log4net SDK Reference

BufferingAppenderSkeleton.Append Method (LoggingEvent)

This method is called by the DoAppend method.

[Visual Basic]
Overrides Overloads Protected Sub Append( _
   ByVal loggingEvent As LoggingEvent _
protected override void Append(
   LoggingEvent loggingEvent


the event to log


Stores the loggingEvent in the cyclic buffer.

The buffer will be sent (i.e. passed to the SendBuffer method) if one of the following conditions is met:

Before the event is stored in the buffer it is fixed (see FixVolatileData) to ensure that any data referenced by the event will be valid when the buffer is processed.

See Also

BufferingAppenderSkeleton Class | log4net.Appender Namespace | BufferingAppenderSkeleton.Append Overload List