Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.doxia.module.itext.ITextFont
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.doxia.module.itext;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.awt.Color;
 import com.lowagie.text.ExceptionConverter;
 import com.lowagie.text.Font;
 import com.lowagie.text.FontFactory;
 import com.lowagie.text.markup.MarkupTags;
 import com.lowagie.text.pdf.BaseFont;
  * <code>iText</code> wrapper object for font.
  * @see com.lowagie.text.Font
  * @author <a href="">Vincent Siveton</a>
  * @version $Id: 763762 2009-04-09 18:19:56Z ltheussl $
 public class ITextFont
     /** A normal font style */
     public static final String NORMAL = MarkupTags.CSS_VALUE_NORMAL;
     /** A bold font style */
     public static final String BOLD = MarkupTags.CSS_VALUE_BOLD;
     /** A italic font style */
     public static final String ITALIC = MarkupTags.CSS_VALUE_ITALIC;
     /** An underline font style */
     public static final String UNDERLINE = MarkupTags.CSS_VALUE_UNDERLINE;
     /** A default font name */
     public static final String DEFAULT_FONT_NAME = FontFactory.HELVETICA;
     /** A default font size */
     public static final float DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 12;
     /** A default font style */
     public static final String DEFAULT_FONT_STYLE = NORMAL;
     /** A default Black color definition */
 62  2
     public static final int DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR_RED = Color.BLACK.getRed();
     /** A default Black color definition */
 65  2
     public static final int DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR_GREEN = Color.BLACK.getGreen();
     /** A default Black color definition */
 68  2
     public static final int DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR_BLUE = Color.BLACK.getBlue();
     private static final int SECTION_FONT_SIZE_0 = 24;
     private static final int SECTION_FONT_SIZE_1 = 22;
     private static final int SECTION_FONT_SIZE_2 = 20;
     private static final int SECTION_FONT_SIZE_3 = 18;
     private static final int SECTION_FONT_SIZE_4 = 16;
     private static final int SECTION_FONT_SIZE_DEFAULT = 14;
 77  8
     private boolean monoSpaced = false;
 79  8
     private float currentSize = 12;
 81  8
     private int currentStyle = Font.NORMAL;
 83  8
     private Color currentColor = Color.BLACK;
      * Default constructor
     public ITextFont()
 89  8
         // nop
 91  8
      * Add bold style to the current style
     public void addBold()
 98  16
         this.currentStyle += Font.BOLD;
 99  16
      * Remove bold style to the current style
     public void removeBold()
 106  16
         this.currentStyle -= Font.BOLD;
 107  16
         if ( this.currentStyle < 0 )
 109  0
             this.currentStyle = Font.NORMAL;
 111  16
      * Add italic style to the current style
     public void addItalic()
 118  2
         this.currentStyle += Font.ITALIC;
 119  2
      * Remove italic style to the current style
     public void removeItalic()
 126  2
         this.currentStyle -= Font.ITALIC;
 127  2
         if ( this.currentStyle < 0 )
 129  0
             this.currentStyle = Font.NORMAL;
 131  2
      * Add italic style to the current style
     public void addUnderlined()
 138  12
         this.currentStyle += Font.UNDERLINE;
 139  12
      * Remove italic style to the current style
     public void removeUnderlined()
 146  12
         this.currentStyle -= Font.UNDERLINE;
 147  12
         if ( this.currentStyle < 0 )
 149  0
             this.currentStyle = Font.NORMAL;
 151  12
      * Add monospaced style to the current style
      * @param monoSpaced true for monospaced style
     public void setMonoSpaced( boolean monoSpaced )
 160  4
         this.monoSpaced = monoSpaced;
 161  4
      * Set a new font color
      * @param color a new color
     public void setColor( Color color )
 170  34
         this.currentColor = color;
 171  34
      * Set a new font color
      * @param size a new size
     public void setSize( float size )
 180  28
         this.currentSize = size;
 181  28
      * Return the font name
      * @return the font name
     public String getFontName()
 190  230
         Font font = getCurrentFont();
 192  230
         return font.getFamilyname();
      * Return the font style
      * @return the font style
     public String getFontStyle()
 202  230
         Font font = getCurrentFont();
 203  230
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 205  230
         if ( font.isBold() )
 207  30
             sb.append( BOLD );
 210  230
         if ( font.isItalic() )
 212  2
             if ( sb.length() == 0 )
 214  2
                 sb.append( ITALIC );
 218  0
                 sb.append( "," );
 219  0
                 sb.append( ITALIC );
 223  230
         if ( font.isUnderlined() )
 225  24
             if ( sb.length() == 0 )
 227  24
                 sb.append( UNDERLINE );
 231  0
                 sb.append( "," );
 232  0
                 sb.append( UNDERLINE );
 236  230
         if ( sb.length() == 0 )
 238  174
             return NORMAL;
 241  56
         return sb.toString();
      * Return the font name
      * @return the font name
     public String getFontSize()
 251  230
         Font font = getCurrentFont();
 253  230
         return String.valueOf( font.getCalculatedSize() );
      * Return the font color blue
      * @return the font color blue
     public String getFontColorBlue()
 263  224
         Font font = getCurrentFont();
 265  224
         return String.valueOf( font.color().getBlue() );
      * Return the font color green
      * @return the font color green
     public String getFontColorGreen()
 275  224
         Font font = getCurrentFont();
 277  224
         return String.valueOf( font.color().getGreen() );
      * Return the font color red
      * @return the font color red
     public String getFontColorRed()
 287  224
         Font font = getCurrentFont();
 289  224
         return String.valueOf( font.color().getRed() );
      * Get a section font size depending the section number.
      * <dl>
      * <dt>0</dt>
      * <dd>Chapter: font size = 24</dd>
      * <dt>1</dt>
      * <dd>Section 1: font size = 22</dd>
      * <dt>2</dt>
      * <dd>Section 2: font size = 20</dd>
      * <dt>3</dt>
      * <dd>Section 3: font size = 18</dd>
      * <dt>4</dt>
      * <dd>Section 4: font size = 16</dd>
      * <dt>5 ot otherwise</dt>
      * <dd>Section 5: font size = 14</dd>
      * </dl>
      * @param sectionNumber a section number
      * @return a font size.
     public static int getSectionFontSize( int sectionNumber )
 314  18
         switch ( sectionNumber )
             case 0:
 317  8
                 return SECTION_FONT_SIZE_0;
             case 1:
 320  2
                 return SECTION_FONT_SIZE_1;
             case 2:
 323  2
                 return SECTION_FONT_SIZE_2;
             case 3:
 326  2
                 return SECTION_FONT_SIZE_3;
             case 4:
 329  2
                 return SECTION_FONT_SIZE_4;
             case 5:
 333  2
                 return SECTION_FONT_SIZE_DEFAULT;
      * Convenience method to get a defined MonoSpaced font depending the wanted style and size.
      * @param style the font style.
      * @param size the font size.
      * @param color the font color.
      * @return a font the font.
     public static Font getMonoSpacedFont( int style, float size, Color color )
 349  12
             return new Font( BaseFont.createFont( BaseFont.COURIER, BaseFont.CP1252, false ), size, style, color );
 351  0
         catch ( Exception e )
 353  0
             throw new ExceptionConverter( e );
      * Convenience method to get a defined font depending the wanted style and size.
      * @param style the font style.
      * @param size the font size.
      * @param color the font color.
      * @return a font the font.
     public static Font getFont( int style, float size, Color color )
 367  1350
         Font font = new Font();
 368  1350
         font.setFamily( DEFAULT_FONT_NAME );
 369  1350
         font.setStyle( style );
 370  1350
         font.setSize( size );
 371  1350
         font.setColor( color );
 372  1350
         return font;
      * Convenience method to return the current font
      * @return the current font
     private Font getCurrentFont()
 382  1362
         if ( this.monoSpaced )
 384  12
             return getMonoSpacedFont( this.currentStyle, this.currentSize, this.currentColor );
 387  1350
         return getFont( this.currentStyle, this.currentSize, this.currentColor );