The Jena GRDDL Reader is an implementation of GRDDL for the Jena Semantic Web Framework, using the Saxon XSLT Processor from Saxonica Limited.

Jena is open source and grown out of work with the HP Labs Semantic Web Programme.

Usage Instructions

The GRDDL Reader requires Jena 2.5.1 or later, and Java 1.5.X or later.

To use the GRDDL reader: first familiarize yourself with the security issues, then simply add the jars from the GRDDL download to your classpath, and use "GRDDL" as a language option to the read() methods of a Jena Model, or to a commandline tool such as jena.copy.


The documentation covers the options that can be set on the reader using the RDFReader.setProperty() method.



As of 31st January 2007, the goal is to be a liberal implementation of the next publication of the GRDDL working draft.

When reading HTML, nekohtml is used to tidy up the HTML, and to read it as XHTML 1.0. Also, some of the keywords such as "transformation" are matched case insensitively. This may result in GRDDL readings of HTML documents that are not strictly licensed by the specification.

When reading XML, a stricter approach is used.

The Jena GRDDL reader supports transforms in XSLT 2.0 (excluding schema processing, unparsed-text() , document() and <xsl:result-document>). Transforms in XSLT 1.0 are executed using XSLT 2.0 backward compatibility mode. No warning is issued concerning this.

The output of a transform is read as RDF/XML, unless it explicitly has mimetype text/rdf+n3, in which case it is read as N3.


Support is provided by the jena-dev mailing list.

Resource Description Framework

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