Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.doxia.document.DocumentHyperlinkBehaviour
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 package org.apache.maven.doxia.document;
  * Specifies the default behavior for hyperlinks in the document.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 16  4
 public class DocumentHyperlinkBehaviour
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      *             The name of the default target frame.
      *             <p>
      *               Specifies the name of the default target frame
      * in which to display
      *               a document referenced by a hyperlink.
      *             </p>
      *             <p>
      *               This attribute can have one of the following
      * values:
      *             </p>
      *             <dl>
      *               <dd>_self</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document replaces the content
      *                 of the current frame.
      *               </dt>
      *               <dd>_blank</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document is displayed in a
      * new frame.
      *               </dt>
      *               <dd>_parent</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document is displayed in the
      * parent frame
      *                 of the current frame.
      *               </dt>
      *               <dd>_top</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document is displayed in the
      * topmost frame,
      *                 that is the frame that contains the current
      * frame as a child
      *                 or descendent but is not contained within
      * another frame.
      *               </dt>
      *               <dd>A frame name</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document is displayed in the
      * named frame.
      *                 If the named frame does not exist, a new
      * frame with that
      *                 name is created.
      *               </dt>
      *             </dl>
 79  4
     private String targetFrame = "_self";
      //- Methods -/
      * Method equals.
      * @param other
      * @return boolean
     public boolean equals( Object other )
 94  2
         if ( this == other )
 96  0
             return true;
 99  2
         if ( !( other instanceof DocumentHyperlinkBehaviour ) )
 101  0
             return false;
 104  2
         DocumentHyperlinkBehaviour that = (DocumentHyperlinkBehaviour) other;
 105  2
         boolean result = true;
 107  2
         result = result && ( getTargetFrame() == null ? that.getTargetFrame() == null : getTargetFrame().equals( that.getTargetFrame() ) );
 109  2
         return result;
     } //-- boolean equals( Object )
      * Get the name of the default target frame.
      *             <p>
      *               Specifies the name of the default target frame
      * in which to display
      *               a document referenced by a hyperlink.
      *             </p>
      *             <p>
      *               This attribute can have one of the following
      * values:
      *             </p>
      *             <dl>
      *               <dd>_self</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document replaces the content
      *                 of the current frame.
      *               </dt>
      *               <dd>_blank</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document is displayed in a
      * new frame.
      *               </dt>
      *               <dd>_parent</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document is displayed in the
      * parent frame
      *                 of the current frame.
      *               </dt>
      *               <dd>_top</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document is displayed in the
      * topmost frame,
      *                 that is the frame that contains the current
      * frame as a child
      *                 or descendent but is not contained within
      * another frame.
      *               </dt>
      *               <dd>A frame name</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document is displayed in the
      * named frame.
      *                 If the named frame does not exist, a new
      * frame with that
      *                 name is created.
      *               </dt>
      *             </dl>
      * @return String
     public String getTargetFrame()
 169  20
         return this.targetFrame;
     } //-- String getTargetFrame()
      * Method hashCode.
      * @return int
     public int hashCode()
 179  4
         int result = 17;
 181  4
         result = 37 * result + ( targetFrame != null ? targetFrame.hashCode() : 0 );
 183  4
         return result;
     } //-- int hashCode()
      * Set the name of the default target frame.
      *             <p>
      *               Specifies the name of the default target frame
      * in which to display
      *               a document referenced by a hyperlink.
      *             </p>
      *             <p>
      *               This attribute can have one of the following
      * values:
      *             </p>
      *             <dl>
      *               <dd>_self</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document replaces the content
      *                 of the current frame.
      *               </dt>
      *               <dd>_blank</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document is displayed in a
      * new frame.
      *               </dt>
      *               <dd>_parent</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document is displayed in the
      * parent frame
      *                 of the current frame.
      *               </dt>
      *               <dd>_top</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document is displayed in the
      * topmost frame,
      *                 that is the frame that contains the current
      * frame as a child
      *                 or descendent but is not contained within
      * another frame.
      *               </dt>
      *               <dd>A frame name</dd>
      *               <dt>
      *                 The referenced document is displayed in the
      * named frame.
      *                 If the named frame does not exist, a new
      * frame with that
      *                 name is created.
      *               </dt>
      *             </dl>
      * @param targetFrame
     public void setTargetFrame( String targetFrame )
 243  4
         this.targetFrame = targetFrame;
 244  4
     } //-- void setTargetFrame( String )
      * Method toString.
      * @return String
     public java.lang.String toString()
 253  4
         StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder( 128 );
 255  4
         buf.append( "targetFrame = '" );
 256  4
         buf.append( getTargetFrame() );
 257  4
         buf.append( "'" );
 259  4
         return buf.toString();
     } //-- java.lang.String toString()