SDB - Use with Java Applications

SDB presents the Jena model and query APIs. To use SDB, the application should call SDB.init(). In fact, this is often unnecessary because all the API classes automatically check for initialization and it is only necessary if directly using assembler descriptions for SDB resources, not using the factory operations that make this more convenient.

  1. SDB.init() - wires in the assembler support and wires in the SPARQL query engine for SDB.
  2. Create a dataset from SDBFactory.
  3. Use a dataset/model/graph as normal, including loading data, API access and SPARQL query.

When wired into the ARQ query engine registry, queries on SDB datasets, API calls to SDB models go to SDB; nothing different needs to be done by teh application, including for the bulk loading of data  All other queries proceed as normal to the standard ARQ query system.

There are command line applications to format, load and query an SDB store.