log4net SDK Reference

RollingFileAppender.RollOverSize Method 

Implements file roll base on file size.

[Visual Basic]
Protected Sub RollOverSize()
protected void RollOverSize();


If the maximum number of size based backups is reached (curSizeRollBackups == maxSizeRollBackups) then the oldest file is deleted -- its index determined by the sign of countDirection. If countDirection < 0, then files {File.1, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups -1} are renamed to {File.2, ..., File.curSizeRollBackups}. Moreover, File is renamed File.1 and closed.

A new file is created to receive further log output.

If maxSizeRollBackups is equal to zero, then the File is truncated with no backup files created.

If maxSizeRollBackups < 0, then File is renamed if needed and no files are deleted.

See Also

RollingFileAppender Class | log4net.Appender Namespace