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This HOWTO will try and fill in the gaps left between the Schema [xsd] [dtd] [documentation] and the current slide configuration document. This document will not explain how XML works or what XSD is. This document is for developers, primarily developers working with the Slide WebDAV servlet who want to know what kind of configuration options are available.

Every Slide webapplication needs an XML configuration file. This document is normally referred to as the Domain.xml file.

slide - the top level XML element

The top-level element in the Domain.xml file is slide.

Parent Element None
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
parameter 0 unlimited
namespace 1 unlimited
The slide element support three attributes:
Attribute name Description Example Default value
logger The Java classname for the logger object org.apache.slide.util.logger.SimpleLogger org.apache.slide.util.logger.SimpleLogger
logger-level A numeric level indicator for the amount of data logged. These values range from 0 to 7, with 0 being the least amount of information logged 4 (warnings and above) 4 - INFO
default This is the most critical attribute of the slide element. This attribute defines the default namespace in this Domain. The WebDAV servlet will use this value when displaying the site to a standard web browser my-default-namespace slide

Example: <slide logger="org.apache.slide.util.logger.SimpleLogger" logger-level="6" default="my-default-namespace">

parameter - general purpose tag for passing configuration information

A parameter element is used in multiple places throughout the Domain.xml configuration file. Parameters are name/value pairs, similar to Java properties.

Parent Element slide, store, nodestore, securitystore, lockstore, revisiondescriptorsstore, revisiondescriptorstore, contentstore, configuration, content-interceptor
The parameter element supports one attribute:
Attribute name Description Example Default value
name the name of the parameter in this name/value pair driver N/A | this attribute is required

Example: <parameter name="driver">org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</parameter>

namespace - the key to everything in Slide

The slide top-level element contains a number of Namespaces. These namespaces are the backbone of Slide. When someone navigates through a set of files provided by the Slide web application, they are walking through one of Slide's namespaces.

Parent Element slide
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
definition 1 1
configuration 1 1
data 0 1
Attribute name Description Example Default value
name Slide applications refer to Namespaces by name. This Namespace will be registered under this name. If two namespaces have the same name, the last one defined in the configuration file will be references, and the other one will be lost. my-default-namespace Must be specified. If not, the WebDAV component will complain to the log before terminating.
logger The Java classname for the logger object org.apache.slide.util.logger.SimpleLogger If unspecified, the slide-level logger will be used. This is a way to customize logging for a particular namespace
logger-level A numeric level indicator for the amount of data logged. These values range from 0 to 7, with 0 being the least amount of information logged 4 (warnings and above) If unspecified, the slide-level logger will be used. This is a way to customize logging for a particular namespace

Example w/o logger: <namespace name="my-default-namespace">

definition - what services are available in this namespace?

The definition contains the store objects in this domain, and a scope object defining the root for this namespace. It has no attributes: it is merely a container for subelements.

Parent Element namespace
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
store 0 unlimited
scope 0 unlimited

Example: <definition>

store - contains the objects in this namespace

A store is bound in the Domain by name; when there are multiple stores, a programmer can ask for one by name. A store must support two categories of services: descriptors and data. Descriptors consist of path names to nodes, security information, locks, and change management. Data is the raw information that a descriptor owns. Think of it as a filesystem: descriptors are the file metainformation (directories, modification times, access control, file locks, etc...) and data is the content of the file.

Parent Element definition
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
parameter 0 unlimited
nodestore 1 1
securitystore 1 1
lockstore 1 1
revisiondescriptorsstore 1 1
revisiondescriptorstore 1 1
contentstore 1 1
Attribute name Description Example Default value
name The name of this store within the domain my-first-store N/A | this attribute is required

Example: <store name="database-store">

nodestore - provides structure for the namespace

The nodestore service provides structure to the namespace. It manages the tree of nodes like a filesystem directory.

Parent Element store
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
parameter 0 unlimited
reference 0 1
Attribute name Description Example Default value
classname The fully-qualified name of the Java class that implements the interface slidestore.reference.MemoryDescriptorsStore N/A | this attribute is optional

Example with parameters:
<nodestore classname="slidestore.reference.JDBCDescriptorsStore">
<parameter name="driver">org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</parameter>
<parameter name="url">jdbc:hsqldb:slidestructure</parameter>
<parameter name="user">sa</parameter>
<parameter name="password"></parameter>

Example with a reference to another store:
<nodestore><reference store="that-other-store"></nodestore>

reference - a pointer to another store instance

A reference element informs Slide that this store's responsibilities should be forwarded to another store implementation. For example, a single store instance could manage the services for nodestore, lockstore, and securitystore. In this case, the lockstore and securitystore definitions should contain a reference element referring to the nodestore.

Parent Element nodestore, securitystore, lockstore, revisiondescriptorsstore, revisiondescriptorstore, contentstore
The reference element supports one attribute:
Attribute name Description Example Default value
store refer my responsibilities to another store. Accepted values: "nodestore", "securitystore", "lockstore", "revisiondescriptorsstore", "revisiondescriptorstore", "contentstore" nodestore N/A | this attribute is required

Example: <reference store="nodestore" />

securitystore - controls user access to nodes

The securitystore service restricts access to nodes depending on the permissions. Think of it like the rwxrxwrxw permissions of Unix... except Slide is a bit more complicated.

Parent Element store
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
parameter 0 unlimited
reference 0 1
Attribute name Description Example Default value
classname The fully-qualified name of the Java class that implements the interface slidestore.reference.MemoryDescriptorsStore N/A | this attribute is optional

Example with parameters:
<securitystore classname="slidestore.reference.JDBCDescriptorsStore">
<parameter name="driver">org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</parameter>
<parameter name="url">jdbc:hsqldb:slidestructure</parameter>
<parameter name="user">sa</parameter>
<parameter name="password"></parameter>

Example with a reference to another store:
<securitystore><reference store="that-other-store"></securitystore>

lockstore - provides exclusive access to nodes

The lockstore service guarantees upon request that a single user may access a resource without interruption. Think of it like locking a file in Unix with exclusive access: fcntl ( some_file_descriptor, F_SETLK, some_struct_flock_ptr * ).

Parent Element store
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
parameter 0 unlimited
reference 0 1
Attribute name Description Example Default value
classname The fully-qualified name of the Java class that implements the interface slidestore.reference.MemoryDescriptorsStore N/A | this attribute is optional

Example with parameters:
<lockstore classname="slidestore.reference.JDBCDescriptorsStore">
<parameter name="driver">org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</parameter>
<parameter name="url">jdbc:hsqldb:slidestructure</parameter>
<parameter name="user">sa</parameter>
<parameter name="password"></parameter>

Example with a reference to another store:
<lockstore><reference store="that-other-store"></lockstore>

revisiondescriptorsstore - gives access to all revision metainformation of a particular node

The revisiondescriptorsstore service contains information about the different versions of a particular node, including the revision numbers, the latest revision, and any branches. Information concerning a particular revision is not supporting by this service.

Parent Element store
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
parameter 0 unlimited
reference 0 1
Attribute name Description Example Default value
classname The fully-qualified name of the Java class that implements the interface slidestore.reference.MemoryDescriptorsStore N/A | this attribute is optional

Example with parameters:
<revisiondescriptorsstore classname="slidestore.reference.JDBCDescriptorsStore">
<parameter name="driver">org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</parameter>
<parameter name="url">jdbc:hsqldb:slidestructure</parameter>
<parameter name="user">sa</parameter>
<parameter name="password"></parameter>

Example with a reference to another store:
<revisiondescriptorsstore><reference store="that-other-store"></revisiondescriptorsstore>

revisiondescriptorstore - gives access to revision information for a particular revision of a particular node

The revisiondescriptorstore service contains information about a single revision of a particular node, including the revision number, an optional branch name, associated version labels, properties, content length, content type, creation time, modified time, etc. Information concerning other revisions of the same node is not supporting by this service.
Parent Element store
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
parameter 0 unlimited
reference 0 1
Attribute name Description Example Default value
classname The fully-qualified name of the Java class that implements the interface slidestore.reference.MemoryDescriptorStore N/A | this attribute is optional

Example with parameters:
<revisiondescriptorstore classname="slidestore.reference.JDBCDescriptorsStore">
<parameter name="driver">org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</parameter>
<parameter name="url">jdbc:hsqldb:slidestructure</parameter>
<parameter name="user">sa</parameter>
<parameter name="password"></parameter>

Example with a reference to another store:
<revisiondescriptorstore><reference store="that-other-store"></revisiondescriptorstore>

Note: take care when defining this element, as the difference between this service and the previous one differ by a single letter 's'.

contentstore - responsible for the data associated with a particular node

The contentstore service provides the content of a particular node, accessible by revision number. Think of it as the stream of bytes from disk; once the node has been located in the structure (NodeStore), passed security checks (SecurityStore), and is not locked by someone else (LockStore), the contents of that node may be read from or written to the content store.

Parent Element store
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
parameter 0 unlimited
reference 0 1
Attribute name Description Example Default value
classname The fully-qualified name of the Java class that implements the interface slidestore.reference.MemoryDescriptorStore N/A | this attribute is optional

Example with parameters:
<contentstore classname="slidestore.reference.JDBCDescriptorsStore">
<parameter name="driver">org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver</parameter>
<parameter name="url">jdbc:hsqldb:slidestructure</parameter>
<parameter name="user">sa</parameter>
<parameter name="password"></parameter>

Example with a reference to another store:
<contentstore><reference store="that-other-store"></contentstore>

scope - maps a namespace onto the domain

The scope element maps a store onto the structure provided by the Domain. Think of it like an entry in the Unix fstab file, where a store is a filesystem mapped onto the file system tree maintained by the operating system. One and only one store can be mounted to the root ("/"). When a complete path is handed to the Domain during a call, the Domain is responsible for choosing the right store to handle the call. For example, if store 'memory' has a scope referencing /, and store 'database' has a scope referencing /db, a request to read from node /db/chris/some_file will be passed to the 'database' store.

In addition, for each scope element, a new instance of the store is created and mapped into the Domain on the provided URI. This means that a single store definition may be instantiated multiple times, but exist at different places on the Domain structure.

Parent Element definition
Attribute name Description Example Default value
store The name of the store mapped to the URI described in the match attribute my-first-store N/A | this attribute is required
match Where the namespace referenced by the store attribute will be mapped on the Domain structure. Must be an absolute path starting with '/' /database N/A | this attribute is required

<scope store="my-database-store" match="/" />

configuration - the catchall element for configuring Slide

A configuration element makes changes to Slide settings outside of a particular namespace or node. The configuration is split into six sections:

  • actions
  • paths
  • parameters
  • roles
  • default properties
  • content-interceptor definitions
All of the sections except default-action are optional.

Parent Element slide
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
default-action 1 1
read-object 0 1
create-object 0 1
remove-object 0 1
grant-permission 0 1
revoke-permission 0 1
read-permissions 0 1
lock-object 0 1
kill-lock 0 1
read-locks 0 1
read-revision-metadata 0 1
create-revision-metadata 0 1
modify-revision-metadata 0 1
remove-revision-metadata 0 1
read-revision-content 0 1
create-revision-content 0 1
modify-revision-content 0 1
remove-revision-content 0 1
userspath 0 1
guestpath 0 1
filespath 0 1
parameter 0 1
role 0 1
auto-create-users 0 1
auto-create-users-role 0 1
default-property 0 1
content-interceptor 0 unlimited

Example: <configuration>

default-action - the action called when no other action is available

The default-action is called when no element is configured for the operation in question.

What is an action? Slide supplies several standard actions for use with the WebDAV network protocol. For example, reading the contents of a file requires a successful read-revision-content action. The configuration element lists these actions by name, each containing a reference to an ActionNode somewhere else in the Domain structure.

An ActionNode, defined in the data section of the Domain.xml file, can have any name that you wish. Common examples are read for read actions like read-revision-content, write for write actions like modify-revision-content and remove-revision-content, and manage for administration actions like revoke-permission, but these names are not required, just suggested.

Multiple actions can refer to the same action node, and any actions not defined in the configuration element are assigned the value of the default-action tag.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <default-action>/actions/not-permitted</default-action>

read-object - can you look up the node?

The read-object action is called when someone wants to find a node in the structure. Successfully calling a read-object action doesn't mean the user can do anything else with the Node, but without a successful read-object action, no other operations on the Node are possible.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <read-object>/actions/read</read-object>

create-object - can you insert a new node in the Domain?

The create-object action is called when someone wants to insert a node into the Domain structure, including locks on other nodes. Successfully calling a create-object action doesn't mean the user can do anything else with the Node, but without a successful create-object action, no locking operations are permitted.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <create-object>/actions/write</create-object>

remove-object - can you remove an existing node from the Domain?

The remove-object action is called when someone wants to remove a node from the Domain structure. Successfully calling a remove-object action doesn't mean the user can do anything else with the Node.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <remove-object>/actions/write</remove-object>

grant-permission - can you add a new permission record to a node in the Domain?

The grant-permission action is called when someone wants to add a new permission record to an existing node in the Domain structure. This is a dangerous action, so only authorized users should be allowed to call it, since successfully calling a grant-permission action gives the user control over other operations on that node. grant-permission does not remove existing permissions from the node.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <grant-permission>/actions/manage</grant-permission>

revoke-permission - can you remove an existing permission record from a node in the Domain?

The grant-permission action is called when someone wants to remove an existing permission record from an existing node in the Domain structure. This is a dangerous action, so only authorized users should be allowed to call it, since successfully calling a revoke-permission action gives the user control over other operations on that node. For example, a user could remove a "deny write" permission from the node, giving the user access that it did not already have. revoke-permission does not add new permissions to the node.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <revoke-permission>/actions/manage</revoke-permission>

read-permissions - can you read existing permission records from a node in the Domain?

The read-permissions action is called when someone wants to enumerate the existing permission records of an existing node in the Domain structure. This can be a dangerous action, so only authorized users should be allowed to call it, since successfully calling a read-permissions action gives the user information about other operations on that node. read-permissions does not modify the permission records of the node.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <read-permissions>/actions/manage</read-permissions>

lock-object - can you stop someone from using an existing node?

The lock-object action is called when someone wants to protect an existing node in the Domain structure from concurrent use. Locks are required for write actions.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <lock-object>/actions/write</lock-object>

kill-lock - can you override an existing lock?

The kill-lock action is called when someone wants to remove existing locks from an object. This can be a dangerous action, so only authorized users should be allowed to call it.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <kill-lock>/actions/manage</kill-lock>

read-locks - can you enumerate existing locks?

The read-lock action is called when someone wants to enumerate existing locks on an object.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <read-locks>/actions/read</read-locks>

read-revision-metadata - can you look at information about a node?

The read-revision-metadata action is called when someone wants to look at information about a particular node.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <read-revision-metadata>/actions/read</read-revision-metadata>

create-revision-metadata - can you create metadata information about a node?

The create-revision-metadata action is called before creating a new revision of a particular node. Successfully calling a create-revision-metadata action doesn't mean the user can actually create a new revision of the Node's contents, but without a successful create-revision-metadata action, creating a revision is impossible.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <create-revision-metadata>/actions/write</create-revision-metadata>

modify-revision-metadata - can you change the metadata information about a node?

The modify-revision-metadata action is called before creating a new revision of a particular node. Successfully calling a modify-revision-metadata action doesn't mean the user can actually create a new revision of the Node's contents, but without a successful modify-revision-metadata action, creating a revision is impossible.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <modify-revision-metadata>/actions/write</modify-revision-metadata>

remove-revision-metadata - can you remove metadata information about a node?

The remove-revision-metadata action is called before destroying an existing revision of a particular node. Successfully calling a remove-revision-metadata action doesn't mean the user can actually remove an existing revision of the Node's contents, but without a successful remove-revision-metadata action, removing a revision is impossible.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <remove-revision-metadata>/actions/write</remove-revision-metadata>

read-revision-content - can you create a new revision of a node?

The read-revision-content action is called before destroying an existing revision of a particular node.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <read-revision-content>/actions/read</read-revision-content>

create-revision-content - can you create a new revision of a node?

The create-revision-content action is called before creating a new revision of a particular node's content.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <create-revision-content>/actions/write</create-revision-content>

modify-revision-content - can you modify an existing revision of a node?

The modify-revision-content action is called before modifying an existing revision of a particular node's content.

What is the difference between creating a new revision of a node's contents and simply modifying a node's existing revision?

As you can see from the above illustration, creating a new content revision means creating new revision metadata. This means that the previous revision may be retrieved intact. When modifying an existing revision's content, the old content associated with that revision is irretrievably lost.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <modify-revision-content>/actions/write</modify-revision-content>

remove-revision-content - can you remove an existing revision of a node?

The remove-revision-content action is called before removing an existing revision of a particular node's content. Typically this is called when removing a node from the nodestore.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <remove-revision-content>/actions/write</remove-revision-content>

read-revision-content - can you read a node's content?

The read-revision-content action is called before the user can read a particular node's content.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <read-revision-content>/actions/read</read-revision-content>

userspath - where SubjectNodes representing each user are stored in the Domain

All authenticated users are represented by SubjectNodes in Slide. These nodes are collected beneath a single parent node in the Domain structure, and the path to this parent node is configured with the userspath.

If the auto-create-users element is set to true, new SubjectNodes will be created for users who don't already have one.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <userspath>/users</userspath>

guestpath - the SubjectNode for unauthenticated users

All unauthenticated users are represented by a single SubjectNode in Slide: the value of guestpath.

Note: In Slide v1.0, the guest path must be a relative URI (no leading '/'), because the code appends the value of guestpath to the value of userspath.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <guestpath>guest</guestpath>

filespath - a common SubjectNode for file sharing

The filespath SubjectNode is not currently used.

Parent Element configuration

Example: <filespath>/the-path-to-nowhere-leads-to-me</filespath>

role - are you this type of user?

All Nodes in the Domain structure have an associated role. Roles are like primary groups in Unix or Windows: all nodes must have one and only one associated role. If a node does not have a role specifically assigned to it, it will have the special role nobody. Roles simplify configuration: groups of users in the same role will have the same security settings. When a new user is added to Slide, simply add them to the appropriate role and no other changes need to be made.

There are three roles built into the Slide framework:

  • slideroles.basic.GuestRole
  • slideroles.basic.RootRole
  • slideroles.basic.UserRole
Developer's can add their own additional role classes as needed.

Note: When using an external Realm for authentication, the Slide role names must match those understood by the Realm.

Parent Element configuration
Attribute name Description Example Default value
name the alias for this role: must follow the Realm role stated above slideroles.basic.RootRole N/A | this attribute is required

In Slide v1.0, things are a little more complicated. SubjectNodes that represent each user in the Domain aren't associated with a role; they are the role. For example, a user with the RootRole wouldn't be a standard SubjectNode; instead, it is an instance of the slideroles.basic.RootRole class, which means that changing a user's role while the server is running is almost impossible.

Example for root role: <role name="root">slideroles.basic.RootRole</role>
Example for user role: <role name="user">slideroles.basic.UserRole</role>
Example for guest role: <role name="guest">slideroles.basic.GuestRole</role>

auto-create-users - what happens when a user logs in but no SubjectNode exists?

When a user successfully logs into Slide, their username is matched to a corresponding SubjectNode in the userspath. That SubjectNode represents them within Slide. But what happens if a user's SubjectNode does not exist in the Domain structure? A new node will be created for them if the value of this element is true. Otherwise the login will be rejected.

Parent Element configuration

Example for "yes, automatically create user SubjectNodes" : <auto-create-users>true</auto-create-users>
Example for "no, do not automatically create user SubjectNodes" : <auto-create-users>false</auto-create-users>

auto-create-users-role - the role of new SubjectNodes

When a user successfully logs into Slide, their username is matched to a corresponding SubjectNode in the userspath. That SubjectNode represents them within Slide. But what happens if a user's SubjectNode does not exist in the Domain structure? If the value of auto-create-users is true, the default Java class slideroles.basic.UserRoleImpl will created as the SubjectNode. You can override this default behavior with the auto-create-users-role element.

Note: See the difference between UserRole and UserRoleImpl? The UserRole is a Java interface, so it cannot be instatiated. The mapping between the roles listed in role section and the implementations are listed below:

  • slideroles.basic.RootRole - slideroles.basic.RootRoleImpl
  • slideroles.basic.UserRole - slideroles.basic.UserRoleImpl
  • slideroles.basic.GuestRole - slideroles.basic.GuestRoleImpl
For additional roles, a developer needs to follow the same pattern of class/interface.

Parent Element configuration

Example for GuestRole : <auto-create-users-role>slideroles.basic.GuestRoleImpl</auto-create-users-role>

default-property - adding default properties to a SubjectNode

Properties are an important part of the WebDAV standard. For a complete explanation of what properties are, I recommend reading the WebDAV specification, but briefly a property is:

  • a piece of information related to a URI within a WebDAV collection
  • can be "live" or "dead"
    • Live properties can be changed automatically by the server
    • Dead properties are stored by the server but completely managed by the client
  • can be associated with XML namespaces
In short, a Java programmer can think of WebDAV properties like they would a java.util.Properties object managed by the server. Each property must have a unique name (a combination of the common name and the optional XML namespace) and contains a value. Properties can appear or disappear depending on server conditions (if the properties are "live"), and the values of these properties can change (again, if the properties are "live"). Clients may also add or remove dead properties to a URI resource if they have the appropriate privileges.

One example of a live property is getlastmodified, which contains the time the associated resource was modified.

Use default-property tags for adding default properties to particular roles. There are four well-known roles in Slide:

  • root | root role
  • user | user role
  • guest | guest role
  • nobody | nobody role

Example default-property tag :
role="nobody" />

The combination of the name and namespace attributes must not conflict with other properties of the same node. However, the names of two properties may be equal as long as they have different values for the namespace attribute. I recommend using a URL to your personal home page as the URI in the namespace attribute.

Parent Element configuration
Attribute name Description Example Default value
name the local name of this WebDAV property. Used with the optional namespace attribute to form the complete name of the property my-first-property-name N/A | this attribute is required
namespace the optional XML namespace for this WebDAV property. Used with the mandatory name attribute to form the complete name of the property "" the empty namespace
value the optional default value of this property. Clients may change this value later. my-first-property-default-value "" the empty value
role this default property and value is associated with all nodes of this role (root|user|guest|nobody) nobody N/A | this attribute is required

Note: the nobody role is a special role that applies to all nodes created in the Namespace. For example, if we add a new file to the /files area of the structure, that node will have all of the associated nobody role default properties.

content-interceptor - plug yourself in with custom handlers

Content interceptors are called by Slide during various stages of a request. Developing content interceptors is outside the scope of this configuration document, but in summary a content interceptor must:

  • implement the org.apache.slide.content.ContentInterceptor interface
  • override the methods in the interface

Parent Element configuration
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
parameter 0 unlimited
Attribute name Description Example Default value
class the fully-qualified Java class name of the ContentInterceptor to install into the Slide runtime com.java_internals.slide.intercept.MyFirstInterceptor N/A | this attribute is required

Example content interceptor w/o parameters:
<content-interceptor class="com.java_internals.slide.intercept.MyFirstInterceptor" />
Example content interceptor with parameters:
<content-interceptor class="com.java_internals.slide.intercept.MyFirstInterceptor">
<parameter name="some-name">some value</parameter>

data - building the Domain structure from the configuration file

The Data element gives us a place for creating nodes during Slide startup.

Parent Element namespace
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
objectnode 0 unlimited

Example of data node:<data>...</data>

ObjectNode - declaring nodes in the namespace

ObjectNodes give us a way to define the namespace tree structure within the configuration file. Each ObjectNode has several associated properties:

Parent Element data
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
revision 0 unlimited
permission 0 unlimited
objectnode 0 unlimited
Attribute name Description Example Default value
classname the fully-qualified Java class name of the ObjectNode org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode N/A | this attribute is required
uri path to this node within the collection /users/GroupA N/A | this attribute is required
linkedUri only used with link nodes. The path to the actual node in the structure /users/foobar N/A | this attribute is required

LinkNodes give us a way of placing dummy nodes in the namespace that refer to other real nodes:

As you can see from the above image, the green foobar node in GroupA links to the foobar node in the Users portion of the tree.

Example of a regular SubjectNode:
uri="/users/foobar" />

Example of a LinkNode:
linkedUri="/users/foobar" />

ObjectNode elements may contain other ObjectNodes as well:

<objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users">
    <objectnode classname="org.apache.slide.structure.SubjectNode" uri="/users/foobar" />

revision - declaring revisions of an ObjectNode in the configuration file

You can list revisions of an ObjectNode with the revision element.

Parent Element objectnode
Child Element Name Minimum Maximum
ancestor 0 1
property 0 unlimited
content 0 1
Attribute name Description Example Default value
number the revisions's tag number 2 N/A | this attribute is required
uri path to this node within the collection /users/GroupA N/A | this attribute is required
linkedUri only used with link nodes. The path to the actual node in the structure /users/foobar N/A | this attribute is required

Example of a revision: <revision number="1" />

ancestor - is a revision based on a previous version?

You can make a particular revision based on a previous one using the ancestor element

Parent Element revision

Example of an ancestor: <ancestor>true</ancestor>

property - defining WebDAV properties for a revision

You can add properties to a particular revision of a node. This node is a copy of the default-property element.

Parent Element revision

content - giving a revision some content

Nodes may have content. Use this element to tell Slide where it should find the content for this particular revision. The value of this node must be a URL.

Parent Element revision

Example of content: <content></content>

permission - controlling access to an ObjectNode

Slide controls access to ObjectNodes through permissions. A permission consists of four components:

  • what (action)
  • who (subject)
  • grant/deny (negative)
  • affect child nodes (inheritable)

Parent Element objectnode
Attribute name Description Example Default value
action path to the ActionNode /actions/write N/A | this attribute is required
subject name of the subject or role who will be affected by this rule root N/A | this attribute is required
negative if true, deny the user access to this action true false
inherit if true, all child nodes of this SubjectNode receive the same permission true false

Example of permission: <permission action="/actions/manage" subject="foobar" negative="false" inherit="true" />

How is the above permission evaluated? Whenever the foobar (subject) attempts the manage (action) action on the files (the ObjectNode containing the permission object) node or its children (inherit), the action is permitted.

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