The SDB download has a number of command line tools: they all expect the environment variables SDBROOT to be set to the location of the SDB installation.

sdbquery SPEC --query=FILE

Execute a query.

sdbprint SPEC --print=X [--sql] --query=FILE

Print details of a query. "X" is any of "query", "prefix", "op", "sqlNode", "sql". --print=X can be repeated.  --sql is short for --print=sql.

sdbformat SPEC DBNAME

Format a database.  Deletes all existing data. DBNAME must be specified.

sdbload SPEC FILE [FILE ...]

Load RDF data into a store. File extension used to determine the data syntax. Uses the bulk loader.  Data is streamed into the database and is not loaded as a single transaction.

sdbdump SPEC --out=SYNTAX

Dump the contents of a store N-TRIPLES or a given serialization format (usual Jena syntax names, e.g. "Turtle" or "TTL").

sdbtruncate SPEC

Truncate the store.  Non-transactional.  Destroys data.


Execute a test manifest file.

sdbsql SPEC [ --file=FILE | SQL string ]

Execute a SQL command on the store, using the connection details from the store specification.

sdbscript SPEC

Execute a script (JRuby).

sdbinfo SPEC --out=SYNTAX

Details of a store.

sdbmeta SPEC --out=SYNTAX

Do things with the meta graphs of a store.

Set up

Set the environment variable to the root of the the SDB installation.

Set the environment variables SDB_USER and SDB_PASSWORD to the database user name and password for JDBC.

The directory bin/ contains shell scripts to run this command. The directory bin2/ contains scripts that can be placed on your PATH to call the scripts in bin/ without needing bin/ on the path.

Argument Structure

All commands take a SDB store description to extract the connection and configuration information they need.


If not specified, commands load the description file sdb.ttl from the current directory, or, failing that from the directory named in SDBROOT.

The individual components of a connection or configuration can be overridden after the description have been read, before it is processed:

SDB configuration:

JDBC parameters:

User and password are taken from environment variables SDB_USER and SDB_PASSWORD if not set in the description or command line.

All commands support --help to give details of other named and positional arguments.

--arg=val can also be written --arq val

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