l.t.c.t.MockClient(BaseSSHClient) : class documentation

Part of libcloud.test.compute.test_deployment View Source View In Hierarchy

Method __init__
Method put Upload a file to the remote node.
Method run Run a command on a remote node.
Method delete Delete/Unlink a file on the remote node.

Inherited from BaseSSHClient:

Method connect Connect to the remote node over SSH.
Method close Shutdown connection to the remote node.
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): (source)
ParametershostnameHostname or IP address to connect to. (type: str)
portTCP port to communicate on, defaults to 22. (type: int)
usernameUsername to use, defaults to root. (type: str)
passwordPassword to authenticate with. (type: str)
keyPrivate SSH keys to authenticate with. (type: list)
def put(self, path, contents, chmod=755, mode='w'): (source)
Upload a file to the remote node.
ParameterspathFile path on the remote node. (type: str)
contentsFile Contents. (type: str)
chmodchmod file to this after creation. (type: int)
modeMode in which the file is opened. (type: str)
def run(self, name): (source)
Run a command on a remote node.

@type cmd: C{str}
@keyword cmd: Command to run.

@return C{list} of [stdout, stderr, exit_status]
def delete(self, name): (source)
Delete/Unlink a file on the remote node.
ParameterspathFile path on the remote node. (type: str)
API Documentation for libcloud, generated by pydoctor at 2012-07-28 18:57:18.