Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentCover
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  Generated by Modello 1.4.1 on 2012-04-13 21:33:05,
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 package org.apache.maven.doxia.document;
  * Contains meta-data information for the document cover page.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 16  4
 public class DocumentCover
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      *             The title to appear on the cover.
     private String coverTitle;
      *             a sub-title to appear on the cover.
     private String coverSubTitle;
      *             The version of the project that appears on the
      * cover page.
     private String coverVersion;
      *             The type of the document. This might be used on
      * the cover page to
      *             specify the type of information contained in the
      * document
      *             (eg 'User Guide', 'Manual', etc.).
     private String coverType;
      *             The date to appear on the cover.
      *             Use the ISO 8601 format
      * "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS" in xml.
     private java.util.Date coverDate;
      *             The date as String (recommended format is ISO
      * 8601) to appear on the cover.
      *             Only used if <code>coverDate</code> is not set.
      *             @since 1.1.1
      *           .
     private String coverdate;
      * Field authors.
     private java.util.List<DocumentAuthor> authors;
      *             A shortcut for the unique author that appears on
      * the cover page.
      *             For more authors, you could use the
      * &lt;authors/&gt; tag.
      *             @since 1.1.1
      *           .
     private String author;
      *             The name of the project.
     private String projectName;
      *             The location of an image file that represents
      * the project logo.
     private String projectLogo;
      *             The name of the entity that is responsible for
      * the content of the
      *             document, or a copyright holder.
     private String companyName;
      *             The location of an image file that represents
      * the company logo.
     private String companyLogo;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addAuthor.
      * @param documentAuthor
     public void addAuthor( DocumentAuthor documentAuthor )
 136  2
         getAuthors().add( documentAuthor );
 137  2
     } //-- void addAuthor( DocumentAuthor )
      * Method equals.
      * @param other
      * @return boolean
     public boolean equals( Object other )
 147  2
         if ( this == other )
 149  0
             return true;
 152  2
         if ( !( other instanceof DocumentCover ) )
 154  0
             return false;
 157  2
         DocumentCover that = (DocumentCover) other;
 158  2
         boolean result = true;
 160  2
         result = result && ( getCoverTitle() == null ? that.getCoverTitle() == null : getCoverTitle().equals( that.getCoverTitle() ) );
 161  2
         result = result && ( getCoverSubTitle() == null ? that.getCoverSubTitle() == null : getCoverSubTitle().equals( that.getCoverSubTitle() ) );
 162  2
         result = result && ( getCoverVersion() == null ? that.getCoverVersion() == null : getCoverVersion().equals( that.getCoverVersion() ) );
 163  2
         result = result && ( getCoverType() == null ? that.getCoverType() == null : getCoverType().equals( that.getCoverType() ) );
 164  2
         result = result && ( getCoverDate() == null ? that.getCoverDate() == null : getCoverDate().equals( that.getCoverDate() ) );
 165  2
         result = result && ( getCoverdate() == null ? that.getCoverdate() == null : getCoverdate().equals( that.getCoverdate() ) );
 166  2
         result = result && ( getAuthors() == null ? that.getAuthors() == null : getAuthors().equals( that.getAuthors() ) );
 167  2
         result = result && ( getAuthor() == null ? that.getAuthor() == null : getAuthor().equals( that.getAuthor() ) );
 168  2
         result = result && ( getProjectName() == null ? that.getProjectName() == null : getProjectName().equals( that.getProjectName() ) );
 169  2
         result = result && ( getProjectLogo() == null ? that.getProjectLogo() == null : getProjectLogo().equals( that.getProjectLogo() ) );
 170  2
         result = result && ( getCompanyName() == null ? that.getCompanyName() == null : getCompanyName().equals( that.getCompanyName() ) );
 171  2
         result = result && ( getCompanyLogo() == null ? that.getCompanyLogo() == null : getCompanyLogo().equals( that.getCompanyLogo() ) );
 173  2
         return result;
     } //-- boolean equals( Object )
      * Get a shortcut for the unique author that appears on the
      * cover page.
      *             For more authors, you could use the
      * &lt;authors/&gt; tag.
      *             @since 1.1.1.
      * @return String
     public String getAuthor()
 187  18
     } //-- String getAuthor()
      * Method getAuthors.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<DocumentAuthor> getAuthors()
 197  22
         if ( this.authors == null )
 199  2
             this.authors = new java.util.ArrayList<DocumentAuthor>();
 202  22
         return this.authors;
     } //-- java.util.List<DocumentAuthor> getAuthors()
      * Get the location of an image file that represents the
      * company logo.
      * @return String
     public String getCompanyLogo()
 213  18
         return this.companyLogo;
     } //-- String getCompanyLogo()
      * Get the name of the entity that is responsible for the
      * content of the
      *             document, or a copyright holder.
      * @return String
     public String getCompanyName()
 225  18
         return this.companyName;
     } //-- String getCompanyName()
      * Get the date to appear on the cover.
      *             Use the ISO 8601 format
      * "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS" in xml.
      * @return Date
     public java.util.Date getCoverDate()
 237  54
         return this.coverDate;
     } //-- java.util.Date getCoverDate()
      * Get a sub-title to appear on the cover.
      * @return String
     public String getCoverSubTitle()
 247  18
         return this.coverSubTitle;
     } //-- String getCoverSubTitle()
      * Get the title to appear on the cover.
      * @return String
     public String getCoverTitle()
 257  18
         return this.coverTitle;
     } //-- String getCoverTitle()
      * Get the type of the document. This might be used on the
      * cover page to
      *             specify the type of information contained in the
      * document
      *             (eg 'User Guide', 'Manual', etc.).
      * @return String
     public String getCoverType()
 271  18
         return this.coverType;
     } //-- String getCoverType()
      * Get the version of the project that appears on the cover
      * page.
      * @return String
     public String getCoverVersion()
 282  18
         return this.coverVersion;
     } //-- String getCoverVersion()
      * Get the location of an image file that represents the
      * project logo.
      * @return String
     public String getProjectLogo()
 293  18
         return this.projectLogo;
     } //-- String getProjectLogo()
      * Get the name of the project.
      * @return String
     public String getProjectName()
 303  18
         return this.projectName;
     } //-- String getProjectName()
      * Method hashCode.
      * @return int
     public int hashCode()
 313  4
         int result = 17;
 315  4
         result = 37 * result + ( coverTitle != null ? coverTitle.hashCode() : 0 );
 316  4
         result = 37 * result + ( coverSubTitle != null ? coverSubTitle.hashCode() : 0 );
 317  4
         result = 37 * result + ( coverVersion != null ? coverVersion.hashCode() : 0 );
 318  4
         result = 37 * result + ( coverType != null ? coverType.hashCode() : 0 );
 319  4
         result = 37 * result + ( coverDate != null ? coverDate.hashCode() : 0 );
 320  4
         result = 37 * result + ( coverdate != null ? coverdate.hashCode() : 0 );
 321  4
         result = 37 * result + ( authors != null ? authors.hashCode() : 0 );
 322  4
         result = 37 * result + ( author != null ? author.hashCode() : 0 );
 323  4
         result = 37 * result + ( projectName != null ? projectName.hashCode() : 0 );
 324  4
         result = 37 * result + ( projectLogo != null ? projectLogo.hashCode() : 0 );
 325  4
         result = 37 * result + ( companyName != null ? companyName.hashCode() : 0 );
 326  4
         result = 37 * result + ( companyLogo != null ? companyLogo.hashCode() : 0 );
 328  4
         return result;
     } //-- int hashCode()
      * Method removeAuthor.
      * @param documentAuthor
     public void removeAuthor( DocumentAuthor documentAuthor )
 338  0
         getAuthors().remove( documentAuthor );
 339  0
     } //-- void removeAuthor( DocumentAuthor )
      * Set a shortcut for the unique author that appears on the
      * cover page.
      *             For more authors, you could use the
      * &lt;authors/&gt; tag.
      *             @since 1.1.1.
      * @param author
     public void setAuthor( String author )
 352  4 = author;
 353  4
     } //-- void setAuthor( String )
      * Set the authors that appear on the cover page.
      *             Only used if author is not given.
      * @param authors
     public void setAuthors( java.util.List<DocumentAuthor> authors )
 363  2
         this.authors = authors;
 364  2
     } //-- void setAuthors( java.util.List )
      * Set the location of an image file that represents the
      * company logo.
      * @param companyLogo
     public void setCompanyLogo( String companyLogo )
 374  4
         this.companyLogo = companyLogo;
 375  4
     } //-- void setCompanyLogo( String )
      * Set the name of the entity that is responsible for the
      * content of the
      *             document, or a copyright holder.
      * @param companyName
     public void setCompanyName( String companyName )
 386  4
         this.companyName = companyName;
 387  4
     } //-- void setCompanyName( String )
      * Set the date to appear on the cover.
      *             Use the ISO 8601 format
      * "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS" in xml.
      * @param coverDate
     public void setCoverDate( java.util.Date coverDate )
 398  4
         this.coverDate = coverDate;
 399  4
     } //-- void setCoverDate( java.util.Date )
      * Set a sub-title to appear on the cover.
      * @param coverSubTitle
     public void setCoverSubTitle( String coverSubTitle )
 408  4
         this.coverSubTitle = coverSubTitle;
 409  4
     } //-- void setCoverSubTitle( String )
      * Set the title to appear on the cover.
      * @param coverTitle
     public void setCoverTitle( String coverTitle )
 418  4
         this.coverTitle = coverTitle;
 419  4
     } //-- void setCoverTitle( String )
      * Set the type of the document. This might be used on the
      * cover page to
      *             specify the type of information contained in the
      * document
      *             (eg 'User Guide', 'Manual', etc.).
      * @param coverType
     public void setCoverType( String coverType )
 432  4
         this.coverType = coverType;
 433  4
     } //-- void setCoverType( String )
      * Set the version of the project that appears on the cover
      * page.
      * @param coverVersion
     public void setCoverVersion( String coverVersion )
 443  4
         this.coverVersion = coverVersion;
 444  4
     } //-- void setCoverVersion( String )
      * Set the date as String (recommended format is ISO 8601) to
      * appear on the cover.
      *             Only used if <code>coverDate</code> is not set.
      *             @since 1.1.1.
      * @param coverdate
     public void setCoverdate( String coverdate )
 456  2
         this.coverdate = coverdate;
 457  2
     } //-- void setCoverdate( String )
      * Set the location of an image file that represents the
      * project logo.
      * @param projectLogo
     public void setProjectLogo( String projectLogo )
 467  4
         this.projectLogo = projectLogo;
 468  4
     } //-- void setProjectLogo( String )
      * Set the name of the project.
      * @param projectName
     public void setProjectName( String projectName )
 477  4
         this.projectName = projectName;
 478  4
     } //-- void setProjectName( String )
      * Method toString.
      * @return String
     public java.lang.String toString()
 487  4
         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( 128 );
 489  4
         buf.append( "coverTitle = '" );
 490  4
         buf.append( getCoverTitle() );
 491  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 492  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 493  4
         buf.append( "coverSubTitle = '" );
 494  4
         buf.append( getCoverSubTitle() );
 495  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 496  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 497  4
         buf.append( "coverVersion = '" );
 498  4
         buf.append( getCoverVersion() );
 499  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 500  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 501  4
         buf.append( "coverType = '" );
 502  4
         buf.append( getCoverType() );
 503  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 504  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 505  4
         buf.append( "coverDate = '" );
 506  4
         buf.append( getCoverDate() );
 507  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 508  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 509  4
         buf.append( "coverdate = '" );
 510  4
         buf.append( getCoverdate() );
 511  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 512  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 513  4
         buf.append( "authors = '" );
 514  4
         buf.append( getAuthors() );
 515  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 516  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 517  4
         buf.append( "author = '" );
 518  4
         buf.append( getAuthor() );
 519  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 520  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 521  4
         buf.append( "projectName = '" );
 522  4
         buf.append( getProjectName() );
 523  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 524  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 525  4
         buf.append( "projectLogo = '" );
 526  4
         buf.append( getProjectLogo() );
 527  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 528  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 529  4
         buf.append( "companyName = '" );
 530  4
         buf.append( getCompanyName() );
 531  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 532  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 533  4
         buf.append( "companyLogo = '" );
 534  4
         buf.append( getCompanyLogo() );
 535  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 537  4
         return buf.toString();
     } //-- java.lang.String toString()
      * @return {@link #getAuthor()} if the unique author name is defined. Otherwise, return all authors full names
      * comma separated.
      * @see #getAuthor()
      * @see #getAuthors()
      * @since 1.1.1
     public String getAllAuthorNames()
 551  0
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 552  0
         if ( getAuthor() != null && getAuthor().trim().length() > 0 )
 554  0
             return getAuthor().trim();
 557  0
         if ( getAuthors() != null )
 559  0
             for ( java.util.Iterator it = getAuthors().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 561  0
                 DocumentAuthor author = (DocumentAuthor);
 563  0
                 sb.append( author.getFullName().trim() );
 565  0
                 if ( it.hasNext() )
 567  0
                     sb.append( ", " );
 569  0
 572  0
         return sb.toString();
     /** ISO 8601 date format, i.e. <code>yyyy-MM-dd</code> **/
 576  2
     private static final java.text.DateFormat ISO_8601_FORMAT = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd", java.util.Locale.ENGLISH );
      * Get the date to appear on the cover.
      * @return the <code>getCoverDate()</code> if setted, formatted using ISO-8601 English format, otherwise return
      * the <code>coverdate</code>.
      * @since 1.1.1
      * @see #getCoverDate()
     public String getCoverdate()
 588  18
         if ( getCoverDate() != null )
 590  18
             return ISO_8601_FORMAT.format( getCoverDate() );
 593  0
         return this.coverdate;