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1   package org.apache.log4j.chainsaw.favourites;
3   import java.util.ArrayList;
4   import java.util.Collection;
5   import java.util.Collections;
6   import java.util.List;
8   /***
9    *  A singleton class that is used as a Registry of instances of JavaBeans 
10   * that are in a state that a user prefers.
11   * 
12   * @author Paul Smith <>
13   *
14   */
15  public class FavouritesRegistry{
17    private final List favourites = new ArrayList();
19    /***
20     * Returns a Collection of Favourite instances whose getPrototype() method
21     * returns an object whose class is assignable from clazz, or more formally, such that
22     * clazz.isAssignableFrom(favourite.getPrototype().getClass())
23     * @param clazz
24     * @return favourites
25     */
26    public synchronized Collection getFavouritesByClass(Class clazz) {
27      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Work In Progress");
28    }
30    /***
31     * Adds a favourite to this Registry
32     * @param favourite
33     */
35    public synchronized void addFavourite(Favourite favourite) {
36      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Work In Progress");
37    }
39    /***
40     * Returns an unmodifiable List of all the known Favourite instances
41     * @return favourites
42     */
43    public List getFavourites() {
44      return Collections.unmodifiableList(favourites);
45    }
47    /***
48     * Creates a new Favourite instance after running throught some
49     * suitability checks to make sure the object class is ok to be used
50     * as a prototype.
51     * 
52     * @param name The name to use for the favourite
53     * @param prototype The object to register
54     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the prototype does not conform
55     * to the necessary rules to be used as a prototype (see the package documentation).
56     * 
57     */
58    public void addFavourite(String name, Object prototype) {
59      favourites.add(createFavourite(name, prototype));
60    }
62    private Favourite createFavourite(String name, Object prototype) {
63      checkSuitability(prototype);
64      return new Favourite(name, prototype);
65    }
67    /***
68     * Checks the suitability of an object to make sure it conforms to all the rules
69     * for being a prototype,
70     * @param prototype
71     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the prototype is not suitable
72     */
73    private void checkSuitability(Object prototype)  throws IllegalArgumentException{
74      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
75     throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Work in Progress"); 
76    }
78    private FavouritesRegistry() {
80    }
81  }