Part of libcloud.compute.drivers.ec2 View Source View In Hierarchy
Method | ex_describe_addresses | Nimbus doesn't support elastic IPs, so this is a passthrough |
Method | ex_create_tags | Nimbus doesn't support creating tags, so this is a passthrough |
Inherited from EC2NodeDriver:
Method | list_nodes | List all nodes |
Method | list_sizes | List sizes on a provider |
Method | list_images | List images on a provider |
Method | list_locations | List data centers for a provider |
Method | create_volume | Create a new volume. |
Method | destroy_volume | Destroys a storage volume. |
Method | attach_volume | Attaches volume to node. |
Method | detach_volume | Detaches a volume from a node. |
Method | ex_create_keypair | Creates a new keypair |
Method | ex_import_keypair | imports a new public key |
Method | ex_describe_keypairs | Describes a keypair by name |
Method | ex_create_security_group | Creates a new Security Group |
Method | ex_authorize_security_group_permissive | Edit a Security Group to allow all traffic. |
Method | ex_list_availability_zones | Return a list of ExEC2AvailabilityZone
objects for the current region. |
Method | ex_describe_tags | Return a dictionary of tags for a resource (Node or StorageVolume). |
Method | ex_delete_tags | Delete tags from a resource. |
Method | ex_describe_all_addresses | Return all the Elastic IP addresses for this account optionally, return only the allocated addresses |
Method | ex_associate_addresses | Associate an IP address with a particular node. |
Method | ex_describe_addresses_for_node | Return a list of Elastic IP addresses associated with this node. |
Method | ex_modify_instance_attribute | Modify node attributes. A list of valid attributes can be found at |
Method | ex_change_node_size | Change the node size. Note: Node must be turned of before changing the size. |
Method | create_node | Create a new EC2 node |
Method | reboot_node | Reboot a node. |
Method | ex_start_node | Start the node by passing in the node object, does not work with instance store backed instances |
Method | ex_stop_node | Stop the node by passing in the node object, does not work with instance store backed instances |
Method | destroy_node | Destroy a node. |
Method | _pathlist | Converts a key and an array of values into AWS query param format. |
Method | _get_boolean | Undocumented |
Method | _get_state_boolean | Checks for the instances's state |
Method | _get_terminate_boolean | Undocumented |
Method | _to_nodes | Undocumented |
Method | _to_node | Undocumented |
Method | _to_images | Undocumented |
Method | _to_image | Undocumented |
Method | _to_volume | Undocumented |
Method | _get_sizes | Undocumented |
Method | _add_instance_filter | Add instance filter to the provided params dictionary. |
Inherited from NodeDriver (via EC2NodeDriver):
Method | __init__ | |
Method | deploy_node | Create a new node, and start deployment. |
Method | _wait_until_running | Block until node is fully booted and has an IP address assigned. |
Method | _ssh_client_connect | Try to connect to the remote SSH server. If a connection times out or is refused it is retried up to timeout number of seconds. |
Method | _run_deployment_script | Run the deployment script on the provided node. At this point it is assumed that SSH connection has already been established. |
Method | _get_size_price | Undocumented |
Inherited from BaseDriver (via EC2NodeDriver, NodeDriver):
Method | _ex_connection_class_kwargs | Return extra connection keyword arguments which are passed to the Connection class constructor. |
Unknown Field: inherits | EC2NodeDriver.ex_describe_addresses |
Unknown Field: inherits | EC2NodeDriver.ex_create_tags |