Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.doxia.parser.XhtmlBaseParser
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.doxia.parser;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Set;
 import java.util.TreeSet;
 import javax.swing.text.html.HTML.Attribute;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.macro.MacroExecutionException;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.markup.HtmlMarkup;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.Sink;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.SinkEventAttributeSet;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.sink.SinkEventAttributes;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.util.DoxiaUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParser;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
  * Common base parser for xhtml events.
  * @author <a href="">Jason van Zyl</a>
  * @author ltheussl
  * @version $Id: 1185112 2011-10-17 11:33:00Z ltheussl $
  * @since 1.1
 49  44
 public class XhtmlBaseParser
     extends AbstractXmlParser
         implements HtmlMarkup
     /** True if a &lt;script&gt;&lt;/script&gt; block is read. CDATA sections within are handled as rawText. */
     private boolean scriptBlock;
     /** Used to distinguish &lt;a href=""&gt; from &lt;a name=""&gt;. */
     private boolean isLink;
     /** Used to distinguish &lt;a href=""&gt; from &lt;a name=""&gt;. */
     private boolean isAnchor;
     /** Used for nested lists. */
 63  44
     private int orderedListDepth = 0;
     /** Counts section level. */
     private int sectionLevel;
     /** Verbatim flag, true whenever we are inside a &lt;pre&gt; tag. */
     private boolean inVerbatim;
     /** Used to recognize the case of img inside figure. */
     private boolean inFigure;
     /** Decoration properties, eg for texts. */
 75  44
     private final SinkEventAttributeSet decoration = new SinkEventAttributeSet();
     /** Map of warn messages with a String as key to describe the error type and a Set as value.
      * Using to reduce warn messages. */
     private Map<String, Set<String>> warnMessages;
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public void parse( Reader source, Sink sink )
         throws ParseException
 86  52
 90  52
             super.parse( source, sink );
 94  52
 96  52
             setSecondParsing( false );
 97  52
 98  52
 99  52
      * <p>
      *   Goes through a common list of possible html start tags. These include only tags that can go into
      *   the body of a xhtml document and so should be re-usable by different xhtml-based parsers.
      * </p>
      * <p>
      *   The currently handled tags are:
      * </p>
      * <p>
      *   <code>
      *      &lt;h2&gt;, &lt;h3&gt;, &lt;h4&gt;, &lt;h5&gt;, &lt;h6&gt;, &lt;p&gt;, &lt;pre&gt;,
      *      &lt;ul&gt;, &lt;ol&gt;, &lt;li&gt;, &lt;dl&gt;, &lt;dt&gt;, &lt;dd&gt;, &lt;b&gt;, &lt;strong&gt;,
      *      &lt;i&gt;, &lt;em&gt;, &lt;code&gt;, &lt;samp&gt;, &lt;tt&gt;, &lt;a&gt;, &lt;table&gt;, &lt;tr&gt;,
      *      &lt;th&gt;, &lt;td&gt;, &lt;caption&gt;, &lt;br/&gt;, &lt;hr/&gt;, &lt;img/&gt;.
      *   </code>
      * </p>
      * @param parser A parser.
      * @param sink the sink to receive the events.
      * @return True if the event has been handled by this method, i.e. the tag was recognized, false otherwise.
     protected boolean baseStartTag( XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink )
 124  214
         boolean visited = true;
 126  214
         SinkEventAttributeSet attribs = getAttributesFromParser( parser );
 128  214
         if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.H2.toString() ) )
 130  26
             handleSectionStart( sink, Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_1, attribs );
 132  188
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.H3.toString() ) )
 134  10
             handleSectionStart( sink, Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_2, attribs );
 136  178
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.H4.toString() ) )
 138  8
             handleSectionStart( sink, Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_3, attribs );
 140  170
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.H5.toString() ) )
 142  2
             handleSectionStart( sink, Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_4, attribs );
 144  168
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.H6.toString() ) )
 146  4
             handleSectionStart( sink, Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_5, attribs );
 148  164
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.U.toString() ) )
 150  2
             decoration.addAttribute( SinkEventAttributes.DECORATION, "underline" );
 152  162
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.S.toString() )
                 || parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.STRIKE.toString() )
                 || parser.getName().equals( "del" ) )
 156  6
             decoration.addAttribute( SinkEventAttributes.DECORATION, "line-through" );
 158  156
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.SUB.toString() ) )
 160  2
             decoration.addAttribute( SinkEventAttributes.VALIGN, "sub" );
 162  154
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.SUP.toString() ) )
 164  2
             decoration.addAttribute( SinkEventAttributes.VALIGN, "sup" );
 166  152
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.P.toString() ) )
 168  18
             handlePStart( sink, attribs );
 170  134
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.DIV.toString() ) )
 172  18
             visited = handleDivStart( parser, attribs, sink );
 174  116
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.PRE.toString() ) )
 176  8
             handlePreStart( attribs, sink );
 178  108
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.UL.toString() ) )
 180  2
             sink.list( attribs );
 182  106
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.OL.toString() ) )
 184  2
             handleOLStart( parser, sink, attribs );
 186  104
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.LI.toString() ) )
 188  4
             handleLIStart( sink, attribs );
 190  100
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.DL.toString() ) )
 192  2
             sink.definitionList( attribs );
 194  98
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.DT.toString() ) )
 196  2
             sink.definitionListItem( attribs );
 197  2
             sink.definedTerm( attribs );
 199  96
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.DD.toString() ) )
 201  2
             sink.definition( attribs );
 203  94
         else if ( ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.B.toString() ) )
                 || ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.STRONG.toString() ) ) )
 206  12
 208  82
         else if ( ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.I.toString() ) )
                 || ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.EM.toString() ) ) )
 211  14
             handleFigureCaptionStart( sink, attribs );
 213  68
         else if ( ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.CODE.toString() ) )
                 || ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.SAMP.toString() ) )
                 || ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.TT.toString() ) ) )
 217  8
 219  60
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.A.toString() ) )
 221  20
             handleAStart( parser, sink, attribs );
 223  40
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.TABLE.toString() ) )
 225  4
             handleTableStart( sink, attribs, parser );
 227  36
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.TR.toString() ) )
 229  8
             sink.tableRow( attribs );
 231  28
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.TH.toString() ) )
 233  4
             sink.tableHeaderCell( attribs );
 235  24
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.TD.toString() ) )
 237  4
             sink.tableCell( attribs );
 239  20
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.CAPTION.toString() ) )
 241  2
             sink.tableCaption( attribs );
 243  18
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.BR.toString() ) )
 245  2
             sink.lineBreak( attribs );
 247  16
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.HR.toString() ) )
 249  2
             sink.horizontalRule( attribs );
 251  14
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.IMG.toString() ) )
 253  8
             handleImgStart( parser, sink, attribs );
 255  6
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.SCRIPT.toString() ) )
 257  2
             handleUnknown( parser, sink, TAG_TYPE_START );
 258  2
             scriptBlock = true;
 262  4
             visited = false;
 265  214
         return visited;
      * <p>
      *   Goes through a common list of possible html end tags.
      *   These should be re-usable by different xhtml-based parsers.
      *   The tags handled here are the same as for {@link #baseStartTag(XmlPullParser,Sink)},
      *   except for the empty elements (<code>&lt;br/&gt;, &lt;hr/&gt;, &lt;img/&gt;<code>).
      * </p>
      * @param parser A parser.
      * @param sink the sink to receive the events.
      * @return True if the event has been handled by this method, false otherwise.
     protected boolean baseEndTag( XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink )
 282  214
         boolean visited = true;
 284  214
         if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.P.toString() ) )
 286  18
             if ( !inFigure )
 288  14
 291  196
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.U.toString() )
                 || parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.S.toString() )
                 || parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.STRIKE.toString() )
                 || parser.getName().equals( "del" ) )
 296  8
             decoration.removeAttribute( SinkEventAttributes.DECORATION );
 298  188
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.SUB.toString() )
                 || parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.SUP.toString() ) )
 301  4
             decoration.removeAttribute( SinkEventAttributes.VALIGN );
 303  184
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.DIV.toString() ) )
 305  18
             if ( inFigure )
 307  2
 308  2
                 this.inFigure = false;
 312  16
                 visited = false;
 315  166
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.PRE.toString() ) )
 317  8
 319  8
 321  158
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.UL.toString() ) )
 323  2
 325  156
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.OL.toString() ) )
 327  2
 328  2
 330  154
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.LI.toString() ) )
 332  4
             handleListItemEnd( sink );
 334  150
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.DL.toString() ) )
 336  2
 338  148
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.DT.toString() ) )
 340  2
 342  146
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.DD.toString() ) )
 344  2
 345  2
 347  144
         else if ( ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.B.toString() ) )
                 || ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.STRONG.toString() ) ) )
 350  12
 352  132
         else if ( ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.I.toString() ) )
                 || ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.EM.toString() ) ) )
 355  14
             handleFigureCaptionEnd( sink );
 357  118
         else if ( ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.CODE.toString() ) )
                 || ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.SAMP.toString() ) )
                 || ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.TT.toString() ) ) )
 361  8
 363  110
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.A.toString() ) )
 365  20
             handleAEnd( sink );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Tables
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 372  90
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.TABLE.toString() ) )
 374  4
 376  4
 378  86
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.TR.toString() ) )
 380  8
 382  78
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.TH.toString() ) )
 384  4
 386  74
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.TD.toString() ) )
 388  4
 390  70
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.CAPTION.toString() ) )
 392  2
 394  68
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.H2.toString() ) )
 396  26
 398  42
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.H3.toString() ) )
 400  10
 402  32
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.H4.toString() ) )
 404  8
 406  24
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.H5.toString() ) )
 408  2
 410  22
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.H6.toString() ) )
 412  4
 414  18
         else if ( parser.getName().equals( HtmlMarkup.SCRIPT.toString() ) )
 416  2
             handleUnknown( parser, sink, TAG_TYPE_END );
 418  2
             scriptBlock = false;
 422  16
             visited = false;
 425  214
         return visited;
      * {@inheritDoc}
      * Just calls {@link #baseStartTag(XmlPullParser,Sink)}, this should be
      * overridden by implementing parsers to include additional tags.
     protected void handleStartTag( XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink )
         throws XmlPullParserException, MacroExecutionException
 437  214
         if ( !baseStartTag( parser, sink ) )
 439  20
             if ( getLog().isWarnEnabled() )
 441  6
                 String position = "[" + parser.getLineNumber() + ":"
                     + parser.getColumnNumber() + "]";
 443  6
                 String tag = "<" + parser.getName() + ">";
 445  6
                 getLog().warn( "Unrecognized xml tag: " + tag + " at " + position );
 448  214
      * {@inheritDoc}
      * Just calls {@link #baseEndTag(XmlPullParser,Sink)}, this should be
      * overridden by implementing parsers to include additional tags.
     protected void handleEndTag( XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink )
         throws XmlPullParserException, MacroExecutionException
 459  214
         if ( !baseEndTag( parser, sink ) )
             // unrecognized tag is already logged in StartTag
 463  214
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     protected void handleText( XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 470  78
         String text = getText( parser );
          * NOTE: Don't do any whitespace trimming here. Whitespace normalization has already been performed by the
          * parser so any whitespace that makes it here is significant.
          * NOTE: text within script tags is ignored, scripting code should be embedded in CDATA.
 478  78
         if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( text ) && !isScriptBlock() )
 480  78
             sink.text( text, decoration );
 482  78
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     protected void handleComment( XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 489  4
         String text = getText( parser ).trim();
 491  4
         if ( "PB".equals( text ) )
 493  2
 497  2
             sink.comment( text );
 499  4
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     protected void handleCdsect( XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink )
         throws XmlPullParserException
 506  4
         String text = getText( parser );
 508  4
         if ( isScriptBlock() )
 510  0
             sink.unknown( CDATA, new Object[] {new Integer( CDATA_TYPE ), text}, null );
 514  4
             sink.text( text );
 516  4
      * Make sure sections are nested consecutively.
      * <p>
      * HTML doesn't have any sections, only sectionTitles (&lt;h2&gt; etc), that means we have to
      * open close any sections that are missing in between.
      * </p>
      * <p>
      * For instance, if the following sequence is parsed:
      * <pre>
      * &lt;h3&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
      * &lt;h6&gt;&lt;/h6&gt;
      * </pre>
      * we have to insert two section starts before we open the <code>&lt;h6&gt;</code>.
      * In the following sequence
      * <pre>
      * &lt;h6&gt;&lt;/h6&gt;
      * &lt;h3&gt;&lt;/h3&gt;
      * </pre>
      * we have to close two sections before we open the <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code>.
      * </p>
      * <p>The current level is set to newLevel afterwards.</p>
      * @param newLevel the new section level, all upper levels have to be closed.
      * @param sink the sink to receive the events.
     protected void consecutiveSections( int newLevel, Sink sink )
 548  50
         closeOpenSections( newLevel, sink );
 549  50
         openMissingSections( newLevel, sink );
 551  50
         this.sectionLevel = newLevel;
 552  50
      * Close open sections.
      * @param newLevel the new section level, all upper levels have to be closed.
      * @param sink the sink to receive the events.
     private void closeOpenSections( int newLevel, Sink sink )
 562  92
         while ( this.sectionLevel >= newLevel )
 564  42
             if ( sectionLevel == Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_5 )
 566  4
 568  38
             else if ( sectionLevel == Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_4 )
 570  4
 572  34
             else if ( sectionLevel == Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_3 )
 574  10
 576  24
             else if ( sectionLevel == Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_2 )
 578  10
 580  14
             else if ( sectionLevel == Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_1 )
 582  14
 585  42
 587  50
      * Open missing sections.
      * @param newLevel the new section level, all lower levels have to be opened.
      * @param sink the sink to receive the events.
     private void openMissingSections( int newLevel, Sink sink )
 597  56
         while ( this.sectionLevel < newLevel - 1 )
 599  6
 601  6
             if ( sectionLevel == Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_5 )
 603  0
 605  6
             else if ( sectionLevel == Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_4 )
 607  2
 609  4
             else if ( sectionLevel == Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_3 )
 611  2
 613  2
             else if ( sectionLevel == Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_2 )
 615  2
 617  0
             else if ( sectionLevel == Sink.SECTION_LEVEL_1 )
 619  0
 622  50
      * Return the current section level.
      * @return the current section level.
     protected int getSectionLevel()
 631  0
         return this.sectionLevel;
      * Set the current section level.
      * @param newLevel the new section level.
     protected void setSectionLevel( int newLevel )
 641  0
         this.sectionLevel = newLevel;
 642  0
      * Stop verbatim mode.
     protected void verbatim_()
 649  8
         this.inVerbatim = false;
 650  8
      * Start verbatim mode.
     protected void verbatim()
 657  8
         this.inVerbatim = true;
 658  8
      * Checks if we are currently inside a &lt;pre&gt; tag.
      * @return true if we are currently in verbatim mode.
     protected boolean isVerbatim()
 667  0
         return this.inVerbatim;
      * Checks if we are currently inside a &lt;script&gt; tag.
      * @return true if we are currently inside <code>&lt;script&gt;</code> tags.
      * @since 1.1.1.
     protected boolean isScriptBlock()
 679  82
         return this.scriptBlock;
      * Checks if the given id is a valid Doxia id and if not, returns a transformed one.
      * @param id The id to validate.
      * @return A transformed id or the original id if it was already valid.
      * @see DoxiaUtils#encodeId(String)
     protected String validAnchor( String id )
 691  6
         if ( !DoxiaUtils.isValidId( id ) )
 693  4
             String linkAnchor = DoxiaUtils.encodeId( id, true );
 695  4
             String msg = "Modified invalid link: '" + id + "' to '" + linkAnchor + "'";
 696  4
             logMessage( "modifiedLink", msg );
 698  4
             return linkAnchor;
 701  2
         return id;
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     protected void init()
 708  208
 710  208
         this.scriptBlock = false;
 711  208
         this.isLink = false;
 712  208
         this.isAnchor = false;
 713  208
         this.orderedListDepth = 0;
 714  208
         this.sectionLevel = 0;
 715  208
         this.inVerbatim = false;
 716  208
         this.inFigure = false;
 717  208
         while ( this.decoration.getAttributeNames().hasMoreElements() )
 719  0
             this.decoration.removeAttribute( this.decoration.getAttributeNames().nextElement() );
 721  208
         this.warnMessages = null;
 722  208
     private void handleAEnd( Sink sink )
 726  20
         if ( isLink )
 728  14
 729  14
             isLink = false;
 731  6
         else if ( isAnchor )
 733  6
 734  6
             isAnchor = false;
 736  20
     private void handleAStart( XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink, SinkEventAttributeSet attribs )
 740  20
         String href = parser.getAttributeValue( null, Attribute.HREF.toString() );
 742  20
         if ( href != null )
 744  14
             int hashIndex = href.indexOf( '#');
 745  14
             if ( hashIndex != -1 && !DoxiaUtils.isExternalLink( href ) )
 747  2
                 String hash = href.substring( hashIndex + 1 );
 749  2
                 if ( !DoxiaUtils.isValidId( hash ) )
 751  2
                     href = href.substring( 0, hashIndex ) + "#" + DoxiaUtils.encodeId( hash, true );
 753  2
                     String msg = "Modified invalid link: '" + hash + "' to '" + href + "'";
 754  2
                     logMessage( "modifiedLink", msg );
 757  14
    href, attribs );
 758  14
             isLink = true;
 759  14
 762  6
             String name = parser.getAttributeValue( null, Attribute.NAME.toString() );
 764  6
             if ( name != null )
 766  4
                 sink.anchor( validAnchor( name ), attribs );
 767  4
                 isAnchor = true;
 771  2
                 String id = parser.getAttributeValue( null, Attribute.ID.toString() );
 772  2
                 if ( id != null )
 774  2
                     sink.anchor( validAnchor( id ), attribs );
 775  2
                     isAnchor = true;
 779  20
     private boolean handleDivStart( XmlPullParser parser, SinkEventAttributeSet attribs, Sink sink )
 783  18
         boolean visited = true;
 785  18
         String divclass = parser.getAttributeValue( null, Attribute.CLASS.toString() );
 787  18
         if ( "figure".equals( divclass ) )
 789  2
             this.inFigure = true;
 790  2
             SinkEventAttributeSet atts = new SinkEventAttributeSet( attribs );
 791  2
             atts.removeAttribute( SinkEventAttributes.CLASS );
 792  2
             sink.figure( atts );
 793  2
 796  16
             visited = false;
 799  18
         return visited;
     private void handleFigureCaptionEnd( Sink sink )
 804  14
         if ( inFigure )
 806  2
 810  12
 812  14
     private void handleFigureCaptionStart( Sink sink, SinkEventAttributeSet attribs )
 816  14
         if ( inFigure )
 818  2
             sink.figureCaption( attribs );
 822  12
 824  14
     private void handleImgStart( XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink, SinkEventAttributeSet attribs )
 828  8
         String src = parser.getAttributeValue( null, Attribute.SRC.toString() );
 830  8
         if ( src != null )
 832  8
             sink.figureGraphics( src, attribs );
 834  8
     private void handleLIStart( Sink sink, SinkEventAttributeSet attribs )
 838  4
         if ( orderedListDepth == 0 )
 840  2
             sink.listItem( attribs );
 844  2
             sink.numberedListItem( attribs );
 846  4
     private void handleListItemEnd( Sink sink )
 850  4
         if ( orderedListDepth == 0 )
 852  2
 856  2
 858  4
     private void handleOLStart( XmlPullParser parser, Sink sink, SinkEventAttributeSet attribs )
 862  2
         int numbering = Sink.NUMBERING_DECIMAL;
         // this will have to be generalized if we handle styles
 864  2
         String style = parser.getAttributeValue( null, Attribute.STYLE.toString() );
 866  2
         if ( style != null )
 868  0
             if ( "list-style-type: upper-alpha".equals( style ) )
 870  0
                 numbering = Sink.NUMBERING_UPPER_ALPHA;
 872  0
             else if ( "list-style-type: lower-alpha".equals( style ) )
 874  0
                 numbering = Sink.NUMBERING_LOWER_ALPHA;
 876  0
             else if ( "list-style-type: upper-roman".equals( style ) )
 878  0
                 numbering = Sink.NUMBERING_UPPER_ROMAN;
 880  0
             else if ( "list-style-type: lower-roman".equals( style ) )
 882  0
                 numbering = Sink.NUMBERING_LOWER_ROMAN;
 884  0
             else if ( "list-style-type: decimal".equals( style ) )
 886  0
                 numbering = Sink.NUMBERING_DECIMAL;
 890  2
         sink.numberedList( numbering, attribs );
 891  2
 892  2
     private void handlePStart( Sink sink, SinkEventAttributeSet attribs )
 896  18
         if ( !inFigure )
 898  14
             sink.paragraph( attribs );
 900  18
      * The PRE element tells visual user agents that the enclosed text is
      * "preformatted". When handling preformatted text, visual user agents:
      * - May leave white space intact.
      * - May render text with a fixed-pitch font.
      * - May disable automatic word wrap.
      * - Must not disable bidirectional processing.
      * Non-visual user agents are not required to respect extra white space
      * in the content of a PRE element.
     private void handlePreStart( SinkEventAttributeSet attribs, Sink sink )
 914  8
 915  8
         attribs.removeAttribute( SinkEventAttributes.DECORATION );
 916  8
         sink.verbatim( attribs );
 917  8
     private void handleSectionStart( Sink sink, int level, SinkEventAttributeSet attribs )
 921  50
         consecutiveSections( level, sink );
 922  50
         sink.section( level, attribs );
 923  50
         sink.sectionTitle( level, attribs );
 924  50
     private void handleTableStart( Sink sink, SinkEventAttributeSet attribs, XmlPullParser parser )
 928  4
         sink.table( attribs );
 929  4
         String border = parser.getAttributeValue( null, Attribute.BORDER.toString() );
 930  4
         boolean grid = true;
 932  4
         if ( border == null || "0".equals( border ) )
 934  4
             grid = false;
 937  4
         String align = parser.getAttributeValue( null, Attribute.ALIGN.toString() );
 938  4
         int[] justif = {Sink.JUSTIFY_LEFT};
 940  4
         if ( "center".equals( align ) )
 942  2
             justif[0] = Sink.JUSTIFY_CENTER;
 944  2
         else if ( "right".equals( align ) )
 946  0
             justif[0] = Sink.JUSTIFY_RIGHT;
 949  4
         sink.tableRows( justif, grid );
 950  4
      * If debug mode is enabled, log the <code>msg</code> as is, otherwise add unique msg in <code>warnMessages</code>.
      * @param key not null
      * @param msg not null
      * @see #parse(Reader, Sink)
      * @since 1.1.1
     private void logMessage( String key, String msg )
 962  6
         final String log = "[XHTML Parser] " + msg;
 963  6
         if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
 965  0
             getLog().debug( log );
 967  0
 970  6
         if ( warnMessages == null )
 972  2
             warnMessages = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
 975  6
         Set<String> set = warnMessages.get( key );
 976  6
         if ( set == null )
 978  2
             set = new TreeSet<String>();
 980  6
         set.add( log );
 981  6
         warnMessages.put( key, set );
 982  6
      * @since 1.1.1
     private void logWarnings()
 989  52
         if ( getLog().isWarnEnabled() && this.warnMessages != null && !isSecondParsing() )
 991  0
             for ( Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : this.warnMessages.entrySet() )
 993  0
                 for ( String msg : entry.getValue() )
 995  0
                     getLog().warn( msg );
 999  0
             this.warnMessages = null;
 1001  52