Uses of Class

Uses of AbstractMojoTypeTaglet in

Subclasses of AbstractMojoTypeTaglet in
 class MojoAggregatorTypeTaglet
          The @aggregator tag is used to aggregate the Maven project and its child modules and has no parameter.
 class MojoConfiguratorTypeTaglet
          The @configurator tag is used to inject parameter values into the Mojo and has annotation parameter.
 class MojoExecuteTypeTaglet
          The @execute tag is used to reference the invocation way of the Mojo and has parameters.
 class MojoExecutionStrategyTypeTaglet
          The @executionStrategy tag is used to specify the instantiation strategy and has has parameter.
 class MojoGoalTypeTaglet
          The @goal tag is used to reference the goal name of the Mojo and has annotation parameter.
 class MojoInheritByDefaultTypeTaglet
          The @inheritByDefault tag is used to run this Mojo inside of a project and has annotation parameter.
 class MojoInstantiationStrategyTypeTaglet
          The @instantiationStrategy tag is used to specify the instantiation strategy and has has parameter.
 class MojoPhaseTypeTaglet
          The @phase tag is used to reference the binded phase name of the Mojo and has has parameter.
 class MojoRequiresDependencyCollectionTypeTaglet
          The @requiresDependencyCollection tag is used to specify the required dependencies in the specified scope and has parameter.
 class MojoRequiresDependencyResolutionTypeTaglet
          The @requiresDependencyResolution tag is used to specify the required dependencies in the specified scope and has parameter.
 class MojoRequiresDirectInvocationTypeTaglet
          The @requiresDirectInvocation tag is used to allow this Mojo to be direct invoked by the user.
 class MojoRequiresOnLineTypeTaglet
          The @requiresOnline tag is used to specify that this Mojo should be online and has parameter.
 class MojoRequiresProjectTypeTaglet
          The @requiresProject tag is used to run this Mojo inside of a project and has parameter.
 class MojoRequiresReportsTypeTaglet
          The @requiresReports tag is used to run this Mojo inside reports and has parameter.
 class MojoThreadSafeTypeTaglet
          The @threadSafe tag is used to indicate that a mojo is thread-safe and can be run in parallel
The following is a sample declaration: /** * Dummy Mojo.

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