Package org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.query

Class Summary
AbstractQueryLevel2Test Implements common setup methods for level 2 queries.
AbstractQueryTest Abstract base class for query test cases.
DerefQueryLevel1Test Tests the XPath function jcr:deref() in a level 1 repository.
ElementTest Tests the element test function in XPath.
GetLanguageTest Test the method Query.getLanguage().
GetPersistentQueryPathLevel1Test Test the method Query.getStoredQueryPath().
GetPersistentQueryPathTest Test the method Query.getStoredQueryPath().
GetPropertyNamesTest Tests if the property names of an XPath query without a jcr:primaryType predicate matches the ones declared in nt:base.
GetStatementTest Tests the method Query.getStatement().
GetSupportedQueryLanguagesTest Test the method QueryManager.getSupportedQueryLanguages().
OrderByDateTest Test cases for order by queries on date properties.
OrderByDoubleTest Test cases for order by queries on double properties.
OrderByLongTest Test cases for order by queries on long properties.
OrderByMultiTypeTest Test cases for order by queries on long properties.
OrderByStringTest Test cases for order by queries on String properties.
PredicatesTest Tests if queries with predicates are accepted.
QueryResultNodeIteratorTest Tests methods on NodeIterator returned by QueryResult.getNodes().
SaveTest Tests the method Query.storeAsNode(String).
SimpleSelectionTest SimpleSelectionTest...
SQLJcrPathTest Tests if the jcr:path property is returned in the query result.
SQLJoinTest Tests SQL statements with a join of a node type with a mixin type.
SQLOrderByTest This test searches for all nodes of a specific node type and orders them by the property with name configured as AbstractJCRTest.propertyName1.
SQLPathTest Tests path predicates in SQL queries.
SQLQueryLevel2Test Tests SQL queries on content written to the workspace by the test itself.
TestAll Test suite that includes all testcases for the package javax.jcr.query.
TextNodeTest Tests the text() node test in XPath.
XPathDocOrderTest Tests if the repository supports document order in XPath.
XPathJcrPathTest Tests if the jcr:path property is returned in the query result.
XPathOrderByTest This test searches for all nodes of a specific node type and orders them by the property with name configured as AbstractJCRTest.propertyName1.
XPathPosIndexTest Tests if the repository supports position index in XPath.
XPathQueryLevel2Test Tests XPath queries on content written to the workspace by the test itself.

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