Uses of Class

Packages that use MailImpl
org.apache.james.mailrepository Implementations of mail repositories for use in James. A set of interfaces for commonly used, generic James concepts. 
org.apache.james.transport Classes that implement the matcher/mailet processing chain. 

Uses of MailImpl in org.apache.james.mailrepository

Methods in org.apache.james.mailrepository that return MailImpl
 MailImpl JDBCMailRepository.retrieve(String key)
          Retrieves a message given a key.
 MailImpl AvalonMailRepository.retrieve(String key)
          Retrieves a message given a key.

Methods in org.apache.james.mailrepository with parameters of type MailImpl
 void mc)
          Needs to override this method and reset the time to load to zero.
 void mc)
          Store this message to the database.
 void JDBCMailRepository.remove(MailImpl mail)
          Removes a specified message
 void mc)
          Stores a message in this repository.
 void AvalonMailRepository.remove(MailImpl mail)
          Removes a specified message

Uses of MailImpl in

Methods in that return MailImpl
 MailImpl MailRepository.retrieve(String key)
          Retrieves a message given a key.

Methods in with parameters of type MailImpl
 void mc)
          Stores a message in this repository.
 void MailRepository.remove(MailImpl mail)
          Removes a specified message

Uses of MailImpl in org.apache.james.transport

Methods in org.apache.james.transport with parameters of type MailImpl
 void LinearProcessor.service(MailImpl mail)
          Processes a single mail message through the chain of matchers and mailets.
protected  void JamesSpoolManager.process(MailImpl mail)
          Process this mail message by the appropriate processor as designated in the state of the Mail object.

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