Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentStatistic
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
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  Generated by Modello 1.4.1 on 2011-04-27 00:16:27,
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 package org.apache.maven.doxia.document;
  * Statistical attributes of the document.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 16  4
 public class DocumentStatistic
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      *             The number of pages in the document.
 29  4
     private long pageCount = 0L;
      *             The number of tabels in the document.
 36  4
     private long tableCount = 0L;
      *             The number of drawings in the document.
 43  4
     private long drawCount = 0L;
      *             The number of images in the document.
 50  4
     private long imageCount = 0L;
      *             The number of objects in the document.
 57  4
     private long objectCount = 0L;
      *             The number of ole-objects in the document.
 64  4
     private long oleObjectCount = 0L;
      *             The number of paragraphs in the document.
 71  4
     private long paragraphCount = 0L;
      *             The number of words in the document.
 78  4
     private long wordCount = 0L;
      *             The number of characters in the document.
 85  4
     private long characterCount = 0L;
      *             The number of rows in the document.
 92  4
     private long rowCount = 0L;
      *             The number of frames in the document.
 99  4
     private long frameCount = 0L;
      *             The number of sentences in the document.
 106  4
     private long sentenceCount = 0L;
      *             The number of syllables in the document.
 113  4
     private long syllableCount = 0L;
      *             The number of non-whitespace-characters in the
      * document.
 121  4
     private long nonWhitespaceCharacterCount = 0L;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method equals.
      * @param other
      * @return boolean
     public boolean equals( Object other )
 136  2
         if ( this == other )
 138  0
             return true;
 141  2
         if ( !( other instanceof DocumentStatistic ) )
 143  0
             return false;
 146  2
         DocumentStatistic that = (DocumentStatistic) other;
 147  2
         boolean result = true;
 149  2
         result = result && pageCount == that.pageCount;
 150  2
         result = result && tableCount == that.tableCount;
 151  2
         result = result && drawCount == that.drawCount;
 152  2
         result = result && imageCount == that.imageCount;
 153  2
         result = result && objectCount == that.objectCount;
 154  2
         result = result && oleObjectCount == that.oleObjectCount;
 155  2
         result = result && paragraphCount == that.paragraphCount;
 156  2
         result = result && wordCount == that.wordCount;
 157  2
         result = result && characterCount == that.characterCount;
 158  2
         result = result && rowCount == that.rowCount;
 159  2
         result = result && frameCount == that.frameCount;
 160  2
         result = result && sentenceCount == that.sentenceCount;
 161  2
         result = result && syllableCount == that.syllableCount;
 162  2
         result = result && nonWhitespaceCharacterCount == that.nonWhitespaceCharacterCount;
 164  2
         return result;
     } //-- boolean equals( Object )
      * Get the number of characters in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getCharacterCount()
 174  12
         return this.characterCount;
     } //-- long getCharacterCount()
      * Get the number of drawings in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getDrawCount()
 184  12
         return this.drawCount;
     } //-- long getDrawCount()
      * Get the number of frames in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getFrameCount()
 194  12
         return this.frameCount;
     } //-- long getFrameCount()
      * Get the number of images in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getImageCount()
 204  12
         return this.imageCount;
     } //-- long getImageCount()
      * Get the number of non-whitespace-characters in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getNonWhitespaceCharacterCount()
 214  12
         return this.nonWhitespaceCharacterCount;
     } //-- long getNonWhitespaceCharacterCount()
      * Get the number of objects in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getObjectCount()
 224  12
         return this.objectCount;
     } //-- long getObjectCount()
      * Get the number of ole-objects in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getOleObjectCount()
 234  12
         return this.oleObjectCount;
     } //-- long getOleObjectCount()
      * Get the number of pages in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getPageCount()
 244  12
         return this.pageCount;
     } //-- long getPageCount()
      * Get the number of paragraphs in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getParagraphCount()
 254  12
         return this.paragraphCount;
     } //-- long getParagraphCount()
      * Get the number of rows in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getRowCount()
 264  12
         return this.rowCount;
     } //-- long getRowCount()
      * Get the number of sentences in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getSentenceCount()
 274  12
         return this.sentenceCount;
     } //-- long getSentenceCount()
      * Get the number of syllables in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getSyllableCount()
 284  12
         return this.syllableCount;
     } //-- long getSyllableCount()
      * Get the number of tabels in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getTableCount()
 294  12
         return this.tableCount;
     } //-- long getTableCount()
      * Get the number of words in the document.
      * @return long
     public long getWordCount()
 304  12
         return this.wordCount;
     } //-- long getWordCount()
      * Method hashCode.
      * @return int
     public int hashCode()
 314  4
         int result = 17;
 316  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( pageCount ^ ( pageCount >>> 32 ) );
 317  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( tableCount ^ ( tableCount >>> 32 ) );
 318  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( drawCount ^ ( drawCount >>> 32 ) );
 319  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( imageCount ^ ( imageCount >>> 32 ) );
 320  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( objectCount ^ ( objectCount >>> 32 ) );
 321  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( oleObjectCount ^ ( oleObjectCount >>> 32 ) );
 322  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( paragraphCount ^ ( paragraphCount >>> 32 ) );
 323  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( wordCount ^ ( wordCount >>> 32 ) );
 324  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( characterCount ^ ( characterCount >>> 32 ) );
 325  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( rowCount ^ ( rowCount >>> 32 ) );
 326  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( frameCount ^ ( frameCount >>> 32 ) );
 327  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( sentenceCount ^ ( sentenceCount >>> 32 ) );
 328  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( syllableCount ^ ( syllableCount >>> 32 ) );
 329  4
         result = 37 * result + (int) ( nonWhitespaceCharacterCount ^ ( nonWhitespaceCharacterCount >>> 32 ) );
 331  4
         return result;
     } //-- int hashCode()
      * Set the number of characters in the document.
      * @param characterCount
     public void setCharacterCount( long characterCount )
 341  4
         this.characterCount = characterCount;
 342  4
     } //-- void setCharacterCount( long )
      * Set the number of drawings in the document.
      * @param drawCount
     public void setDrawCount( long drawCount )
 351  4
         this.drawCount = drawCount;
 352  4
     } //-- void setDrawCount( long )
      * Set the number of frames in the document.
      * @param frameCount
     public void setFrameCount( long frameCount )
 361  4
         this.frameCount = frameCount;
 362  4
     } //-- void setFrameCount( long )
      * Set the number of images in the document.
      * @param imageCount
     public void setImageCount( long imageCount )
 371  4
         this.imageCount = imageCount;
 372  4
     } //-- void setImageCount( long )
      * Set the number of non-whitespace-characters in the document.
      * @param nonWhitespaceCharacterCount
     public void setNonWhitespaceCharacterCount( long nonWhitespaceCharacterCount )
 381  4
         this.nonWhitespaceCharacterCount = nonWhitespaceCharacterCount;
 382  4
     } //-- void setNonWhitespaceCharacterCount( long )
      * Set the number of objects in the document.
      * @param objectCount
     public void setObjectCount( long objectCount )
 391  4
         this.objectCount = objectCount;
 392  4
     } //-- void setObjectCount( long )
      * Set the number of ole-objects in the document.
      * @param oleObjectCount
     public void setOleObjectCount( long oleObjectCount )
 401  4
         this.oleObjectCount = oleObjectCount;
 402  4
     } //-- void setOleObjectCount( long )
      * Set the number of pages in the document.
      * @param pageCount
     public void setPageCount( long pageCount )
 411  4
         this.pageCount = pageCount;
 412  4
     } //-- void setPageCount( long )
      * Set the number of paragraphs in the document.
      * @param paragraphCount
     public void setParagraphCount( long paragraphCount )
 421  4
         this.paragraphCount = paragraphCount;
 422  4
     } //-- void setParagraphCount( long )
      * Set the number of rows in the document.
      * @param rowCount
     public void setRowCount( long rowCount )
 431  4
         this.rowCount = rowCount;
 432  4
     } //-- void setRowCount( long )
      * Set the number of sentences in the document.
      * @param sentenceCount
     public void setSentenceCount( long sentenceCount )
 441  4
         this.sentenceCount = sentenceCount;
 442  4
     } //-- void setSentenceCount( long )
      * Set the number of syllables in the document.
      * @param syllableCount
     public void setSyllableCount( long syllableCount )
 451  4
         this.syllableCount = syllableCount;
 452  4
     } //-- void setSyllableCount( long )
      * Set the number of tabels in the document.
      * @param tableCount
     public void setTableCount( long tableCount )
 461  4
         this.tableCount = tableCount;
 462  4
     } //-- void setTableCount( long )
      * Set the number of words in the document.
      * @param wordCount
     public void setWordCount( long wordCount )
 471  4
         this.wordCount = wordCount;
 472  4
     } //-- void setWordCount( long )
      * Method toString.
      * @return String
     public java.lang.String toString()
 481  4
         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( 128 );
 483  4
         buf.append( "pageCount = '" );
 484  4
         buf.append( getPageCount() );
 485  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 486  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 487  4
         buf.append( "tableCount = '" );
 488  4
         buf.append( getTableCount() );
 489  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 490  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 491  4
         buf.append( "drawCount = '" );
 492  4
         buf.append( getDrawCount() );
 493  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 494  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 495  4
         buf.append( "imageCount = '" );
 496  4
         buf.append( getImageCount() );
 497  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 498  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 499  4
         buf.append( "objectCount = '" );
 500  4
         buf.append( getObjectCount() );
 501  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 502  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 503  4
         buf.append( "oleObjectCount = '" );
 504  4
         buf.append( getOleObjectCount() );
 505  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 506  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 507  4
         buf.append( "paragraphCount = '" );
 508  4
         buf.append( getParagraphCount() );
 509  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 510  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 511  4
         buf.append( "wordCount = '" );
 512  4
         buf.append( getWordCount() );
 513  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 514  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 515  4
         buf.append( "characterCount = '" );
 516  4
         buf.append( getCharacterCount() );
 517  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 518  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 519  4
         buf.append( "rowCount = '" );
 520  4
         buf.append( getRowCount() );
 521  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 522  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 523  4
         buf.append( "frameCount = '" );
 524  4
         buf.append( getFrameCount() );
 525  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 526  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 527  4
         buf.append( "sentenceCount = '" );
 528  4
         buf.append( getSentenceCount() );
 529  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 530  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 531  4
         buf.append( "syllableCount = '" );
 532  4
         buf.append( getSyllableCount() );
 533  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 534  4
         buf.append( "\n" ); 
 535  4
         buf.append( "nonWhitespaceCharacterCount = '" );
 536  4
         buf.append( getNonWhitespaceCharacterCount() );
 537  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 539  4
         return buf.toString();
     } //-- java.lang.String toString()