Package org.apache.juddi.error

Exception Summary
AccountLimitExceededException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
AssertionNotFoundException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
AuthTokenExpiredException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
AuthTokenRequiredException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
BusyException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
CategorizationNotAllowedException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
FatalErrorException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
InvalidCategoryException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
InvalidCompletionStatusException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
InvalidKeyPassedException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
InvalidProjectionException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
InvalidTimeException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
InvalidURLPassedException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
InvalidValueException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
KeyRetiredException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
LanguageErrorException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
MessageTooLargeException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
NameTooLongException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
OperatorMismatchException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
PublisherCancelledException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
RegistryException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
RequestDeniedException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
RequestTimeoutException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
ResultSetTooLargeException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
SecretUnknownException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
TooManyOptionsException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
TransferAbortedException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
UnknownUserException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
UnrecognizedVersionException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
UnsupportedException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
UnvalidatableException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
UserMismatchException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.
ValueNotAllowedException Thrown to indicate that a UDDI Exception was encountered.

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