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Apache JMeter

16. Real-time results

Since JMeter 2.13 you can get realtime results sent to a backend through the Backend Listener using potentially any backend (JDBC, JMS, Webservice...) implementing AbstractBackendListenerClient.
JMeter ships with a GraphiteBackendListenerClient which allows you to send metrics to a Graphite Backend.
This feature provides:

In this document we will present the configuration setup to graph and historize the data in 2 different backends:

16.1 Metrics exposed

16.1.1 Thread/Virtual Users metrics

Threads metrics are the following:

Metric Name Description
<rootMetricsPrefix>.test.minAT Min active threads
<rootMetricsPrefix>.test.maxAT Max active threads
<rootMetricsPrefix>.test.meanAT Mean active threads
<rootMetricsPrefix>.test.startedT Started threads
<rootMetricsPrefix>.test.endedT Finished threads

16.1.2 Response times metrics

Response times metrics are the following:

Metric Name Description
<rootMetricsPrefix>.<samplerName>.ok.count Number of successful responses for sampler name
<rootMetricsPrefix>.<samplerName>.ok.min Min response time for successful responses of sampler name
<rootMetricsPrefix>.<samplerName>.ok.max Max response time for successful responses of sampler name
<rootMetricsPrefix>.<samplerName>.ok.pct<percentileValue> Percentile computed for successful responses of sampler name. You can input as many percentiles as you want (3 or 4 being a reasonable value).
When percentile contains a comma for example "99.9", dot is sanitized by "_" leading to 99_9. By default listener computes percentiles 90%, 95% and 99%
<rootMetricsPrefix>.<samplerName>.ko.count Number of failed responses for sampler name
<rootMetricsPrefix>.<samplerName>.ko.min Min response time for failed responses of sampler name
<rootMetricsPrefix>.<samplerName>.ko.max Max response time for failed responses of sampler name
<rootMetricsPrefix>.<samplerName>.ko.pct<percentileValue> Percentile computed for failed responses of sampler name. You can input as many percentiles as you want (3 or 4 being a reasonable value).
When percentile contains a comma for example "99.9", dot is sanitized by "_" leading to 99_9. By default listener computes percentiles 90%, 95% and 99%
<rootMetricsPrefix>.<samplerName>.a.count Number of responses for sampler name
<rootMetricsPrefix>.<samplerName>.a.min Min response time for responses of sampler name
<rootMetricsPrefix>.<samplerName>.a.max Max response time for responses of sampler name
<rootMetricsPrefix>.<samplerName>.a.pct<percentileValue> Percentile computed for responses of sampler name. You can input as many percentiles as you want (3 or 4 being a reasonable value).
When percentile contains a comma for example "99.9", dot is sanitized by "_" leading to 99_9. By default listener computes percentiles 90%, 95% and 99%

By default JMeter sends only metrics for all samplers using "all" as samplerName.

16.2 JMeter configuration

To make JMeter send metrics to backend add a BackendListener using the GraphiteBackendListenerClient.

Graphite configuration
Graphite configuration

16.2 InfluxDB

InfluxDB is an open-source, distributed,time-series database that allows to easily store metrics. Installation and configuration is very easy, read this for more details InfluxDB documentation.
InfluxDB data can be easily viewed in a browser through either Influga or Grafana. We will use Grafana in this case.

16.2.1 InfluxDB graphite listener configuration

To enable Graphite listener in InfluxDB, edit files /opt/influxdb/shared/config.toml or /usr/local/etc/influxdb.conf, find "input_plugins.graphite" and set this:

# Configure the graphite api
enabled = true
address = "" # If not set, is actually set to bind-address.
port = 2003
database = "jmeter" # store graphite data in this database
# udp_enabled = true # enable udp interface on the same port as the tcp interface

16.2.2 InfluxDB database configuration

Connect to InfluxDB admin console and create 2 databases:

  • grafana : Used by Grafana to store the dashboards we will create
  • jmeter : Used by InfluxDB to store the data sent to Graphite Listener as per database="jmeter" config element in influxdb.conf or config.toml

16.2.3 Grafana configuration

Installing grafana is just a matter of putting the unzipped bundle behind an Apache HTTP server.
Read documentation for more details. Open config.js file and find datasources element, and edit it like this:

datasources: {
influxdb: {
type: 'influxdb',
url: "http://localhost:8086/db/jmeter",
username: 'root',
password: 'root',
}, grafana: {
type: 'influxdb',
url: "http://localhost:8086/db/grafana",
username: 'root',
password: 'root',
grafanaDB: true

Note that grafana has "grafanaDB:true". Also note that here we use root user for simplicity, it is better to dedicate a special user with less rights.
Here is the kind of dashboard that you could obtain:

Grafana dashboard
Grafana dashboard

16.3 Graphite