Apache JMeter




Tutorials (PDF format)



Nightly builds for developers

What are the nightly builds?

The nightly builds are interim builds that are untested and unsupported . Use at your own risk!

These unreleased builds may not even load, may have undocumented features, known defects, and any number of other issues.

They are intended for use by developers and others wishing to help with resolving JMeter bugs.

These builds should not be used in production.

Where are the nightly builds?

There are currently no regular nightly builds - sorry.

However, occasional builds are made available from Nightly builds (use at your own risk)

What do they consist of?

JMeter is distributed as a set of zip (or tar-gz) archive files. The files are called:

  • apache-jmeter-{version}_bin.zip - JMeter binaries
  • apache-jmeter-{version}_lib.zip - 3rd party jar files (rarely changes)
  • apache-jmeter-{version}_src.zip - JMeter source
  • apache-jmeter-{version}_api.zip - JMeter Javadoc (if available)

Installing JMeter runtime

Download the _bin and _lib files

Unpack the archives into the same directory structure

The other archives are not needed to run JMeter.

Building JMeter

Download the _src, _bin and _lib files

Unpack all the archives into the same directory structure

Warning - please note!

The nightly builds may or may not work properly - or at all.

If there is a problem with a particular version, it may be worth reporting this on the JMeter-dev mailing list and/or trying again in a day or two.

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Apache, Apache JMeter, JMeter, the Apache feather, and the Apache JMeter logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation.