l.u.dist : module documentation

Part of libcloud.utils View Source

No module docstring
Function relative_to Gets 'relativee' relative to 'basepath'.
Function get_packages Get all packages which are under dname. This is necessary for Python 2.2's distutils. Pretty similar arguments to getDataFiles, including 'parent'.
Function get_data_files Get all the data files that should be included in this distutils Project.
Function _filter_names Given a list of file names, return those names that should be copied.
def _filter_names(names): (source)
Given a list of file names, return those names that should be copied.
def relative_to(base, relativee): (source)
Gets 'relativee' relative to 'basepath'.


>>> relative_to('/home/', '/home/radix/')
>>> relative_to('.', '/home/radix/Projects/Twisted') # curdir is /home/radix

The 'relativee' must be a child of 'basepath'.

def get_packages(dname, pkgname=None, results=None, ignore=None, parent=None): (source)
Get all packages which are under dname. This is necessary for Python 2.2's distutils. Pretty similar arguments to getDataFiles, including 'parent'.
def get_data_files(dname, ignore=None, parent=None): (source)
Get all the data files that should be included in this distutils Project.

'dname' should be the path to the package that you're distributing.

'ignore' is a list of sub-packages to ignore. This facilitates disparate package hierarchies. That's a fancy way of saying that the 'twisted' package doesn't want to include the 'twisted.conch' package, so it will pass ['conch'] as the value.

'parent' is necessary if you're distributing a subpackage like twisted.conch. 'dname' should point to 'twisted/conch' and 'parent' should point to 'twisted'. This ensures that your data_files are generated correctly, only using relative paths for the first element of the tuple ('twisted/conch/*'). The default 'parent' is the current working directory.

API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2012-07-28 18:57:18.