Uses of Interface

Packages that use NNTPArticle
org.apache.james.nntpserver.repository Provides the interfaces that define NNTP articles, groups, and repositories as well as the implementations of those interfaces. 

Uses of NNTPArticle in org.apache.james.nntpserver.repository

Methods in org.apache.james.nntpserver.repository that return NNTPArticle
 NNTPArticle NNTPRepositoryImpl.getArticleFromID(String id)
 NNTPArticle NNTPGroup.getArticle(int number)
          Gets the article with the specified article number.
 NNTPArticle NNTPGroup.addArticle(InputStream newsStream)
          Adds an article to the group based on the data in the stream.
 NNTPArticle NNTPRepository.getArticleFromID(String id)
          Gets the article with the specified id from within the repository.

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