Iterator Examples    Introduction<forCategories><forColumns>

Welcome to the iterators-examples web application!

This web application includes a variety of sample JSP pages that showcase the tags of the Iterators tag library.

The examples have been divided in the following categories:

The navigation bar at the top of each index page provides quick navigation to each set of example pages. When navigating the examples, the following icons will allow you to look at the source code as well as execute the example JSP page.

Look at the source code of the example JSP page
Execute the example JSP page


The source code for the Iterators examples includes class startup.Init to initilialize the objects used in the examples. This allows us to mimic the environment that would normally be used within an MVC architecture: the Controller invokes the business logic, saves the objects required by the web application into JSP scoped attributes (usually request), and then invokes the proper JSP page. For the sake of this "examples" webapp, all objects are saved in the application scope.

The application attributes are:

The classes of interest that hold the information manipulated by the JSP pages are: