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  =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
  Generated by Modello 1.4.1 on 2011-04-27 00:16:27,
  any modifications will be overwritten.
  //- Imported classes and packages -/
 import java.text.DateFormat;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentAuthor;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentCover;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentHyperlinkBehaviour;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentMeta;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentModel;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentStatistic;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentTOC;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentTOCItem;
 import org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentTemplate;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.MXSerializer;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlSerializer;
  * Class DocumentXpp3Writer.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 37  2
 public class DocumentXpp3Writer
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * Field NAMESPACE.
 47  2
     private static final String NAMESPACE = null;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method write.
      * @param writer
      * @param documentModel
      * @throws
     public void write( Writer writer, DocumentModel documentModel )
 64  2
         XmlSerializer serializer = new MXSerializer();
 65  2
         serializer.setProperty( "", "  " );
 66  2
         serializer.setProperty( "", "\n" );
 67  2
         serializer.setOutput( writer );
 68  2
         serializer.startDocument( documentModel.getModelEncoding(), null );
 69  2
         writeDocumentModel( documentModel, "document", serializer );
 70  2
 71  2
     } //-- void write( Writer, DocumentModel )
      * Method write.
      * @param stream
      * @param documentModel
      * @throws
     public void write( OutputStream stream, DocumentModel documentModel )
 83  0
         XmlSerializer serializer = new MXSerializer();
 84  0
         serializer.setProperty( "", "  " );
 85  0
         serializer.setProperty( "", "\n" );
 86  0
         serializer.setOutput( stream, documentModel.getModelEncoding() );
 87  0
         serializer.startDocument( documentModel.getModelEncoding(), null );
 88  0
         writeDocumentModel( documentModel, "document", serializer );
 89  0
 90  0
     } //-- void write( OutputStream, DocumentModel )
      * Method writeDocumentAuthor.
      * @param documentAuthor
      * @param serializer
      * @param tagName
      * @throws
     private void writeDocumentAuthor( DocumentAuthor documentAuthor, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer )
 103  4
         serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 104  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getFirstName() != null )
 106  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "firstName" ).text( documentAuthor.getFirstName() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "firstName" );
 108  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getLastName() != null )
 110  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "lastName" ).text( documentAuthor.getLastName() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "lastName" );
 112  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getName() != null )
 114  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "name" ).text( documentAuthor.getName() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "name" );
 116  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getInitials() != null )
 118  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "initials" ).text( documentAuthor.getInitials() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "initials" );
 120  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getTitle() != null )
 122  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "title" ).text( documentAuthor.getTitle() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "title" );
 124  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getPosition() != null )
 126  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "position" ).text( documentAuthor.getPosition() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "position" );
 128  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getEmail() != null )
 130  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "email" ).text( documentAuthor.getEmail() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "email" );
 132  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getPhoneNumber() != null )
 134  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "phoneNumber" ).text( documentAuthor.getPhoneNumber() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "phoneNumber" );
 136  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getFaxNumber() != null )
 138  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "faxNumber" ).text( documentAuthor.getFaxNumber() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "faxNumber" );
 140  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getCompanyName() != null )
 142  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "companyName" ).text( documentAuthor.getCompanyName() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "companyName" );
 144  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getStreet() != null )
 146  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "street" ).text( documentAuthor.getStreet() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "street" );
 148  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getCity() != null )
 150  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "city" ).text( documentAuthor.getCity() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "city" );
 152  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getPostalCode() != null )
 154  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "postalCode" ).text( documentAuthor.getPostalCode() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "postalCode" );
 156  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getCountry() != null )
 158  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "country" ).text( documentAuthor.getCountry() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "country" );
 160  4
         if ( documentAuthor.getState() != null )
 162  4
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "state" ).text( documentAuthor.getState() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "state" );
 164  4
         serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 165  4
     } //-- void writeDocumentAuthor( DocumentAuthor, String, XmlSerializer )
      * Method writeDocumentCover.
      * @param documentCover
      * @param serializer
      * @param tagName
      * @throws
     private void writeDocumentCover( DocumentCover documentCover, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer )
 178  2
         serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 179  2
         if ( documentCover.getCoverTitle() != null )
 181  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "coverTitle" ).text( documentCover.getCoverTitle() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "coverTitle" );
 183  2
         if ( documentCover.getCoverSubTitle() != null )
 185  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "coverSubTitle" ).text( documentCover.getCoverSubTitle() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "coverSubTitle" );
 187  2
         if ( documentCover.getCoverVersion() != null )
 189  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "coverVersion" ).text( documentCover.getCoverVersion() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "coverVersion" );
 191  2
         if ( documentCover.getCoverType() != null )
 193  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "coverType" ).text( documentCover.getCoverType() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "coverType" );
 195  2
         if ( documentCover.getCoverDate() != null )
 197  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "coverDate" ).text( new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS", Locale.US ).format( documentCover.getCoverDate() ) ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "coverDate" );
 199  2
         if ( documentCover.getCoverdate() != null )
 201  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "coverdate" ).text( documentCover.getCoverdate() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "coverdate" );
 203  2
         if ( ( documentCover.getAuthors() != null ) && ( documentCover.getAuthors().size() > 0 ) )
 205  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "authors" );
 206  2
             for ( Iterator iter = documentCover.getAuthors().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
 208  2
                 DocumentAuthor o = (DocumentAuthor);
 209  2
                 writeDocumentAuthor( o, "author", serializer );
 210  2
 211  2
             serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, "authors" );
 213  2
         if ( documentCover.getAuthor() != null )
 215  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "author" ).text( documentCover.getAuthor() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "author" );
 217  2
         if ( documentCover.getProjectName() != null )
 219  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "projectName" ).text( documentCover.getProjectName() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "projectName" );
 221  2
         if ( documentCover.getProjectLogo() != null )
 223  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "projectLogo" ).text( documentCover.getProjectLogo() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "projectLogo" );
 225  2
         if ( documentCover.getCompanyName() != null )
 227  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "companyName" ).text( documentCover.getCompanyName() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "companyName" );
 229  2
         if ( documentCover.getCompanyLogo() != null )
 231  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "companyLogo" ).text( documentCover.getCompanyLogo() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "companyLogo" );
 233  2
         serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 234  2
     } //-- void writeDocumentCover( DocumentCover, String, XmlSerializer )
      * Method writeDocumentHyperlinkBehaviour.
      * @param documentHyperlinkBehaviour
      * @param serializer
      * @param tagName
      * @throws
     private void writeDocumentHyperlinkBehaviour( DocumentHyperlinkBehaviour documentHyperlinkBehaviour, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer )
 247  2
         serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 248  2
         if ( ( documentHyperlinkBehaviour.getTargetFrame() != null ) && !documentHyperlinkBehaviour.getTargetFrame().equals( "_self" ) )
 250  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "targetFrame", documentHyperlinkBehaviour.getTargetFrame() );
 252  2
         serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 253  2
     } //-- void writeDocumentHyperlinkBehaviour( DocumentHyperlinkBehaviour, String, XmlSerializer )
      * Method writeDocumentMeta.
      * @param documentMeta
      * @param serializer
      * @param tagName
      * @throws
     private void writeDocumentMeta( DocumentMeta documentMeta, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer )
 266  2
         serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 267  2
         if ( documentMeta.getTitle() != null )
 269  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "title" ).text( documentMeta.getTitle() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "title" );
 271  2
         if ( documentMeta.getAuthor() != null )
 273  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "author" ).text( documentMeta.getAuthor() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "author" );
 275  2
         if ( ( documentMeta.getAuthors() != null ) && ( documentMeta.getAuthors().size() > 0 ) )
 277  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "authors" );
 278  2
             for ( Iterator iter = documentMeta.getAuthors().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
 280  2
                 DocumentAuthor o = (DocumentAuthor);
 281  2
                 writeDocumentAuthor( o, "author", serializer );
 282  2
 283  2
             serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, "authors" );
 285  2
         if ( documentMeta.getSubject() != null )
 287  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "subject" ).text( documentMeta.getSubject() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "subject" );
 289  2
         if ( documentMeta.getKeywords() != null )
 291  0
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "keywords" ).text( documentMeta.getKeywords() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "keywords" );
 293  2
         if ( ( documentMeta.getKeyWords() != null ) && ( documentMeta.getKeyWords().size() > 0 ) )
 295  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "keyWords" );
 296  2
             for ( Iterator iter = documentMeta.getKeyWords().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
 298  4
                 String keyWord = (String);
 299  4
                 serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "keyWord" ).text( keyWord ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "keyWord" );
 300  4
 301  2
             serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, "keyWords" );
 303  2
         if ( documentMeta.getPageSize() != null )
 305  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "pageSize" ).text( documentMeta.getPageSize() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "pageSize" );
 307  2
         if ( documentMeta.getGenerator() != null )
 309  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "generator" ).text( documentMeta.getGenerator() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "generator" );
 311  2
         if ( documentMeta.getDescription() != null )
 313  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "description" ).text( documentMeta.getDescription() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "description" );
 315  2
         if ( documentMeta.getInitialCreator() != null )
 317  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "initialCreator" ).text( documentMeta.getInitialCreator() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "initialCreator" );
 319  2
         if ( documentMeta.getCreator() != null )
 321  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "creator" ).text( documentMeta.getCreator() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "creator" );
 323  2
         if ( documentMeta.getPrintedBy() != null )
 325  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "printedBy" ).text( documentMeta.getPrintedBy() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "printedBy" );
 327  2
         if ( documentMeta.getCreationDate() != null )
 329  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "creationDate" ).text( new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS", Locale.US ).format( documentMeta.getCreationDate() ) ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "creationDate" );
 331  2
         if ( documentMeta.getCreationdate() != null )
 333  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "creationdate" ).text( documentMeta.getCreationdate() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "creationdate" );
 335  2
         if ( documentMeta.getDate() != null )
 337  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "date" ).text( new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS", Locale.US ).format( documentMeta.getDate() ) ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "date" );
 339  2
         if ( documentMeta.getModifydate() != null )
 341  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "modifydate" ).text( documentMeta.getModifydate() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "modifydate" );
 343  2
         if ( documentMeta.getPrintDate() != null )
 345  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "printDate" ).text( new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS", Locale.US ).format( documentMeta.getPrintDate() ) ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "printDate" );
 347  2
         if ( documentMeta.getPrintdate() != null )
 349  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "printdate" ).text( documentMeta.getPrintdate() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "printdate" );
 351  2
         if ( documentMeta.getTemplate() != null )
 353  2
             writeDocumentTemplate( (DocumentTemplate) documentMeta.getTemplate(), "template", serializer );
 355  2
         if ( documentMeta.getHyperlinkBehaviour() != null )
 357  2
             writeDocumentHyperlinkBehaviour( (DocumentHyperlinkBehaviour) documentMeta.getHyperlinkBehaviour(), "hyperlinkBehaviour", serializer );
 359  2
         if ( ( documentMeta.getLanguage() != null ) && !documentMeta.getLanguage().equals( "en-US" ) )
 361  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "language" ).text( documentMeta.getLanguage() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "language" );
 363  2
         if ( documentMeta.getEditingCycles() != 0L )
 365  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "editingCycles" ).text( String.valueOf( documentMeta.getEditingCycles() ) ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "editingCycles" );
 367  2
         if ( documentMeta.getEditingDuration() != 0L )
 369  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "editingDuration" ).text( String.valueOf( documentMeta.getEditingDuration() ) ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "editingDuration" );
 371  2
         if ( documentMeta.getDocumentStatistic() != null )
 373  2
             writeDocumentStatistic( (DocumentStatistic) documentMeta.getDocumentStatistic(), "documentStatistic", serializer );
 375  2
         if ( documentMeta.isConfidential() != false )
 377  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "confidential" ).text( String.valueOf( documentMeta.isConfidential() ) ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "confidential" );
 379  2
         if ( documentMeta.isDraft() != false )
 381  2
             serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "draft" ).text( String.valueOf( documentMeta.isDraft() ) ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "draft" );
 383  2
         serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 384  2
     } //-- void writeDocumentMeta( DocumentMeta, String, XmlSerializer )
      * Method writeDocumentModel.
      * @param documentModel
      * @param serializer
      * @param tagName
      * @throws
     private void writeDocumentModel( DocumentModel documentModel, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer )
 397  2
         serializer.setPrefix( "", "" );
 398  2
         serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 399  2
         if ( documentModel.getOutputName() != null )
 401  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "outputName", documentModel.getOutputName() );
 403  2
         if ( documentModel.getMeta() != null )
 405  2
             writeDocumentMeta( (DocumentMeta) documentModel.getMeta(), "meta", serializer );
 407  2
         if ( documentModel.getToc() != null )
 409  2
             writeDocumentTOC( (DocumentTOC) documentModel.getToc(), "toc", serializer );
 411  2
         if ( documentModel.getCover() != null )
 413  2
             writeDocumentCover( (DocumentCover) documentModel.getCover(), "cover", serializer );
 415  2
         serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 416  2
     } //-- void writeDocumentModel( DocumentModel, String, XmlSerializer )
      * Method writeDocumentStatistic.
      * @param documentStatistic
      * @param serializer
      * @param tagName
      * @throws
     private void writeDocumentStatistic( DocumentStatistic documentStatistic, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer )
 429  2
         serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 430  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getPageCount() != 0L )
 432  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "pageCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getPageCount() ) );
 434  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getTableCount() != 0L )
 436  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "tableCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getTableCount() ) );
 438  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getDrawCount() != 0L )
 440  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "drawCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getDrawCount() ) );
 442  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getImageCount() != 0L )
 444  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "imageCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getImageCount() ) );
 446  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getObjectCount() != 0L )
 448  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "objectCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getObjectCount() ) );
 450  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getOleObjectCount() != 0L )
 452  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "oleObjectCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getOleObjectCount() ) );
 454  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getParagraphCount() != 0L )
 456  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "paragraphCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getParagraphCount() ) );
 458  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getWordCount() != 0L )
 460  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "wordCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getWordCount() ) );
 462  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getCharacterCount() != 0L )
 464  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "characterCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getCharacterCount() ) );
 466  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getRowCount() != 0L )
 468  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "rowCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getRowCount() ) );
 470  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getFrameCount() != 0L )
 472  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "frameCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getFrameCount() ) );
 474  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getSentenceCount() != 0L )
 476  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "sentenceCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getSentenceCount() ) );
 478  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getSyllableCount() != 0L )
 480  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "syllableCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getSyllableCount() ) );
 482  2
         if ( documentStatistic.getNonWhitespaceCharacterCount() != 0L )
 484  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "nonWhitespaceCharacterCount", String.valueOf( documentStatistic.getNonWhitespaceCharacterCount() ) );
 486  2
         serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 487  2
     } //-- void writeDocumentStatistic( DocumentStatistic, String, XmlSerializer )
      * Method writeDocumentTOC.
      * @param documentTOC
      * @param serializer
      * @param tagName
      * @throws
     private void writeDocumentTOC( DocumentTOC documentTOC, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer )
 500  2
         serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 501  2
         if ( documentTOC.getName() != null )
 503  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "name", documentTOC.getName() );
 505  2
         if ( documentTOC.getDepth() != 0 )
 507  0
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "depth", String.valueOf( documentTOC.getDepth() ) );
 509  2
         if ( ( documentTOC.getItems() != null ) && ( documentTOC.getItems().size() > 0 ) )
 511  2
             for ( Iterator iter = documentTOC.getItems().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
 513  4
                 DocumentTOCItem o = (DocumentTOCItem);
 514  4
                 writeDocumentTOCItem( o, "item", serializer );
 515  4
 517  2
         serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 518  2
     } //-- void writeDocumentTOC( DocumentTOC, String, XmlSerializer )
      * Method writeDocumentTOCItem.
      * @param documentTOCItem
      * @param serializer
      * @param tagName
      * @throws
     private void writeDocumentTOCItem( DocumentTOCItem documentTOCItem, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer )
 531  4
         serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 532  4
         if ( documentTOCItem.getName() != null )
 534  4
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "name", documentTOCItem.getName() );
 536  4
         if ( documentTOCItem.getRef() != null )
 538  4
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "ref", documentTOCItem.getRef() );
 540  4
         if ( documentTOCItem.isCollapse() != false )
 542  0
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "collapse", String.valueOf( documentTOCItem.isCollapse() ) );
 544  4
         if ( ( documentTOCItem.getItems() != null ) && ( documentTOCItem.getItems().size() > 0 ) )
 546  0
             for ( Iterator iter = documentTOCItem.getItems().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
 548  0
                 DocumentTOCItem o = (DocumentTOCItem);
 549  0
                 writeDocumentTOCItem( o, "item", serializer );
 550  0
 552  4
         serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 553  4
     } //-- void writeDocumentTOCItem( DocumentTOCItem, String, XmlSerializer )
      * Method writeDocumentTemplate.
      * @param documentTemplate
      * @param serializer
      * @param tagName
      * @throws
     private void writeDocumentTemplate( DocumentTemplate documentTemplate, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer )
 566  2
         serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 567  2
         if ( documentTemplate.getHref() != null )
 569  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "href", documentTemplate.getHref() );
 571  2
         if ( documentTemplate.getTitle() != null )
 573  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "title", documentTemplate.getTitle() );
 575  2
         if ( documentTemplate.getDate() != null )
 577  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "date", new java.text.SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS", Locale.US ).format( documentTemplate.getDate() ) );
 579  2
         if ( documentTemplate.getModifydate() != null )
 581  2
             serializer.attribute( NAMESPACE, "modifydate", documentTemplate.getModifydate() );
 583  2
         serializer.endTag( NAMESPACE, tagName );
 584  2
     } //-- void writeDocumentTemplate( DocumentTemplate, String, XmlSerializer )