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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    * 
9    *
10   * 
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
17  package org.apache.log4j.chainsaw;
19  import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
20  import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
23  /***
24   * Encapsulates the Chainsaw Application wide properties
25   *
26   * @author Paul Smith <>
27   *
28   */
29  public class ApplicationPreferenceModel {
31      private boolean showNoReceiverWarning = true ;
32      private boolean statusBar = true;
33      private boolean toolbar = true;
34      private boolean receivers = true;
35      private boolean confirmExit = true;
36      private boolean showSplash = true;
37      private String lookAndFeelClassName = "";
38      private int toolTipDisplayMillis = 4000;
39      private int cyclicBufferSize = 5000;
40      private String lastUsedVersion = "";
41      private int responsiveness = 3;
43      private String identifierExpression = "PROP.hostname - PROP.application"; 
45      private transient final PropertyChangeSupport propertySupport =
46          new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
48      private int tabPlacement = 3;
50      /***
51       * If not 'empty', this property will be used as the URL to load log4j configuration at startup
52       */
53      private String configurationURL="";
55      /***
56       *    this means for Receivers that require optional jars that can't be delivered
57       *    by the Web start classloader, we need to be able to remove the SecurityManager in place
58       */
59      private boolean okToRemoveSecurityManager = false;
61      /***
62       * @param listener
63       */
64      public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
65          propertySupport.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);
66      }
68      /***
69       * @param propertyName
70       * @param listener
71       */
72      public void addPropertyChangeListener(String propertyName,
73          PropertyChangeListener listener) {
74          propertySupport.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyName, listener);
75      }
77      /***
78       * @param propertyName
79       * @param oldValue
80       * @param newValue
81       */
82      private void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, boolean oldValue,
83          boolean newValue) {
84          propertySupport.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);
85      }
87      /***
88       * @param propertyName
89       * @param oldValue
90       * @param newValue
91       */
92      private void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, int oldValue,
93          int newValue) {
94          propertySupport.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);
95      }
97      /***
98       * @param propertyName
99       * @param oldValue
100      * @param newValue
101      */
102     private void firePropertyChange(String propertyName, Object oldValue,
103         Object newValue) {
104         propertySupport.firePropertyChange(propertyName, oldValue, newValue);
105     }
107     /***
108      * @param propertyName
109      * @return listeners flag
110      */
111     public boolean hasListeners(String propertyName) {
112         return propertySupport.hasListeners(propertyName);
113     }
115     /***
116      * @param listener
117      */
118     public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {
119         propertySupport.removePropertyChangeListener(listener);
120     }
122     /***
123      * @return Returns the showNoReceiverWarning.
124      */
125     public final boolean isShowNoReceiverWarning() {
127         return showNoReceiverWarning;
128     }
130     public final String getIdentifierExpression() {
131         return identifierExpression;
132     }
134     public final void setCyclicBufferSize(int newCyclicBufferSize) {
135         int oldCyclicBufferSize = cyclicBufferSize;
136         cyclicBufferSize = newCyclicBufferSize;
137         firePropertyChange("cyclicBufferSize", oldCyclicBufferSize, newCyclicBufferSize);
138     }
140     public final int getCyclicBufferSize() {
141         return cyclicBufferSize;
142     }
144     public final void setToolTipDisplayMillis(int newToolTipDisplayMillis) {
145         int oldToolTipDisplayMillis = toolTipDisplayMillis;
146         toolTipDisplayMillis = newToolTipDisplayMillis;
147         firePropertyChange("toolTipDisplayMillis", oldToolTipDisplayMillis, newToolTipDisplayMillis);
148     }
150     public final int getToolTipDisplayMillis() {
151         return toolTipDisplayMillis;
152     }
154     public final void setIdentifierExpression(String newIdentifierExpression) {
155         String oldIdentifierExpression=identifierExpression;
156         this.identifierExpression = newIdentifierExpression;
157         firePropertyChange("identifierExpression", oldIdentifierExpression, newIdentifierExpression);
158     }
160     /***
161      * @param newShowNoReceiverWarning The showNoReceiverWarning to set.
162      */
163     public final void setShowNoReceiverWarning(boolean newShowNoReceiverWarning) {
164         boolean oldShowNoReceiverWarning=showNoReceiverWarning;
165         this.showNoReceiverWarning = newShowNoReceiverWarning;
166         firePropertyChange("showNoReceiverWarning", oldShowNoReceiverWarning, newShowNoReceiverWarning);
167     }
170     /***
171      * Takes another model and copies all the values into this model
172      * @param model
173      */
174     public void apply(ApplicationPreferenceModel model)
175     {
176       setIdentifierExpression(model.getIdentifierExpression());
177       setShowNoReceiverWarning(model.isShowNoReceiverWarning());
178       setResponsiveness(model.getResponsiveness());
179       setTabPlacement(model.getTabPlacement());
180       setStatusBar(model.isStatusBar());
181       setToolbar(model.isToolbar());
182       setReceivers(model.isReceivers());
183       setLookAndFeelClassName(model.getLookAndFeelClassName());
184       setConfirmExit(model.isConfirmExit());
185       setShowSplash(model.isShowSplash());
186       setToolTipDisplayMillis(model.getToolTipDisplayMillis());
187       setCyclicBufferSize(model.getCyclicBufferSize());
188       setConfigurationURL(model.getConfigurationURL());
189       setLastUsedVersion(model.getLastUsedVersion());
190       setOkToRemoveSecurityManager(model.isOkToRemoveSecurityManager());
191     }
193     /***
194      * @return Returns the responsiveness.
195      */
196     public final int getResponsiveness()
197     {
198       return responsiveness;
199     }
200     /***
201      * @param newValue The responsiveness to set.
202      */
203     public final void setResponsiveness(int newValue)
204     {
205       int oldvalue = responsiveness;
207       if (newValue >= 1000) {
208         responsiveness = (newValue - 750) / 1000;
209       } else {
210         responsiveness = newValue;
211       }
212       firePropertyChange("responsiveness", oldvalue, responsiveness);
213     }
215     /***
216      * @param i
217      */
218     public void setTabPlacement(int i) {
219       int oldValue = this.tabPlacement;
220        this.tabPlacement = i;
221        firePropertyChange("tabPlacement",oldValue,this.tabPlacement);
222     }
223     /***
224      * @return Returns the tabPlacement.
225      */
226     public final int getTabPlacement() {
227       return tabPlacement;
228     }
230     /***
231      * @return Returns the statusBar.
232      */
233     public final boolean isStatusBar() {
234       return statusBar;
235     }
237     /***
238      * @param statusBar The statusBar to set.
239      */
240     public final void setStatusBar(boolean statusBar) {
241       boolean oldValue = this.statusBar;
242       this.statusBar = statusBar;
243       firePropertyChange("statusBar", oldValue, this.statusBar);
244     }
246     /***
247      * @return Returns the receivers.
248      */
249     public final boolean isReceivers()
250     {
251       return receivers;
252     }
253     /***
254      * @param receivers The receivers to set.
255      */
256     public final void setReceivers(boolean receivers)
257     {
258       boolean oldValue = this.receivers;
259       this.receivers = receivers;
260       firePropertyChange("receivers", oldValue, this.receivers);
261     }
262     /***
263      * @return Returns the toolbar.
264      */
265     public final boolean isToolbar()
266     {
267       return toolbar;
268     }
269     /***
270      * @param toolbar The toolbar to set.
271      */
272     public final void setToolbar(boolean toolbar)
273     {
274       boolean oldValue = this.toolbar;
275       this.toolbar = toolbar;
276       firePropertyChange("toolbar", oldValue, this.toolbar);
277     }
278     /***
279      * @return Returns the lookAndFeelClassName.
280      */
281     public final String getLookAndFeelClassName() {
282       return lookAndFeelClassName;
283     }
285     /***
286      * @param lookAndFeelClassName The lookAndFeelClassName to set.
287      */
288     public final void setLookAndFeelClassName(String lookAndFeelClassName) {
289       String oldValue = this.lookAndFeelClassName;
290       this.lookAndFeelClassName = lookAndFeelClassName;
291       firePropertyChange("lookAndFeelClassName", oldValue, this.lookAndFeelClassName);
292     }
294     /***
295      * @return Returns the confirmExit.
296      */
297     public final boolean isConfirmExit() {
298       return confirmExit;
299     }
301     /***
302      * @param confirmExit The confirmExit to set.
303      */
304     public final void setConfirmExit(boolean confirmExit) {
305       boolean oldValue = this.confirmExit;
306       this.confirmExit = confirmExit;
307       firePropertyChange("confirmExit", oldValue, this.confirmExit);
308     }
310     /***
311      * @return Returns the showSplash.
312      */
313     public final boolean isShowSplash() {
314       return showSplash;
315     }
316     /***
317      * @param showSplash The showSplash to set.
318      */
319     public final void setShowSplash(boolean showSplash) {
320       boolean oldValue = this.showSplash;
321       this.showSplash = showSplash;
322       firePropertyChange("showSplash", oldValue,this.showSplash);
323     }
324     /***
325      * @return Returns the configurationURL.
326      */
327     public final String getConfigurationURL()
328     {
329         return this.configurationURL;
330     }
331     /***
332      * @param configurationURL The configurationURL to set.
333      */
334     public final void setConfigurationURL(String configurationURL)
335     {
336         Object oldValue = this.configurationURL;
337         this.configurationURL = configurationURL;
338         firePropertyChange("configurationURL", oldValue, this.configurationURL);
339     }
340     /***
341      * @return Returns the lastUsedVersion.
342      */
343     public final String getLastUsedVersion()
344     {
345         return this.lastUsedVersion;
346     }
347     /***
348      * @param lastUsedVersion The lastUsedVersion to set.
349      */
350     public final void setLastUsedVersion(String lastUsedVersion)
351     {
352         String oldValue = this.lastUsedVersion;
353         this.lastUsedVersion = lastUsedVersion;
354         firePropertyChange("lastUsedVersion", oldValue, this.lastUsedVersion);
355     }
357 	/***
358 	 * @return ok to remove security manager flag
359 	 */
360 	public final boolean isOkToRemoveSecurityManager() {
361 		return this.okToRemoveSecurityManager;
362 	}
363 	/***
364 	 * @param okToRemoveSecurityManager The okToRemoveSecurityManager to set.
365 	 */
366 	public final void setOkToRemoveSecurityManager(boolean okToRemoveSecurityManager) {
367 		boolean oldValue = this.okToRemoveSecurityManager;
368         this.okToRemoveSecurityManager = okToRemoveSecurityManager;
369         firePropertyChange("okToRemoveSecurityManager", oldValue, this.okToRemoveSecurityManager);
370 	}
371 }