addBranch(Branch) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method addBranch
addBranch(Branch) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method addBranch
addContributor(Contributor) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method addContributor
addContributor(Contributor) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method addContributor
addDependency(Dependency) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.ModelBase
Method addDependency
addDependency(Dependency) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.ModelBase
Method addDependency
addDeveloper(Developer) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method addDeveloper
addDeveloper(Developer) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method addDeveloper
addExclude(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PatternSet
Method addExclude
addExclude(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PatternSet
Method addExclude
addInclude(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PatternSet
Method addInclude
addInclude(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PatternSet
Method addInclude
addLicense(License) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method addLicense
addLicense(License) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method addLicense
addMailingList(MailingList) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method addMailingList
addMailingList(MailingList) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method addMailingList
addOtherArchive(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Method addOtherArchive
addOtherArchive(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Method addOtherArchive
addPackageGroup(PackageGroup) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method addPackageGroup
addPackageGroup(PackageGroup) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method addPackageGroup
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Method addProperty
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Method addProperty
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method addProperty
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Method addProperty
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Method addProperty
addProperty(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method addProperty
addReport(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method addReport
addReport(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method addReport
addResource(Resource) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.BuildBase
Method addResource
addResource(Resource) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.UnitTest
Method addResource
addResource(Resource) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.BuildBase
Method addResource
addResource(Resource) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.UnitTest
Method addResource
addRole(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Method addRole
addRole(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Method addRole
addSourceModification(SourceModification) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Method addSourceModification
addSourceModification(SourceModification) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Method addSourceModification
addVersion(Version) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method addVersion
addVersion(Version) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method addVersion


Branch - Class in org.apache.maven.model
Contains information on the SCM branches of the project.
Branch() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.Branch
Branch - Class in org.apache.maven.project
Contains information on the SCM branches of the project.
Branch() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.Branch
Build - Class in org.apache.maven.model
Build() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Build - Class in org.apache.maven.project
Build() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.Build
BuildBase - Class in org.apache.maven.model
BuildBase() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.BuildBase
BuildBase - Class in org.apache.maven.project
BuildBase() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.BuildBase
buildDom(XMLStreamReader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method buildDom
buildDom(XMLStreamReader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method buildDom


Contributor - Class in org.apache.maven.model
Description of a person who has contributed to the project, but who does not have commit privileges.
Contributor() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Contributor - Class in org.apache.maven.project
Description of a person who has contributed to the project, but who does not have commit privileges.
Contributor() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor


Dependency - Class in org.apache.maven.model
Dependency() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Dependency - Class in org.apache.maven.project
Dependency() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Developer - Class in org.apache.maven.model
Information about one of the committers on this project.
Developer() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.Developer
Developer - Class in org.apache.maven.project
Information about one of the committers on this project.
Developer() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.Developer


equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency


FileSet - Class in org.apache.maven.model
FileSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.FileSet
FileSet - Class in org.apache.maven.project
FileSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.FileSet


getAddDefaultEntities() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getAddDefaultEntities
getAddDefaultEntities() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getAddDefaultEntities
getArchive() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Get The link to a URL where you can browse the mailing list archive.
getArchive() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Get The link to a URL where you can browse the mailing list archive.
getArtifact() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
getArtifact() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
getArtifactDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
getArtifactDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
getArtifactId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Get The unique id for an artifact produced by the project group, e.g.
getArtifactId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The identifier for this artifact that is unique within the group given by the group ID.
getArtifactId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Get The unique id for an artifact produced by the project group, e.g.
getArtifactId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The identifier for this artifact that is unique within the group given by the group ID.
getAspectSourceDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Get This element specifies a directory containing Aspect sources of the project.
getAspectSourceDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Get This element specifies a directory containing Aspect sources of the project.
getBooleanValue(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getBooleanValue
getBooleanValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getBooleanValue
getBooleanValue(String, String, XmlPullParser) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getBooleanValue
getBooleanValue(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getBooleanValue
getBooleanValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getBooleanValue
getBooleanValue(String, String, XmlPullParser) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getBooleanValue
getBranches() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method getBranches
getBranches() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method getBranches
getBuild() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get Information required to build the project.
getBuild() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get Information required to build the project.
getCharacterValue(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getCharacterValue
getCharacterValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getCharacterValue
getCharacterValue(String, String, XmlPullParser) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getCharacterValue
getCharacterValue(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getCharacterValue
getCharacterValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getCharacterValue
getCharacterValue(String, String, XmlPullParser) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getCharacterValue
getClassName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.SourceModification
Get If the class with this name can not be loaded, then the includes and excludes specified below will be applied to the contents of the sourceDirectory.
getClassName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.SourceModification
Get If the class with this name can not be loaded, then the includes and excludes specified below will be applied to the contents of the sourceDirectory.
getComments() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.License
Get Addendum information pertaining to this license.
getComments() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.License
Get Addendum information pertaining to this license.
getConnection() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Repository
Get The source control management system URL that describes the repository and how to connect to the repository.
getConnection() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Repository
Get The source control management system URL that describes the repository and how to connect to the repository.
getContributors() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method getContributors
getContributors() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method getContributors
getCurrentVersion() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The current version of the artifact produced by this project.
getCurrentVersion() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The current version of the artifact produced by this project.
getDateValue(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getDateValue
getDateValue(String, String, String, XMLStreamReader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getDateValue
getDateValue(String, String, String, XmlPullParser) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getDateValue
getDateValue(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getDateValue
getDateValue(String, String, String, XMLStreamReader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getDateValue
getDateValue(String, String, String, XmlPullParser) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getDateValue
getDefaultGoal() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.BuildBase
Get The default goal (or phase in Maven 2) to execute when none is specified for the project.
getDefaultGoal() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.BuildBase
Get The default goal (or phase in Maven 2) to execute when none is specified for the project.
getDependencies() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.ModelBase
Method getDependencies
getDependencies() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.ModelBase
Method getDependencies
getDescription() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get A detailed description of the project, used by Maven whenever it needs to describe the project, such as on the web site.
getDescription() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get A detailed description of the project, used by Maven whenever it needs to describe the project, such as on the web site.
getDeveloperConnection() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Repository
Get Just like connection, but for developers, i.e. this scm connection will not be read only.
getDeveloperConnection() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Repository
Get Just like connection, but for developers, i.e. this scm connection will not be read only.
getDevelopers() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method getDevelopers
getDevelopers() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method getDevelopers
getDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.FileSet
Get Describe the directory where the resources are stored.
getDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.FileSet
Get Describe the directory where the resources are stored.
getDistribution() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.License
Get The primary method by which this project may be distributed.
getDistribution() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.License
Get The primary method by which this project may be distributed.
getDistributionDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The directory on the web server where the final distributions will be published.
getDistributionDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The directory on the web server where the final distributions will be published.
getDistributionSite() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The server where the final distributions will be published.
getDistributionSite() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The server where the final distributions will be published.
getDoubleValue(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getDoubleValue
getDoubleValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getDoubleValue
getDoubleValue(String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getDoubleValue
getDoubleValue(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getDoubleValue
getDoubleValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getDoubleValue
getDoubleValue(String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getDoubleValue
getEmail() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Get The email address of the contributor.
getEmail() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Get The email address of the contributor.
getExcludes() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PatternSet
Method getExcludes
getExcludes() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PatternSet
Method getExcludes
getExtend() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The location of the parent project, if one exists.
getExtend() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The location of the parent project, if one exists.
getExtension() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
getExtension() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
getFloatValue(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getFloatValue
getFloatValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getFloatValue
getFloatValue(String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getFloatValue
getFloatValue(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getFloatValue
getFloatValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getFloatValue
getFloatValue(String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getFloatValue
getGroupId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Get The project group that produced the dependency, e.g.
getGroupId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get A universally unique identifier for a project.
getGroupId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Get The project group that produced the dependency, e.g.
getGroupId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get A universally unique identifier for a project.
getGumpRepositoryId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get This is the repository identifier in Gump that this project is part of.
getGumpRepositoryId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get This is the repository identifier in Gump that this project is part of.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Get Deprecated.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Developer
Get The unique ID of the developer in the SCM.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get Deprecated.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Version
Get A unique identifier for a version.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Get Deprecated.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Developer
Get The unique ID of the developer in the SCM.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get Deprecated.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Version
Get A unique identifier for a version.
getInceptionYear() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The year of the project's inception, specified with 4 digits.
getInceptionYear() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The year of the project's inception, specified with 4 digits.
getIncludes() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PatternSet
Method getIncludes
getIncludes() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PatternSet
Method getIncludes
getIntegerValue(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getIntegerValue
getIntegerValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getIntegerValue
getIntegerValue(String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getIntegerValue
getIntegerValue(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getIntegerValue
getIntegerValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getIntegerValue
getIntegerValue(String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getIntegerValue
getIntegrationUnitTestSourceDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Get This element specifies a directory containing integration test sources of the project.
getIntegrationUnitTestSourceDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Get This element specifies a directory containing integration test sources of the project.
getIssueTrackingUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The URL of the project's issue tracking system.
getIssueTrackingUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The URL of the project's issue tracking system.
getJar() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Get Literal name of the artifact in the repository.
getJar() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Get Literal name of the artifact in the repository.
getKey() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
getKey() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
getLicenses() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method getLicenses
getLicenses() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method getLicenses
getLogo() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The URL of the project's logo image.
getLogo() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Organization
Get The URL to the organization's logo image.
getLogo() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The URL of the project's logo image.
getLogo() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Organization
Get The URL to the organization's logo image.
getLongValue(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getLongValue
getLongValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getLongValue
getLongValue(String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getLongValue
getLongValue(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getLongValue
getLongValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getLongValue
getLongValue(String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getLongValue
getMailingLists() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method getMailingLists
getMailingLists() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method getMailingLists
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Branch
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.BuildBase
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Developer
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.FileSet
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.License
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.ModelBase
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Organization
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PackageGroup
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PatternSet
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PluginConfiguration
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PluginContainer
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Repository
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Resource
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.SourceModification
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.UnitTest
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Version
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Branch
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.BuildBase
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Developer
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.FileSet
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.License
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.ModelBase
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Organization
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PackageGroup
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PatternSet
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PluginConfiguration
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PluginContainer
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Repository
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Resource
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.SourceModification
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.UnitTest
getModelEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Version
getNagEmailAddress() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Get An address to which notifications regarding the status of builds for this project can be sent.
getNagEmailAddress() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Get An address to which notifications regarding the status of builds for this project can be sent.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Get The full name of the contributor.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.License
Get The full legal name of the license.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Get The name of the mailing list.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The full name of the project.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Organization
Get The full name of the organization.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Version
Get The external version number under which this release was distributed.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Get The full name of the contributor.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.License
Get The full legal name of the license.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Get The name of the mailing list.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The full name of the project.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Organization
Get The full name of the organization.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Version
Get The external version number under which this release was distributed.
getOrganization() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Get The organization to which the contributor belongs.
getOrganization() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get This element describes various attributes of the organization to which the project belongs.
getOrganization() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Get The organization to which the contributor belongs.
getOrganization() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get This element describes various attributes of the organization to which the project belongs.
getOrganizationUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Get The URL of the organization.
getOrganizationUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Get The URL of the organization.
getOtherArchives() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Method getOtherArchives
getOtherArchives() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Method getOtherArchives
getPackage() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
getPackage() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
getPackageGroups() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method getPackageGroups
getPackageGroups() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method getPackageGroups
getPackageName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The Java package name of the project.
getPackageName() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The Java package name of the project.
getPackages() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PackageGroup
Get The packages in the group
getPackages() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PackageGroup
Get The packages in the group
getPomVersion() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get Declares to which version of project descriptor this POM conforms.
getPomVersion() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get Declares to which version of project descriptor this POM conforms.
getPost() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Get The email address or link that can be used to post to the mailing list.
getPost() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Get The email address or link that can be used to post to the mailing list.
getProperties() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Method getProperties
getProperties() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Method getProperties
getProperties() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method getProperties
getProperties() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Method getProperties
getProperties() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Method getProperties
getProperties() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method getProperties
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
getProperty() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.SourceModification
Get If the property with this name is not set, then the includes and excludes specified below will be applied to the contents of the sourceDirectory.
getProperty(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
getProperty() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.SourceModification
Get If the property with this name is not set, then the includes and excludes specified below will be applied to the contents of the sourceDirectory.
getReports() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method getReports
getReports() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method getReports
getRepository() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get Specification for the SCM used by the project, such as CVS, Subversion, etc.
getRepository() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get Specification for the SCM used by the project, such as CVS, Subversion, etc.
getRequiredAttributeValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getRequiredAttributeValue
getRequiredAttributeValue(String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getRequiredAttributeValue
getRequiredAttributeValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getRequiredAttributeValue
getRequiredAttributeValue(String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getRequiredAttributeValue
getResources() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.BuildBase
Method getResources
getResources() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.UnitTest
Method getResources
getResources() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.BuildBase
Method getResources
getResources() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.UnitTest
Method getResources
getRoles() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Method getRoles
getRoles() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Method getRoles
getShortDescription() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get A short description of the project.
getShortDescription() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get A short description of the project.
getShortValue(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getShortValue
getShortValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getShortValue
getShortValue(String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getShortValue
getShortValue(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getShortValue
getShortValue(String, String, XMLStreamReader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getShortValue
getShortValue(String, String, XmlPullParser, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getShortValue
getSiteAddress() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The hostname of the web server that hosts the project's web site.
getSiteAddress() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The hostname of the web server that hosts the project's web site.
getSiteDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The directory on the web server where the public web site for this project resides.
getSiteDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The directory on the web server where the public web site for this project resides.
getSourceDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Get This element specifies a directory containing the source of the project.
getSourceDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Get This element specifies a directory containing the source of the project.
getSourceModifications() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Method getSourceModifications
getSourceModifications() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Method getSourceModifications
getSubscribe() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Get The email address or link that can be used to subscribe to the mailing list.
getSubscribe() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Get The email address or link that can be used to subscribe to the mailing list.
getTag() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Branch
Get The branch tag in the version control system (e.g. cvs) used by the project for the source code associated with this branch of the project.
getTag() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Version
Get The name given in the SCM (e.g.
getTag() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Branch
Get The branch tag in the version control system (e.g. cvs) used by the project for the source code associated with this branch of the project.
getTag() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Version
Get The name given in the SCM (e.g.
getTargetPath() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Resource
Get Describe the resource target path.
getTargetPath() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Resource
Get Describe the resource target path.
getTimezone() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Get The timezone the contributor is in.
getTimezone() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Get The timezone the contributor is in.
getTitle() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PackageGroup
Get The title to use for the package group.
getTitle() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PackageGroup
Get The title to use for the package group.
getTrimmedValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getTrimmedValue
getTrimmedValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getTrimmedValue
getTrimmedValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getTrimmedValue
getTrimmedValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method getTrimmedValue
getTrimmedValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method getTrimmedValue
getTrimmedValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method getTrimmedValue
getType() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Get The type of dependency.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Get The type of dependency.
getTypeDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
getTypeDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
getUnitTest() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Get This element specifies unit tests associated with the project.
getUnitTest() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Get This element specifies unit tests associated with the project.
getUnitTestSourceDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Get This element specifies a directory containing the unit test source of the project.
getUnitTestSourceDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Get This element specifies a directory containing the unit test source of the project.
getUnsubscribe() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Get The email address or link that can be used to unsubscribe to the mailing list.
getUnsubscribe() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Get The email address or link that can be used to unsubscribe to the mailing list.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Get The URL for the homepage of the contributor.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Get This url will be provided to the user if the jar file cannot be downloaded from the central repository.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.License
Get The official url for the license text.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Get The URL to the project's homepage.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Organization
Get The URL to the organization's home page.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Repository
Get The URL to the project's browsable SCM repository, such as ViewVC or Fisheye.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Get The URL for the homepage of the contributor.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Get This url will be provided to the user if the jar file cannot be downloaded from the central repository.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.License
Get The official url for the license text.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Get The URL to the project's homepage.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Organization
Get The URL to the organization's home page.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Repository
Get The URL to the project's browsable SCM repository, such as ViewVC or Fisheye.
getVersion() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Get The version of the dependency, e.g.
getVersion() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
getVersion() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Get The version of the dependency, e.g.
getVersion() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
getVersions() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method getVersions
getVersions() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method getVersions


hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency


isAddedToClasspath() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
isAddedToClasspath() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
isFiltering() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Resource
Get Whether resources are filtered to replace tokens with parameterised values or not.
isFiltering() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Resource
Get Whether resources are filtered to replace tokens with parameterised values or not.
isPlugin() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
isPlugin() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency


License - Class in org.apache.maven.model
Describes the licenses for this project.
License() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.License
License - Class in org.apache.maven.project
Describes the licenses for this project.
License() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.License


MailingList - Class in org.apache.maven.model
This element describes all of the mailing lists associated with a project.
MailingList() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
MailingList - Class in org.apache.maven.project
This element describes all of the mailing lists associated with a project.
MailingList() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
MavenDom4jReader - Class in org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j
Class MavenDom4jReader.
MavenDom4jReader() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
MavenDom4jReader - Class in org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j
Class MavenDom4jReader.
MavenDom4jReader() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
MavenDom4jWriter - Class in org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j
Class MavenDom4jWriter.
MavenDom4jWriter() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jWriter
MavenDom4jWriter - Class in org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j
Class MavenDom4jWriter.
MavenDom4jWriter() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jWriter
MavenStaxReader - Class in org.apache.maven.model.io.stax
Class MavenStaxReader.
MavenStaxReader() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
MavenStaxReader - Class in org.apache.maven.project.io.stax
Class MavenStaxReader.
MavenStaxReader() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
MavenStaxWriter - Class in org.apache.maven.model.io.stax
Class MavenStaxWriter.
MavenStaxWriter() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxWriter
MavenStaxWriter - Class in org.apache.maven.project.io.stax
Class MavenStaxWriter.
MavenStaxWriter() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxWriter
MavenXpp3Reader - Class in org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3
Class MavenXpp3Reader.
MavenXpp3Reader() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
MavenXpp3Reader - Class in org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3
Class MavenXpp3Reader.
MavenXpp3Reader() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
MavenXpp3Writer - Class in org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3
Class MavenXpp3Writer.
MavenXpp3Writer() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Writer
MavenXpp3Writer - Class in org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3
Class MavenXpp3Writer.
MavenXpp3Writer() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Writer
Model - Class in org.apache.maven.model
The <project> element is the root of the descriptor.
Model() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Model - Class in org.apache.maven.project
The <project> element is the root of the descriptor.
Model() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.Model
ModelBase - Class in org.apache.maven.model
ModelBase() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.ModelBase
ModelBase - Class in org.apache.maven.project
ModelBase() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.ModelBase


org.apache.maven.model - package org.apache.maven.model
org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j - package org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j
org.apache.maven.model.io.stax - package org.apache.maven.model.io.stax
org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3 - package org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3
org.apache.maven.project - package org.apache.maven.project
org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j - package org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j
org.apache.maven.project.io.stax - package org.apache.maven.project.io.stax
org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3 - package org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3
Organization - Class in org.apache.maven.model
Specifies the organization that produces this project.
Organization() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.Organization
Organization - Class in org.apache.maven.project
Specifies the organization that produces this project.
Organization() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.Organization


PackageGroup - Class in org.apache.maven.model
A JavaDoc package group.
PackageGroup() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.PackageGroup
PackageGroup - Class in org.apache.maven.project
A JavaDoc package group.
PackageGroup() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.PackageGroup
PatternSet - Class in org.apache.maven.model
PatternSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.PatternSet
PatternSet - Class in org.apache.maven.project
PatternSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.PatternSet
PluginConfiguration - Class in org.apache.maven.model
PluginConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.PluginConfiguration
PluginConfiguration - Class in org.apache.maven.project
PluginConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.PluginConfiguration
PluginContainer - Class in org.apache.maven.model
PluginContainer() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.PluginContainer
PluginContainer - Class in org.apache.maven.project
PluginContainer() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.PluginContainer


read(Reader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method read
read(Reader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method read
read(URL, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method read
read(URL) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method read
read(Reader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method read
read(Reader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method read
read(String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method read
read(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method read
read(Reader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method read
read(Reader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method read
read(Reader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method read
read(Reader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method read
read(URL, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method read
read(URL) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method read
read(Reader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method read
read(Reader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method read
read(String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method read
read(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxReader
Method read
read(Reader, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method read
read(Reader) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Method read
removeBranch(Branch) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method removeBranch
removeBranch(Branch) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method removeBranch
removeContributor(Contributor) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method removeContributor
removeContributor(Contributor) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method removeContributor
removeDependency(Dependency) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.ModelBase
Method removeDependency
removeDependency(Dependency) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.ModelBase
Method removeDependency
removeDeveloper(Developer) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method removeDeveloper
removeDeveloper(Developer) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method removeDeveloper
removeExclude(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PatternSet
Method removeExclude
removeExclude(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PatternSet
Method removeExclude
removeInclude(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PatternSet
Method removeInclude
removeInclude(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PatternSet
Method removeInclude
removeLicense(License) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method removeLicense
removeLicense(License) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method removeLicense
removeMailingList(MailingList) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method removeMailingList
removeMailingList(MailingList) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method removeMailingList
removeOtherArchive(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Method removeOtherArchive
removeOtherArchive(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Method removeOtherArchive
removePackageGroup(PackageGroup) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method removePackageGroup
removePackageGroup(PackageGroup) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method removePackageGroup
removeReport(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method removeReport
removeReport(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method removeReport
removeResource(Resource) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.BuildBase
Method removeResource
removeResource(Resource) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.UnitTest
Method removeResource
removeResource(Resource) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.BuildBase
Method removeResource
removeResource(Resource) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.UnitTest
Method removeResource
removeRole(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Method removeRole
removeRole(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Method removeRole
removeSourceModification(SourceModification) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Method removeSourceModification
removeSourceModification(SourceModification) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Method removeSourceModification
removeVersion(Version) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Method removeVersion
removeVersion(Version) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Method removeVersion
Repository - Class in org.apache.maven.model
Repository() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.Repository
Repository - Class in org.apache.maven.project
Repository() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.Repository
Resource - Class in org.apache.maven.model
This element describes all of the classpath resources associated with a project or unit tests.
Resource() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.Resource
Resource - Class in org.apache.maven.project
This element describes all of the classpath resources associated with a project or unit tests.
Resource() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.Resource


setAddDefaultEntities(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Returns the state of the "add default entities" flag.
setAddDefaultEntities(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Reader
Returns the state of the "add default entities" flag.
setArchive(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Set The link to a URL where you can browse the mailing list archive.
setArchive(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Set The link to a URL where you can browse the mailing list archive.
setArtifactId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Set The unique id for an artifact produced by the project group, e.g.
setArtifactId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The identifier for this artifact that is unique within the group given by the group ID.
setArtifactId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Set The unique id for an artifact produced by the project group, e.g.
setArtifactId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The identifier for this artifact that is unique within the group given by the group ID.
setAspectSourceDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Set This element specifies a directory containing Aspect sources of the project.
setAspectSourceDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Set This element specifies a directory containing Aspect sources of the project.
setBranches(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set Contains information on SCM branches of the project.
setBranches(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set Contains information on SCM branches of the project.
setBuild(Build) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set Information required to build the project.
setBuild(Build) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set Information required to build the project.
setClassName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.SourceModification
Set If the class with this name can not be loaded, then the includes and excludes specified below will be applied to the contents of the sourceDirectory.
setClassName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.SourceModification
Set If the class with this name can not be loaded, then the includes and excludes specified below will be applied to the contents of the sourceDirectory.
setComments(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.License
Set Addendum information pertaining to this license.
setComments(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.License
Set Addendum information pertaining to this license.
setConnection(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Repository
Set The source control management system URL that describes the repository and how to connect to the repository.
setConnection(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Repository
Set The source control management system URL that describes the repository and how to connect to the repository.
setContributors(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set Describes the contributors to a project that are not yet committers.
setContributors(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set Describes the contributors to a project that are not yet committers.
setCurrentVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The current version of the artifact produced by this project.
setCurrentVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The current version of the artifact produced by this project.
setDefaultGoal(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.BuildBase
Set The default goal (or phase in Maven 2) to execute when none is specified for the project.
setDefaultGoal(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.BuildBase
Set The default goal (or phase in Maven 2) to execute when none is specified for the project.
setDependencies(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.ModelBase
Set This element describes all of the dependencies associated with a project.
setDependencies(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.ModelBase
Set This element describes all of the dependencies associated with a project.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set A detailed description of the project, used by Maven whenever it needs to describe the project, such as on the web site.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set A detailed description of the project, used by Maven whenever it needs to describe the project, such as on the web site.
setDeveloperConnection(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Repository
Set Just like connection, but for developers, i.e. this scm connection will not be read only.
setDeveloperConnection(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Repository
Set Just like connection, but for developers, i.e. this scm connection will not be read only.
setDevelopers(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set Describes the committers of a project.
setDevelopers(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set Describes the committers of a project.
setDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.FileSet
Set Describe the directory where the resources are stored.
setDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.FileSet
Set Describe the directory where the resources are stored.
setDistribution(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.License
Set The primary method by which this project may be distributed.
setDistribution(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.License
Set The primary method by which this project may be distributed.
setDistributionDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The directory on the web server where the final distributions will be published.
setDistributionDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The directory on the web server where the final distributions will be published.
setDistributionSite(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The server where the final distributions will be published.
setDistributionSite(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The server where the final distributions will be published.
setEmail(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Set The email address of the contributor.
setEmail(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Set The email address of the contributor.
setExcludes(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PatternSet
Set A list of patterns to exclude, e.g.
setExcludes(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PatternSet
Set A list of patterns to exclude, e.g.
setExtend(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The location of the parent project, if one exists.
setExtend(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The location of the parent project, if one exists.
setFiltering(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Resource
Set Whether resources are filtered to replace tokens with parameterised values or not.
setFiltering(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Resource
Set Whether resources are filtered to replace tokens with parameterised values or not.
setGroupId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Set The project group that produced the dependency, e.g.
setGroupId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set A universally unique identifier for a project.
setGroupId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Set The project group that produced the dependency, e.g.
setGroupId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set A universally unique identifier for a project.
setGumpRepositoryId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set This is the repository identifier in Gump that this project is part of.
setGumpRepositoryId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set This is the repository identifier in Gump that this project is part of.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Set Deprecated.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Developer
Set The unique ID of the developer in the SCM.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set Deprecated.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Version
Set A unique identifier for a version.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Set Deprecated.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Developer
Set The unique ID of the developer in the SCM.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set Deprecated.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Version
Set A unique identifier for a version.
setInceptionYear(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The year of the project's inception, specified with 4 digits.
setInceptionYear(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The year of the project's inception, specified with 4 digits.
setIncludes(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PatternSet
Set A list of patterns to include, e.g.
setIncludes(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PatternSet
Set A list of patterns to include, e.g.
setIntegrationUnitTestSourceDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Set This element specifies a directory containing integration test sources of the project.
setIntegrationUnitTestSourceDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Set This element specifies a directory containing integration test sources of the project.
setIssueTrackingUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The URL of the project's issue tracking system.
setIssueTrackingUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The URL of the project's issue tracking system.
setJar(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Set Literal name of the artifact in the repository.
setJar(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Set Literal name of the artifact in the repository.
setLicenses(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set This element describes all of the licenses for this project.
setLicenses(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set This element describes all of the licenses for this project.
setLogo(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The URL of the project's logo image.
setLogo(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Organization
Set The URL to the organization's logo image.
setLogo(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The URL of the project's logo image.
setLogo(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Organization
Set The URL to the organization's logo image.
setMailingLists(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set Contains information about a project's mailing lists.
setMailingLists(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set Contains information about a project's mailing lists.
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Branch
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.BuildBase
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Developer
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.FileSet
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.License
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.ModelBase
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Organization
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PackageGroup
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PatternSet
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PluginConfiguration
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PluginContainer
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Repository
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Resource
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.SourceModification
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.UnitTest
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Version
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Branch
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.BuildBase
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Developer
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.FileSet
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.License
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.ModelBase
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Organization
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PackageGroup
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PatternSet
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PluginConfiguration
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PluginContainer
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Repository
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Resource
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.SourceModification
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.UnitTest
setModelEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Version
setNagEmailAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Set An address to which notifications regarding the status of builds for this project can be sent.
setNagEmailAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Set An address to which notifications regarding the status of builds for this project can be sent.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Set The full name of the contributor.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.License
Set The full legal name of the license.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Set The name of the mailing list.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The full name of the project.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Organization
Set The full name of the organization.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Version
Set The external version number under which this release was distributed.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Set The full name of the contributor.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.License
Set The full legal name of the license.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Set The name of the mailing list.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The full name of the project.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Organization
Set The full name of the organization.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Version
Set The external version number under which this release was distributed.
setOrganization(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Set The organization to which the contributor belongs.
setOrganization(Organization) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set This element describes various attributes of the organization to which the project belongs.
setOrganization(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Set The organization to which the contributor belongs.
setOrganization(Organization) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set This element describes various attributes of the organization to which the project belongs.
setOrganizationUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Set The URL of the organization.
setOrganizationUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Set The URL of the organization.
setOtherArchives(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Set The link to alternate URLs where you can browse the list archive.
setOtherArchives(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Set The link to alternate URLs where you can browse the list archive.
setPackage(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
setPackage(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
setPackageGroups(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set Package groups required for complete javadocs.
setPackageGroups(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set Package groups required for complete javadocs.
setPackageName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The Java package name of the project.
setPackageName(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The Java package name of the project.
setPackages(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PackageGroup
Set The packages in the group
setPackages(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PackageGroup
Set The packages in the group
setPomVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set Declares to which version of project descriptor this POM conforms.
setPomVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set Declares to which version of project descriptor this POM conforms.
setPost(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Set The email address or link that can be used to post to the mailing list.
setPost(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Set The email address or link that can be used to post to the mailing list.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Set Properties about the contributor, such as an instant messenger handle.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Set Properties about the dependency.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set Project properties that will be used by various plugins.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Set Properties about the contributor, such as an instant messenger handle.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Set Properties about the dependency.
setProperties(Properties) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set Project properties that will be used by various plugins.
setProperty(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.SourceModification
Set If the property with this name is not set, then the includes and excludes specified below will be applied to the contents of the sourceDirectory.
setProperty(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.SourceModification
Set If the property with this name is not set, then the includes and excludes specified below will be applied to the contents of the sourceDirectory.
setReports(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set This element includes the specification of reports to be included in a Maven-generated site.
setReports(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set This element includes the specification of reports to be included in a Maven-generated site.
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set Specification for the SCM used by the project, such as CVS, Subversion, etc.
setRepository(Repository) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set Specification for the SCM used by the project, such as CVS, Subversion, etc.
setResources(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.BuildBase
Set This element describes all of the classpath resources such as properties files associated with a project.
setResources(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.UnitTest
Set The classpath resources to use when executing the unit tests.
setResources(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.BuildBase
Set This element describes all of the classpath resources such as properties files associated with a project.
setResources(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.UnitTest
Set The classpath resources to use when executing the unit tests.
setRoles(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Set The roles the contributor plays in the project.
setRoles(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Set The roles the contributor plays in the project.
setShortDescription(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set A short description of the project.
setShortDescription(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set A short description of the project.
setSiteAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The hostname of the web server that hosts the project's web site.
setSiteAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The hostname of the web server that hosts the project's web site.
setSiteDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The directory on the web server where the public web site for this project resides.
setSiteDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The directory on the web server where the public web site for this project resides.
setSourceDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Set This element specifies a directory containing the source of the project.
setSourceDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Set This element specifies a directory containing the source of the project.
setSourceModifications(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Set This element describes all of the sourceModifications associated with a project.
setSourceModifications(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Set This element describes all of the sourceModifications associated with a project.
setSubscribe(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Set The email address or link that can be used to subscribe to the mailing list.
setSubscribe(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Set The email address or link that can be used to subscribe to the mailing list.
setTag(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Branch
Set The branch tag in the version control system (e.g. cvs) used by the project for the source code associated with this branch of the project.
setTag(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Version
Set The name given in the SCM (e.g.
setTag(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Branch
Set The branch tag in the version control system (e.g. cvs) used by the project for the source code associated with this branch of the project.
setTag(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Version
Set The name given in the SCM (e.g.
setTargetPath(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Resource
Set Describe the resource target path.
setTargetPath(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Resource
Set Describe the resource target path.
setTimezone(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Set The timezone the contributor is in.
setTimezone(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Set The timezone the contributor is in.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.PackageGroup
Set The title to use for the package group.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.PackageGroup
Set The title to use for the package group.
setType(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Set The type of dependency.
setType(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Set The type of dependency.
setUnitTest(UnitTest) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Set This element specifies unit tests associated with the project.
setUnitTest(UnitTest) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Set This element specifies unit tests associated with the project.
setUnitTestSourceDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Build
Set This element specifies a directory containing the unit test source of the project.
setUnitTestSourceDirectory(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Build
Set This element specifies a directory containing the unit test source of the project.
setUnsubscribe(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.MailingList
Set The email address or link that can be used to unsubscribe to the mailing list.
setUnsubscribe(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.MailingList
Set The email address or link that can be used to unsubscribe to the mailing list.
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Contributor
Set The URL for the homepage of the contributor.
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Set This url will be provided to the user if the jar file cannot be downloaded from the central repository.
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.License
Set The official url for the license text.
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set The URL to the project's homepage.
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Organization
Set The URL to the organization's home page.
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Repository
Set The URL to the project's browsable SCM repository, such as ViewVC or Fisheye.
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Contributor
Set The URL for the homepage of the contributor.
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Set This url will be provided to the user if the jar file cannot be downloaded from the central repository.
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.License
Set The official url for the license text.
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set The URL to the project's homepage.
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Organization
Set The URL to the organization's home page.
setUrl(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Repository
Set The URL to the project's browsable SCM repository, such as ViewVC or Fisheye.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
Set The version of the dependency, e.g.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
Set The version of the dependency, e.g.
setVersion(String) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
setVersions(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Model
Set Contains information on previous versions of the project.
setVersions(List) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Model
Set Contains information on previous versions of the project.
SourceModification - Class in org.apache.maven.model
This element describes all of the source modifications associated with a project.
SourceModification() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.SourceModification
SourceModification - Class in org.apache.maven.project
This element describes all of the source modifications associated with a project.
SourceModification() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.SourceModification


toString() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Dependency
toString() - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.Version
toString() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Dependency
toString() - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.Version


UnitTest - Class in org.apache.maven.model
UnitTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.UnitTest
UnitTest - Class in org.apache.maven.project
UnitTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.UnitTest


Version - Class in org.apache.maven.model
This element describes each of the previous versions of the project.
Version() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.model.Version
Version - Class in org.apache.maven.project
This element describes each of the previous versions of the project.
Version() - Constructor for class org.apache.maven.project.Version


write(Writer, Model) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jWriter
Method write
write(Writer, Model) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxWriter
Method write
write(Writer, Model) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Writer
Method write
write(Writer, Model) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jWriter
Method write
write(Writer, Model) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxWriter
Method write
write(Writer, Model) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.xpp3.MavenXpp3Writer
Method write
writeDom(Xpp3Dom, XMLStreamWriter) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.stax.MavenStaxWriter
Method writeDom
writeDom(Xpp3Dom, XMLStreamWriter) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.stax.MavenStaxWriter
Method writeDom
writeElementToXpp3Dom(Element) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method writeElementToXpp3Dom
writeElementToXpp3Dom(Element) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jReader
Method writeElementToXpp3Dom
writeXpp3DomToElement(Xpp3Dom, Element) - Method in class org.apache.maven.model.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jWriter
Method writeXpp3DomToElement
writeXpp3DomToElement(Xpp3Dom, Element) - Method in class org.apache.maven.project.io.dom4j.MavenDom4jWriter
Method writeXpp3DomToElement


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