Class AvalonListserv

All Implemented Interfaces:
Mailet, MailetConfig

public class AvalonListserv
extends GenericListserv

MailingListServer capability.

Requires a configuration element in the config.xml file of the form:
<mailet match="RecipientIs=LIST-ADDRESS" class="AvalonListserv">
<subjectprefix [xml:space="preserve"]>SUBJECT-PREFIX</subjectprefix>

repositoryName - the name of a user repository configured in the UsersStore block, e.g.,
<repository name="list-name" class="org.apache.james.userrepository.ListUsersJdbcRepository" destinationURL="db://maildb/lists/list-name">

<repository name="list-name" class="org.apache.james.userrepository.UsersFileRepository">
<destination URL="file://var/lists/list-name/"/>

membersonly - if true only members can post to the list

attachmentsallowed - if false attachments are not allowed

replytolist - if true, replies go back to the list address; if false they go to the sender.

subjectprefix - a prefix that will be inserted at the front of the subject. If autobracketing is disabled (see below), the xml:space="preserve" attribute can be used to precisely control the prefix.

autobracket - if true the subject prefix will be rendered as "[PREFIX] ", if false, the prefix will be used literally.

This is $Revision: 1.10 $
Serge Knystautas

Field Summary
protected  boolean attachmentsAllowed
          Whether attachments can be sent to the list
protected  boolean autoBracket
          Whether the subject prefix should be bracketed with '[' and ']'
protected  boolean membersOnly
          Whether only members can post to the list
protected  boolean replyToList
          Whether the reply-to header should be set to the list address
protected  String subjectPrefix
          A String to prepend to the subject of the message when it is sent to the list
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String getMailetInfo()
          Return a string describing this mailet.
 Collection getMembers()
          Returns a Collection of MailAddress objects of members to receive this email
 String getSubjectPrefix()
          Get the prefix prepended to the subject line
 void init()
          Initialize the mailet
 boolean isAttachmentsAllowed()
          Get whether attachments can be sent to this list
 boolean isMembersOnly()
          Get whether posting to this list is restricted to list members
 boolean isPrefixAutoBracketed()
          Return whether the prefix for subjects on this list will be bracketed.
 boolean isReplyToList()
          Get whether the reply-to header for messages sent to this list will be replaced with the list address
Methods inherited from class org.apache.james.transport.mailets.GenericListserv
getListservAddress, service
Methods inherited from class org.apache.mailet.GenericMailet
destroy, getInitParameter, getInitParameterNames, getMailetConfig, getMailetContext, getMailetName, init, log, log
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean membersOnly
Whether only members can post to the list


protected boolean attachmentsAllowed
Whether attachments can be sent to the list


protected boolean replyToList
Whether the reply-to header should be set to the list address


protected String subjectPrefix
A String to prepend to the subject of the message when it is sent to the list


protected boolean autoBracket
Whether the subject prefix should be bracketed with '[' and ']'

Constructor Detail


public AvalonListserv()
Method Detail


public void init()
Initialize the mailet

init in class GenericMailet


public Collection getMembers()
                      throws ParseException
Description copied from class: GenericListserv
Returns a Collection of MailAddress objects of members to receive this email

Specified by:
getMembers in class GenericListserv


public boolean isMembersOnly()
Get whether posting to this list is restricted to list members

Specified by:
isMembersOnly in class GenericListserv
whether posting to this list is restricted to list members


public boolean isAttachmentsAllowed()
Get whether attachments can be sent to this list

Specified by:
isAttachmentsAllowed in class GenericListserv
whether attachments can be sent to this list


public boolean isReplyToList()
Get whether the reply-to header for messages sent to this list will be replaced with the list address

Specified by:
isReplyToList in class GenericListserv
whether replies to messages posted to this list will go to the entire list


public String getSubjectPrefix()
Get the prefix prepended to the subject line

Specified by:
getSubjectPrefix in class GenericListserv
whether the prefix for subjects on this list will be bracketed.


public boolean isPrefixAutoBracketed()
Return whether the prefix for subjects on this list will be bracketed.

isPrefixAutoBracketed in class GenericListserv
whether the prefix for subjects on this list will be bracketed.


public String getMailetInfo()
Return a string describing this mailet.

Specified by:
getMailetInfo in interface Mailet
getMailetInfo in class GenericMailet
a string describing this mailet

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