
47      private String result;
49      /**
50       * Any failure message(s) in case this build job failed.
51       */
52      private String failureMessage;
54      /**
55       * The number of seconds that this build job took to complete.
56       */
57      private double time = 0.0;
59      /**
60       * The type of the build job.
61       */
62      private String type = "normal";
64      /**
65       * BuildJobs will be sorted in the descending order of the
66       * ordinal. In other words, the BuildJobs with the highest
67       * numbers will be executed first.
68       */
69      private int ordinal = 0;
71      /**
72       * The build log filename.
73       */
74      private String buildlog;
76      /**
77       * Field modelEncoding.
78       */
79      private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
82        //-----------/
83       //- Methods -/
84      //-----------/
86      /**
87       * Get the build log filename.
88       * 
89       * @return String
90       */
91      public String getBuildlog()
92      {
93          return this.buildlog;
94      } //-- String getBuildlog()
96      /**
97       * Get the description of this build job.
98       * 
99       * @return String
100      */
101     public String getDescription()
102     {
103         return this.description;
104     } //-- String getDescription()
106     /**
107      * Get any failure message(s) in case this build job failed.
108      * 
109      * @return String
110      */
111     public String getFailureMessage()
112     {
113         return this.failureMessage;
114     } //-- String getFailureMessage()
116     /**
117      * Get the modelEncoding field.
118      * 
119      * @return String
120      */
121     public String getModelEncoding()
122     {
123         return this.modelEncoding;
124     } //-- String getModelEncoding()
126     /**
127      * Get the name of this build job.
128      * 
129      * @return String
130      */
131     public String getName()
132     {
133         return;
134     } //-- String getName()
136     /**
137      * Get buildJobs will be sorted in the descending order of the
138      * ordinal. In other words, the BuildJobs with the highest
139      * numbers will be executed first.
140      * 
141      * @return int
142      */
143     public int getOrdinal()
144     {
145         return this.ordinal;
146     } //-- int getOrdinal()
148     /**
149      * Get the path to the project to build. This path is usually
150      * relative and can denote both a POM file or a project
151      * directory.
152      * 
153      * @return String
154      */
155     public String getProject()
156     {
157         return this.project;
158     } //-- String getProject()
160     /**
161      * Get the result of this build job.
162      * 
163      * @return String
164      */
165     public String getResult()
166     {
167         return this.result;
168     } //-- String getResult()
170     /**
171      * Get the number of seconds that this build job took to
172      * complete.
173      * 
174      * @return double
175      */
176     public double getTime()
177     {
178         return this.time;
179     } //-- double getTime()
181     /**
182      * Get the type of the build job.
183      * 
184      * @return String
185      */
186     public String getType()
187     {
188         return this.type;
189     } //-- String getType()
191     /**
192      * Set the build log filename.
193      * 
194      * @param buildlog a buildlog object.
195      */
196     public void setBuildlog( String buildlog )
197     {
198         this.buildlog = buildlog;
199     } //-- void setBuildlog( String )
201     /**
202      * Set the description of this build job.
203      * 
204      * @param description a description object.
205      */
206     public void setDescription( String description )
207     {
208         this.description = description;
209     } //-- void setDescription( String )
211     /**
212      * Set any failure message(s) in case this build job failed.
213      * 
214      * @param failureMessage a failureMessage object.
215      */
216     public void setFailureMessage( String failureMessage )
217     {
218         this.failureMessage = failureMessage;
219     } //-- void setFailureMessage( String )
221     /**
222      * Set the modelEncoding field.
223      * 
224      * @param modelEncoding a modelEncoding object.
225      */
226     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
227     {
228         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
229     } //-- void setModelEncoding( String )
231     /**
232      * Set the name of this build job.
233      * 
234      * @param name a name object.
235      */
236     public void setName( String name )
237     {
238 = name;
239     } //-- void setName( String )
241     /**
242      * Set buildJobs will be sorted in the descending order of the
243      * ordinal. In other words, the BuildJobs with the highest
244      * numbers will be executed first.
245      * 
246      * @param ordinal a ordinal object.
247      */
248     public void setOrdinal( int ordinal )
249     {
250         this.ordinal = ordinal;
251     } //-- void setOrdinal( int )
253     /**
254      * Set the path to the project to build. This path is usually
255      * relative and can denote both a POM file or a project
256      * directory.
257      * 
258      * @param project a project object.
259      */
260     public void setProject( String project )
261     {
262         this.project = project;
263     } //-- void setProject( String )
265     /**
266      * Set the result of this build job.
267      * 
268      * @param result a result object.
269      */
270     public void setResult( String result )
271     {
272         this.result = result;
273     } //-- void setResult( String )
275     /**
276      * Set the number of seconds that this build job took to
277      * complete.
278      * 
279      * @param time a time object.
280      */
281     public void setTime( double time )
282     {
283         this.time = time;
284     } //-- void setTime( double )
286     /**
287      * Set the type of the build job.
288      * 
289      * @param type a type object.
290      */
291     public void setType( String type )
292     {
293         this.type = type;
294     } //-- void setType( String )
297     /**
298      * Creates a new empty build job.
299      */
300     public BuildJob()
301     {
302         // enables no-arg construction
303     }
305     /**
306      * Creates a new build job with the specified project path.
307      * 
308      * @param project The path to the project.
309      */
310     public BuildJob( String project )
311     {
312         this.project = project;
313     }
315     public boolean isNotError()
316     {
317         return Result.SUCCESS.equals( result ) || Result.SKIPPED.equals( result );
318     }
321     /**
322      * The various results with which a build job can complete.
323      */
324     public static class Result
325     {
327         /**
328          * The result value corresponding with a successful invocation of Maven and completion of all post-hook scripts.
329          */
330         public static final String SUCCESS = "success";
332         /**
333          * The result value corresponding with an invocation that failed before Maven was be invoked.
334          */
335         public static final String FAILURE_PRE_HOOK = "failure-pre-hook";
337         /**
338          * The result value corresponding with an invocation that failed while invoking of Maven.
339          */
340         public static final String FAILURE_BUILD = "failure-build";
342         /**
343          * The result value corresponding with an invocation that failed after the invocation of Maven.
344          */
345         public static final String FAILURE_POST_HOOK = "failure-post-hook";
347         /**
348          * The result value corresponding with an invocation that was skipped.
349          */
350         public static final String SKIPPED = "skipped";
352         /**
353          * The result value corresponding with an unexpected error trying to invoke Maven.
354          */
355         public static final String ERROR = "error";
357     }
360     /**
361      * The various types of a build job.
362      */
363     public static class Type
364     {
366         /**
367          * A build job that should be invoked before any non-setup build jobs.
368          */
369         public static final String SETUP = "setup";
371         /**
372          * A normal build job.
373          */
374         public static final String NORMAL = "normal";
376     }
379     public String toString()
380     {
381         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer( 128 );
382         buf.append( "BuildJob[project = \"" );
383         buf.append( project );
384         buf.append( "\", type = " );
385         buf.append( type );
386         buf.append( ']' );
387         return buf.toString();
388     }
390 }