Apache JMeter

Package org.apache.jmeter.protocol.jms.sampler

Interface Summary
QueueExecutor Executor for (pseudo) synchronous communication.

Class Summary
BaseJMSSampler BaseJMSSampler is an abstract class which provides implementation for common properties.
FixedQueueExecutor Request/reply executor with a fixed reply queue.
JMSProperties A set of JMSProperty objects.
JMSProperty JMS Property with type
JMSSampler This class implements the JMS Point-to-Point sampler
MessageAdmin Administration of messages.
PublisherSampler This class implements the JMS Publisher sampler.
Receiver Receiver of pseudo-synchronous reply messages.
SubscriberSampler This class implements the JMS Subscriber sampler.
TemporaryQueueExecutor Request/reply executor with a temporary reply queue.

Apache JMeter

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