The Jakarta Project The Jakarta Slide Project



User's Guide

Administrator's Guide


Programmer's Corner

Slide API


Active Commiters (in random order)

Juergen Pill
Testing, fixes and many ideas on the transaction API.

Peter Nevermann
Versioning, DeltaV, ACL.

Martin Wallmer
Searching and Locating, DASL.

Stefan Guggisberg
JCR (JSR 170).

Ingo Brunberg
Client library.

Oliver Zeigermann
Stores, release management for Slide 2.0.

Martin Holz
Testing, fixes and work on the J2EE store.

Jean-Philippe Courson
Testing and fixes.

Stefano Mazzocchi
Testing, fixes and work on DASL.

Inactive Commiters (in random order)

Remy Maucherat
Original developer of Slide.

B.C. Holmes
Client library, documentation.

Dave Bryson
Command line client.

Sung-Gu Park
WebDAV client library design.

Michael Smith
Testing, lots of improvements to the Stores.

Peter Hawkins
Hosts and maintains the FAQ on Slide.

Dirk Verbeeck
Completed WebDAV Access Control Protocol.

Christopher Lenz
Tag library, administration webapp, bug fixes, testing.

Contributors (in random order)

Ashok Kumar
J2EE redesign.

Christophe Lombart
DBCP implementation for JDBC store, MySQL port of RDBMS store.

Richard Unger
Work on wrappers.

Daniel Florey
Substantial help with the J2EE merge.

Christopher Taylor

Chris Sharp

Marc Décugis
Initial version of XML store.

Colin Britton
Help with J2EE store.

Jacob Lund
Testing, bug reports.

Stefan Lützkendorf
Testing, bug reports and fixes.

Martin Dulisch
Testing and work in the client section.

Craig McClanahan
CVS, mailing lists, nightly builds setup, as well as countless other things.

Christopher Harding
Testing and bug reports.

Jason Harrop
Testing, bug reports and fixes.

Scott Sanders
Testing, bug reports.

Michael Dalrymple
UML model for Slide.

David McDonnell
Security system additions.

Hardy Kiefer
XML logger.

Jojada J. Tirtowidjojo
Swing components, WebDAV test GUI.

Eckehard Hermann
Security, ACL.

Ralf Stuckert
Versioning, DeltaV.


Intalio Inc.
Donated on May 2000 an early version of the OpenDAV project to Apache Jakarta.

Day Software
Day donated a first draft implementation of the Java Content Repository API (JSR 170) to the ASF.

Copyright © 1999-2001, Apache Software Foundation