Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.doxia.module.apt.AptSink
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.doxia.module.apt;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.Stack;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.AbstractTextSink;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.SinkEventAttributes;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
  * APT generator implementation.
  * <br/>
  * <b>Note</b>: The encoding used is UTF-8.
  * @author eredmond
  * @version $Id: 1091053 2011-04-11 12:55:07Z ltheussl $
  * @since 1.0
 public class AptSink
     extends AbstractTextSink
     implements AptMarkup
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Instance fields
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     /**  A buffer that holds the current text when headerFlag or bufferFlag set to <code>true</code>. */
     private StringBuffer buffer;
     /**  A buffer that holds the table caption. */
     private StringBuffer tableCaptionBuffer;
     /**  author. */
     private String author;
     /**  title. */
     private String title;
     /**  date. */
     private String date;
     /** startFlag. */
     private boolean startFlag;
     /**  tableCaptionFlag. */
     private boolean tableCaptionFlag;
     /**  headerFlag. */
     private boolean headerFlag;
     /**  bufferFlag. */
     private boolean bufferFlag;
     /**  itemFlag. */
     private boolean itemFlag;
     /**  verbatimFlag. */
     private boolean verbatimFlag;
     /**  boxed verbatim. */
     private boolean isBoxed;
     /**  gridFlag for tables. */
     private boolean gridFlag;
     /**  number of cells in a table. */
     private int cellCount;
     /**  The writer to use. */
     private final PrintWriter writer;
     /**  justification of table cells. */
     private int cellJustif[];
     /**  a line of a row in a table. */
     private String rowLine;
     /**  listNestingIndent. */
     private String listNestingIndent;
     /**  listStyles. */
     private final Stack<String> listStyles;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Public protected methods
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Constructor, initialize the Writer and the variables.
      * @param writer not null writer to write the result. <b>Should</b> be an UTF-8 Writer.
      * You could use <code>newWriter</code> methods from {@link org.codehaus.plexus.util.WriterFactory}.
     protected AptSink( Writer writer )
 116  76
 117  76
         this.writer = new PrintWriter( writer );
 118  76
         this.listStyles = new Stack<String>();
 120  76
 121  76
      * Returns the buffer that holds the current text.
      * @return A StringBuffer.
     protected StringBuffer getBuffer()
 130  0
         return buffer;
      * Used to determine whether we are in head mode.
      * @param headFlag True for head mode.
     protected void setHeadFlag( boolean headFlag )
 140  0
         this.headerFlag = headFlag;
 141  0
      * Reset all variables.
      * @deprecated since 1.1.2, use {@link #init()} instead of.
     protected void resetState()
 150  0
 151  0
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     protected void init()
 156  156
 158  156
 160  156
         this.tableCaptionBuffer = new StringBuffer();
 161  156
         this.listNestingIndent = "";
 163  156 = null;
 164  156
         this.title = null;
 165  156 = null;
 166  156
         this.startFlag = true;
 167  156
         this.tableCaptionFlag = false;
 168  156
         this.headerFlag = false;
 169  156
         this.bufferFlag = false;
 170  156
         this.itemFlag = false;
 171  156
         this.verbatimFlag = false;
 172  156
         this.isBoxed = false;
 173  156
         this.gridFlag = false;
 174  156
         this.cellCount = 0;
 175  156
         this.cellJustif = null;
 176  156
         this.rowLine = null;
 177  156
 178  156
      * Reset the StringBuffer.
     protected void resetBuffer()
 185  230
         buffer = new StringBuffer();
 186  230
      * Reset the TableCaptionBuffer.
     protected void resetTableCaptionBuffer()
 193  20
         tableCaptionBuffer = new StringBuffer();
 194  20
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void head()
 199  16
         boolean startFlag = this.startFlag;
 201  16
 203  16
         headerFlag = true;
 204  16
         this.startFlag = startFlag;
 205  16
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void head_()
 210  16
         headerFlag = false;
 212  16
         if ( ! startFlag )
 214  2
             write( EOL );
 216  16
         write( HEADER_START_MARKUP + EOL );
 217  16
         if ( title != null )
 219  14
             write( " " + title + EOL );
 221  16
         write( HEADER_START_MARKUP + EOL );
 222  16
         if ( author != null )
 224  14
             write( " " + author + EOL );
 226  16
         write( HEADER_START_MARKUP + EOL );
 227  16
         if ( date != null )
 229  8
             write( " " + date + EOL );
 231  16
         write( HEADER_START_MARKUP + EOL );
 232  16
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void title_()
 237  16
         if ( buffer.length() > 0 )
 239  14
             title = buffer.toString();
 240  14
 242  16
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void author_()
 247  16
         if ( buffer.length() > 0 )
 249  14
             author = buffer.toString();
 250  14
 252  16
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void date_()
 257  10
         if ( buffer.length() > 0 )
 259  8
             date = buffer.toString();
 260  8
 262  10
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void section1_()
 267  20
         write( EOL );
 268  20
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void section2_()
 273  18
         write( EOL );
 274  18
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void section3_()
 279  12
         write( EOL );
 280  12
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void section4_()
 285  12
         write( EOL );
 286  12
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void section5_()
 291  10
         write( EOL );
 292  10
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void sectionTitle1()
 297  20
         write( EOL );
 298  20
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void sectionTitle1_()
 303  20
         write( EOL + EOL );
 304  20
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void sectionTitle2()
 309  18
 310  18
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void sectionTitle2_()
 315  18
         write( EOL + EOL );
 316  18
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void sectionTitle3()
 321  12
         write( EOL + StringUtils.repeat( SECTION_TITLE_START_MARKUP, 2 ) );
 322  12
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void sectionTitle3_()
 327  12
         write( EOL + EOL );
 328  12
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void sectionTitle4()
 333  12
         write( EOL + StringUtils.repeat( SECTION_TITLE_START_MARKUP, 3 ) );
 334  12
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void sectionTitle4_()
 339  12
         write( EOL + EOL );
 340  12
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void sectionTitle5()
 345  10
         write( EOL + StringUtils.repeat( SECTION_TITLE_START_MARKUP, 4 ) );
 346  10
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void sectionTitle5_()
 351  10
         write( EOL + EOL );
 352  10
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void list()
 357  20
         listNestingIndent += " ";
 358  20
         listStyles.push( LIST_START_MARKUP );
 359  20
         write( EOL );
 360  20
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void list_()
 365  20
         if ( listNestingIndent.length() <= 1 )
 367  10
             write( EOL + listNestingIndent + LIST_END_MARKUP + EOL );
 371  10
             write( EOL );
 373  20
         listNestingIndent = StringUtils.chomp( listNestingIndent, " " );
 374  20
 375  20
         itemFlag = false;
 376  20
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void listItem()
         //if ( !numberedList )
         //write( EOL + listNestingIndent + "*" );
 384  48
 385  48
         itemFlag = true;
 386  48
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void listItem_()
 391  48
         write( EOL );
 392  48
         itemFlag = false;
 393  48
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void numberedList( int numbering )
 398  14
         listNestingIndent += " ";
 399  14
         write( EOL );
         String style;
 402  14
         switch ( numbering )
             case NUMBERING_UPPER_ALPHA:
 405  6
                 style = String.valueOf( NUMBERING_UPPER_ALPHA_CHAR );
 406  6
             case NUMBERING_LOWER_ALPHA:
 408  0
                 style = String.valueOf( NUMBERING_LOWER_ALPHA_CHAR );
 409  0
             case NUMBERING_UPPER_ROMAN:
 411  0
                 style = String.valueOf( NUMBERING_UPPER_ROMAN_CHAR );
 412  0
             case NUMBERING_LOWER_ROMAN:
 414  2
                 style = String.valueOf( NUMBERING_LOWER_ROMAN_CHAR );
 415  2
             case NUMBERING_DECIMAL:
 418  6
                 style = String.valueOf( NUMBERING );
 421  14
         listStyles.push( style );
 422  14
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void numberedList_()
 427  14
         if ( listNestingIndent.length() <= 1 )
 429  8
             write( EOL + listNestingIndent + LIST_END_MARKUP + EOL );
 433  6
             write( EOL );
 435  14
         listNestingIndent = StringUtils.chomp( listNestingIndent, " " );
 436  14
 437  14
         itemFlag = false;
 438  14
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void numberedListItem()
 443  74
         String style = listStyles.peek();
 444  74
         if ( style.equals( String.valueOf( STAR ) ) )
 446  48
             write( EOL + listNestingIndent + String.valueOf( STAR ) + String.valueOf( SPACE ) );
 450  26
             write( EOL + listNestingIndent + String.valueOf( LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET )
                 + String.valueOf( LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET ) + style + String.valueOf( RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET )
                 + String.valueOf( RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET ) + String.valueOf( SPACE ) );
 454  74
         itemFlag = true;
 455  74
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void numberedListItem_()
 460  26
         write( EOL );
 461  26
         itemFlag = false;
 462  26
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void definitionList()
 467  8
         listNestingIndent += " ";
 468  8
         listStyles.push( "" );
 469  8
         write( EOL );
 470  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void definitionList_()
 475  8
         if ( listNestingIndent.length() <= 1 )
 477  8
             write( EOL + listNestingIndent + LIST_END_MARKUP + EOL );
 481  0
             write( EOL );
 483  8
         listNestingIndent = StringUtils.chomp( listNestingIndent, " " );
 484  8
 485  8
         itemFlag = false;
 486  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void definedTerm()
 491  14
         write( EOL + " [" );
 492  14
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void definedTerm_()
 497  14
         write( "] " );
 498  14
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void definition()
 503  14
         itemFlag = true;
 504  14
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void definition_()
 509  14
         write( EOL );
 510  14
         itemFlag = false;
 511  14
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void pageBreak()
 516  8
         write( EOL + PAGE_BREAK + EOL );
 517  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void paragraph()
 522  106
         if ( itemFlag )
 524  6
             write( EOL + EOL + "  " + listNestingIndent );
 528  100
             write( EOL + " " );
 530  106
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void paragraph_()
 535  106
         write( EOL + EOL );
 536  106
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void verbatim( boolean boxed )
 541  16
         verbatimFlag = true;
 542  16
         this.isBoxed = boxed;
 543  16
         write( EOL );
 544  16
         if ( boxed )
 546  16
             write( EOL + BOXED_VERBATIM_START_MARKUP + EOL );
 550  0
             write( EOL + NON_BOXED_VERBATIM_START_MARKUP + EOL );
 552  16
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void verbatim_()
 557  16
         if ( isBoxed )
 559  16
             write( EOL + BOXED_VERBATIM_END_MARKUP + EOL );
 563  0
             write( EOL + NON_BOXED_VERBATIM_END_MARKUP + EOL );
 565  16
         isBoxed = false;
 566  16
         verbatimFlag = false;
 567  16
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void horizontalRule()
 572  8
         write( EOL + HORIZONTAL_RULE_MARKUP + EOL );
 573  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void table()
 578  20
         write( EOL );
 579  20
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void table_()
 584  20
         if ( rowLine != null )
 586  20
             write( rowLine );
 588  20
         rowLine = null;
 590  20
         if ( tableCaptionBuffer.length() > 0 )
 592  8
             text( tableCaptionBuffer.toString() + EOL );
 595  20
 596  20
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void tableRows( int justification[], boolean grid )
 601  20
         cellJustif = justification;
 602  20
         gridFlag = grid;
 603  20
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void tableRows_()
 608  20
         cellJustif = null;
 609  20
         gridFlag = false;
 610  20
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void tableRow()
 615  38
         bufferFlag = true;
 616  38
         cellCount = 0;
 617  38
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void tableRow_()
 622  38
         bufferFlag = false;
         // write out the header row first, then the data in the buffer
 625  38
 627  38
         write( rowLine );
         // TODO: This will need to be more clever, for multi-line cells
 630  38
         if ( gridFlag )
 632  24
             write( TABLE_ROW_SEPARATOR_MARKUP );
 635  38
         write( buffer.toString() );
 637  38
 639  38
         write( EOL );
         // only reset cell count if this is the last row
 642  38
         cellCount = 0;
 643  38
     /** Construct a table row. */
     private void buildRowLine()
 648  38
         StringBuffer rLine = new StringBuffer();
 649  38
         rLine.append( TABLE_ROW_START_MARKUP );
 651  124
         for ( int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++ )
 653  86
             if ( cellJustif != null )
 655  86
                 switch ( cellJustif[i] )
                 case 1:
 658  12
                     rLine.append( TABLE_COL_LEFT_ALIGNED_MARKUP );
 659  12
                 case 2:
 661  12
                     rLine.append( TABLE_COL_RIGHT_ALIGNED_MARKUP );
 662  12
 664  62
                     rLine.append( TABLE_COL_CENTERED_ALIGNED_MARKUP );
 669  0
                 rLine.append( TABLE_COL_CENTERED_ALIGNED_MARKUP );
 672  38
         rLine.append( EOL );
 674  38
         this.rowLine = rLine.toString();
 675  38
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void tableCell()
 680  74
         tableCell( false );
 681  74
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void tableHeaderCell()
 686  12
         tableCell( true );
 687  12
      * Starts a table cell.
      * @param headerRow If this cell is part of a header row.
     public void tableCell( boolean headerRow )
 696  86
         if ( headerRow )
 698  12
             buffer.append( TABLE_CELL_SEPARATOR_MARKUP );
 700  86
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void tableCell_()
 705  74
 706  74
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void tableHeaderCell_()
 711  12
 712  12
      * Ends a table cell.
     private void endTableCell()
 719  86
         buffer.append( TABLE_CELL_SEPARATOR_MARKUP );
 720  86
 721  86
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void tableCaption()
 726  8
         tableCaptionFlag = true;
 727  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void tableCaption_()
 732  8
         tableCaptionFlag = false;
 733  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void figureCaption_()
 738  8
         write( EOL );
 739  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void figureGraphics( String name )
 744  8
         write( EOL + "[" + name + "] " );
 745  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void anchor( String name )
 750  28
         write( ANCHOR_START_MARKUP );
 751  28
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void anchor_()
 756  28
         write( ANCHOR_END_MARKUP );
 757  28
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void link( String name )
 762  42
         if ( !headerFlag )
 764  42
             write( LINK_START_1_MARKUP );
 765  42
             text( name.startsWith( "#" ) ? name.substring( 1 ) : name );
 766  42
             write( LINK_START_2_MARKUP );
 768  42
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void link_()
 773  42
         if ( !headerFlag )
 775  42
             write( LINK_END_MARKUP );
 777  42
      * A link with a target.
      * @param name The name of the link.
      * @param target The link target.
     public void link( String name, String target )
 787  0
         if ( !headerFlag )
 789  0
             write( LINK_START_1_MARKUP );
 790  0
             text( target );
 791  0
             write( LINK_START_2_MARKUP );
 792  0
             text( name );
 794  0
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void italic()
 799  8
         if ( !headerFlag )
 801  8
             write( ITALIC_START_MARKUP );
 803  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void italic_()
 808  8
         if ( !headerFlag )
 810  8
             write( ITALIC_END_MARKUP );
 812  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void bold()
 817  8
         if ( !headerFlag )
 819  8
             write( BOLD_START_MARKUP );
 821  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void bold_()
 826  8
         if ( !headerFlag )
 828  8
             write( BOLD_END_MARKUP );
 830  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void monospaced()
 835  8
         if ( !headerFlag )
 837  8
             write( MONOSPACED_START_MARKUP );
 839  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void monospaced_()
 844  8
         if ( !headerFlag )
 846  8
             write( MONOSPACED_END_MARKUP );
 848  8
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void lineBreak()
 853  74
         if ( headerFlag || bufferFlag )
 855  12
             buffer.append( EOL );
 857  62
         else if ( verbatimFlag )
 859  0
             write( EOL );
 863  62
             write( "\\" + EOL );
 865  74
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void nonBreakingSpace()
 870  14
         if ( headerFlag || bufferFlag )
 872  0
             buffer.append( NON_BREAKING_SPACE_MARKUP );
 876  14
             write( NON_BREAKING_SPACE_MARKUP );
 878  14
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void text( String text )
 883  672
         if ( tableCaptionFlag )
 885  8
             tableCaptionBuffer.append( text );
 887  664
         else if ( headerFlag || bufferFlag )
 889  134
             buffer.append( text );
 891  530
         else if ( verbatimFlag )
 893  16
             verbatimContent( text );
 897  514
             content( text );
 899  672
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void rawText( String text )
 904  14
         write( text );
 905  14
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void comment( String comment )
 910  12
         rawText( ( startFlag ? "" : EOL ) + COMMENT + COMMENT + SPACE + comment.trim() );
 911  12
      * {@inheritDoc}
      * Unkown events just log a warning message but are ignored otherwise.
      * @see org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink#unknown(String,Object[],SinkEventAttributes)
     public void unknown( String name, Object[] requiredParams, SinkEventAttributes attributes )
 921  0
         getLog().warn( "[Apt Sink] Unknown Sink event: '" + name + "', ignoring!" );
 922  0
      * Write text to output.
      * @param text The text to write.
     protected void write( String text )
 931  1912
         startFlag = false;
 932  1912
         writer.write( unifyEOLs( text ) );
 933  1912
      * Write Apt escaped text to output.
      * @param text The text to write.
     protected void content( String text )
 942  514
         write( escapeAPT( text ) );
 943  514
      * Write Apt escaped text to output.
      * @param text The text to write.
     protected void verbatimContent( String text )
 952  16
         write( escapeAPT( text ) );
 953  16
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void flush()
 958  64
 959  64
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void close()
 964  64
 966  64
 967  64
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Private methods
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      * Escape special characters in a text in APT:
      * <pre>
      * \~, \=, \-, \+, \*, \[, \], \<, \>, \{, \}, \\
      * </pre>
      * @param text the String to escape, may be null
      * @return the text escaped, "" if null String input
     private static String escapeAPT( String text )
 985  530
         if ( text == null )
 987  0
             return "";
 990  530
         int length = text.length();
 991  530
         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer( length );
 993  17378
         for ( int i = 0; i < length; ++i )
 995  16848
             char c = text.charAt( i );
 996  16848
             switch ( c )
             { // 0080
                 case '\\':
                 case '~':
                 case '=':
                 case '-':
                 case '+':
                 case '*':
                 case '[':
                 case ']':
                 case '<':
                 case '>':
                 case '{':
                 case '}':
 1010  1312
                     buffer.append( '\\' );
 1011  1312
                     buffer.append( c );
 1012  1312
 1014  15536
                     buffer.append( c );
 1018  530
         return buffer.toString();