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RDF model API

Reasoner and inference models

Ontology API

Database and persistence

XML serialisation (reading and writing)

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RDQL and query processing

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Q: Why do I get a ClassNotFoundException when I run Jena?
A: This means that one or more of the libraries that Jena depends on is not on your classpath. Typically, all of the librarys (.jar files) in $JENA/lib, where $JENA refers to the directory in which you installed Jena, should be on your classpath. Consult the documentation for your JDK for details on setting the classpath for your system.

RDF model API

Q. Why does the localname part of my URI look wrong?
A: In Jena it is possible to retrieve the localname part of a Resource or Property URI. Sometimes developers create Resources with a full URI reference but find that the result of a getLocalName call is not quite what they expected. This is usually because the URI is ill-formed or cannot be correctly split in the way you expected. The only reason for separating namespace and local name is to support the XML serialization in which qnames are used for properties and classes. Thus the main requirement of the split is that the localname component must be a legal XML NCName. This means it must start with a letter or _ character and can only contain limited punctuation. In particular, they can't contain spaces, but then spaces are not legal in URI references anyway. In general, it is best to not use the localname split to encode any information, you should only be concerned with it if you are coding a parser or writer.

Reasoner and inference models

Q. I want to develop my own rules, how do I get started?
A: The GenericRuleReasoner is the place to start. You can create instances of this reasoner by supplying either an explict set of Rule objects or a configuration description (as a Jena Model) that points to a local rule file. See the inference documentation for more details:

Q. Why are there two different arrows ( -> and <- ) in the rule syntax?
A: As explained in the documentation there are two rule systems available - a forward chainer and a backward chainer. You can chose to use either or use the two together in a hybrid mode.
So if we use Ti as short hand for triple patterns like (?x rdf:type ?C), and if we ignore functors and procedural call out for now, then the syntax:
     T1, T2, ... TN -> T0 .
means that if the triple patterns T1 to TN match in the data set then then the triple T0 can be deduced as a consequence. Similarly
     T0 <- T1, T2, ... TN .
means the same thing - the consequence is always on the "pointy" end of the arrow.
Now if you are just using pure forward or backward rules then you could chose to use either syntax interchangeably. This allows you to write a rule set and use it in either mode. Though in practice "->" is the more conventional direction in forward systems and "<-" is the more conventional one in backward systems.
The hybrid configuration allows you to create new backward rules as a result of forward rules firing so that the syntax:
     T1, T2 -> [T0 <- T3, T4] .
Is saying that if both T1 and T2 match in the dataset then add the backward rule "[T0 <- T3, T4]" after instantiating any bound variables.

Ontology API

Q: Why doesn't listClasses() (or listProperties()/listIndividuals(), etc) work?
A: It does work. Extensive unit tests are used to check the correctness of Jena, and are included in the downloaded source code for your reference. If listClasses(), or a similar method, is not producing the answers you expect, or no answers at all, you should first check that your model is correctly defined. Print a copy of your model as a debug step, to see if the URI's match up (e.g, if you are expecting resource x to be an individual of class Y, check that the rdf:type of x is the same as the URI of the class declaration for Y). A common problem is that relative URI's change depending where you read the model from. Try adding an xml:base declaration to the document to ensure that URI's are correctly specified.

Q: Why doesn't the ontlogy API handle sub-class (or sub-property, domain, range, etc) relationships in a DAML model?
A: These relationships are handled correctly, but the results you see are dependent on the model configuration. The DAML specification includes a number of aliases for RDFS constructs to copy them into the DAML+OIL namespace. This means that, for a DAML processor, daml:subClassOf and rdfs:subClassOf are equivalent. This is declared by means of a daml:samePropertyAs in the daml+oil.daml specification document. Without a reasoner attached to the model, the ontology API will not recognise the equivalence with rdfs: properties. Thus, if you are not seeing the expected results when processing a DAML ontology, it is likely that your ontology file contains, for example,
<daml:Class rdf:ID="A"> <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="B" /> ...
To fix this, either ensure that the ontology consistently uses daml: relationships, or declare the ontology model with the DAML micro rule-reasoner:
OntModel m = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( OntModelSpec.DAML_MEM_RULE_INF, null );

Q: Why does .as( OntProperty.class ) fail with ConversionException on SymmetricProperty (or other property types)?
A: This is a slightly tricky issue. Internally, .as() calls the supports check, which tests whether the node that is being converted is a common flavour of property. Strictly, the only necessary test should be 'has rdf:type rdf:Property', because that is entailed by all of the other property types. However, that requires the user to use a model with a reasoner, and some don't want to (for good reasons, e.g. building an editor). The other position is to test for all the possible variants of property: object property, datatype property, annotation, ontology, transitive, funcitonal, inverse functional, etc etc. The problem with this is that it duplicates the work of the reasoner, and my expectation was that most people would be running with a reasoner. Thus my code would be duplicating the functionality of the reasoner, which is bad design. The compromise solution was to make the supports check test for the common (top level) property types. Users who aren't using the reasoner, can either test explicitly for the other property types they expect to encounter (e.g. SymmetricProperty), or can turn off the supports check by setting strict mode to false on the model.

Database and persistence

Q: Why do I get an exception when trying to create a new persistent model?
A: Assuming that your program uses correct methods to create the model (see examples in the database howto), it may be that your database files are corrupted. Jena2 does not do a good job in checking the validity of the database. It makes a cursory check that some required tables exist but does not check that the tables contain valid data. If you suspect your database has been corrupted, you may invoke cleanDB() on a DBConnection object prior to creating your model. This removes all Jena2 tables from a database. Warning: this removes any other existing Jena2 models from the database so make sure that this is what you want to do.

Q: Why do I run out of memory when trying to list statements in a persistent model?
A: Jena2 uses the JDBC interface for accessing databases. The JDBC specification has no cursors. Consequently, when a query is processed by JDBC, the entire result set is returned from the database at once and the application program then iterates over the in-memory result set. If the result set is large, as is often the case when listing all statements of a large model, it may exceed the heap size of the Java virtual machine. If you suspect this is happening, you might try to increase the heap size of the Java virtual machine (-vmargs -Xmx500M for a 500 MB heap size). If this does not help, there is no other work-around and the program should be recoded.

Q: Has Jena2 persistence been ported to other database engines and platforms besides those officially supported?
A: The Jena team supports Jena2 persistence on the databases and operating systems listed in the Database Interface Release Notes. Other users have had success porting Jena2 to other databases and platforms. Jena2 has been ported to IBM's DB2 database. Contact Liang-Jie Zhang for details. A port to HSQLDB, a native-Java SQL database, has been done. Contact Jan Danils for details. On the Mac OS X platform, Jena2 has been successfully run using MySQL. Contact Jim Nachlin for details. A Jena2 driver for Microsoft SQL Server has been written and tested with MsSQL 2000. The source is available at Contact Erik Barke for more information.

Q: Is there a limit on the number of models in a database?
A:  The limit depends on the Jena database (schema) configuration and the database engine (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc). Recall that a Jena model may either be stored separately in its own database tables (the default) or, alternatively, in tables that are shared with other models (see StoreWithModel in the options for persistent models). Also, a Jena model is identified internally by a 32 bit integer. Consequently the maximum number of models is limited either by the maximum number of tables allowed in a database (which depends on the database engine) or by the maximum value of a 32 bit integer, i.e., 2G.

XML serialisation (reading and writing)

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RDQL and query processing

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Resource Description Framework
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