Uses of Class

Packages that use QName
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version The versioning framework in jackrabbit consists of 3 layers. 

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core declared as QName
protected  QName NodeImpl.primaryTypeName
          same as ((NodeState) state).getNodeTypeName(); cached to avoid type casts

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return QName
 QName PropertyId.getName()
          Returns the qualified name of the property.
 QName CachingHierarchyManager.getName(ItemId id)
          Returns the name of the specified item.
 QName HierarchyManagerImpl.getName(ItemId itemId)
          Returns the name of the specified item.
 QName HierarchyManager.getName(ItemId id)
          Returns the name of the specified item.
 QName PropertyImpl.getQName()
          Same as Item.getName() except that this method returns a QName instead of a String.
abstract  QName ItemImpl.getQName()
          Same as Item.getName() except that this method returns a QName instead of a String.
 QName NodeImpl.getQName()
 QName SessionImpl.getQName(String name)
 QName NamespaceRegistryImpl.retrieveName(String jcrName)
          Retrieves a qualified name from the cache for the given jcr name.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type QName
 void NodeImpl.addMixin(QName mixinName)
          Same as Node.addMixin(String) except that it takes a QName instead of a String.
 NodeImpl NodeImpl.addNode(QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName, UUID uuid)
          Same as Node.addNode(String, String) except that this method takes QName arguments instead of Strings and has an additional uuid argument.
 void NamespaceRegistryImpl.cacheName(String jcrName, QName name)
 void BatchedItemOperations.checkAddNode(NodeState parentState, QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName, int options)
          Checks if adding a child node called nodeName of node type nodeTypeName to the given parent node is allowed in the current context.
protected  InternalValue[] NodeImpl.computeSystemGeneratedPropertyValues(QName name, PropertyDefinitionImpl def)
          Computes the values of well-known system (i.e.
protected  NodeImpl NodeImpl.createChildNode(QName name, NodeDefinitionImpl def, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, NodeId id)
protected  PropertyImpl NodeImpl.createChildProperty(QName name, int type, PropertyDefinitionImpl def)
 NodeState BatchedItemOperations.createNodeState(NodeState parent, QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixinNames, NodeId id)
          Creates a new node.
 NodeState BatchedItemOperations.createNodeState(NodeState parent, QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixinNames, NodeId id)
          Creates a new node.
 NodeState BatchedItemOperations.createNodeState(NodeState parent, QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixinNames, NodeId id, NodeDef def)
          Creates a new node based on the given definition.
 NodeState BatchedItemOperations.createNodeState(NodeState parent, QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixinNames, NodeId id, NodeDef def)
          Creates a new node based on the given definition.
 PropertyState BatchedItemOperations.createPropertyState(NodeState parent, QName propName, int type, int numValues)
          Creates a new property.
 PropertyState BatchedItemOperations.createPropertyState(NodeState parent, QName propName, int type, PropDef def)
          Creates a new property based on the given definition.
 NodeDef BatchedItemOperations.findApplicableNodeDefinition(QName name, QName nodeTypeName, NodeState parentState)
          Helper method that finds the applicable definition for a child node with the given name and node type in the parent node's node type and mixin types.
 PropDef BatchedItemOperations.findApplicablePropertyDefinition(QName name, int type, boolean multiValued, NodeState parentState)
          Helper method that finds the applicable definition for a property with the given name, type and multiValued characteristic in the parent node's node type and mixin types.
 PropDef BatchedItemOperations.findApplicablePropertyDefinition(QName name, int type, NodeState parentState)
          Helper method that finds the applicable definition for a property with the given name, type in the parent node's node type and mixin types.
protected  NodeDefinitionImpl NodeImpl.getApplicableChildNodeDefinition(QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName)
          Returns the applicable child node definition for a child node with the specified name and node type.
protected  PropertyDefinitionImpl NodeImpl.getApplicablePropertyDefinition(QName propertyName, int type, boolean multiValued, boolean exactTypeMatch)
          Returns the applicable property definition for a property with the specified name and type.
protected  NodeState.ChildNodeEntry ZombieHierarchyManager.getChildNodeEntry(NodeState parent, QName name, int index)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry of parent with the specified name and index or null if there's no such entry.

Also allows for removed/renamed child node entries.

protected  NodeState.ChildNodeEntry HierarchyManagerImpl.getChildNodeEntry(NodeState parent, QName name, int index)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry of parent with the specified name and index or null if there's no such entry.
 String SessionImpl.getJCRName(QName name)
 NodeImpl NodeImpl.getNode(QName name)
          Returns the child node of this node with the specified name.
 NodeImpl NodeImpl.getNode(QName name, int index)
          Returns the child node of this node with the specified name.
protected  PropertyImpl NodeImpl.getOrCreateProperty(QName name, int type, boolean multiValued, boolean exactTypeMatch, BitSet status)
 PropertyImpl NodeImpl.getProperty(QName name)
          Returns the property of this node with the specified name.
 boolean NodeImpl.hasNode(QName name)
          Indicates whether a child node with the specified name exists.
 boolean NodeImpl.hasNode(QName name, int index)
          Indicates whether a child node with the specified name exists.
 boolean NodeImpl.hasProperty(QName name)
          Indicates whether a property with the specified name exists.
protected  NodeImpl NodeImpl.internalAddChildNode(QName nodeName, NodeTypeImpl nodeType)
protected  NodeImpl NodeImpl.internalAddChildNode(QName nodeName, NodeTypeImpl nodeType, NodeId id)
protected  Property NodeImpl.internalSetProperty(QName name, InternalValue value)
          Sets the internal value of a property without checking any constraints.
protected  Property NodeImpl.internalSetProperty(QName name, InternalValue[] values)
          Sets the internal value of a property without checking any constraints.
protected  Property NodeImpl.internalSetProperty(QName name, InternalValue[] values, int type)
          Sets the internal value of a property without checking any constraints.
 boolean NodeImpl.isNodeType(QName ntName)
          Same as Node.isNodeType(String) except that it takes a QName instead of a String.
 void CachingHierarchyManager.nodeAdded(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been added
 void CachingHierarchyManager.nodeRemoved(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been removed
protected  void NodeImpl.removeChildNode(QName nodeName, int index)
protected  void NodeImpl.removeChildProperty(QName propName)
 void NodeImpl.removeMixin(QName mixinName)
          Same as Node.removeMixin(String) except that it takes a QName instead of a String.
protected  void NodeImpl.renameChildNode(QName oldName, int index, NodeId id, QName newName)
 String NamespaceRegistryImpl.retrieveName(QName name)
 PropertyImpl NodeImpl.setProperty(QName name, Value value)
          Same as Node.setProperty(String, Value) except that this method takes a QName name argument instead of a String.
 PropertyImpl NodeImpl.setProperty(QName name, Value[] values)
          Same as Node.setProperty(String, Value[]) except that this method takes a QName name argument instead of a String.
 PropertyImpl NodeImpl.setProperty(QName name, Value[] values, int type)
          Same as Node.setProperty(String, Value[], int) except that this method takes a QName name argument instead of a String.
 void PropertyImpl.setValue(QName name)
          Same as Property.setValue(String) except that this method takes a QName instead of a String value.
 void PropertyImpl.setValue(QName[] names)
          Same as Property.setValue(String[]) except that this method takes an array of QName instead of String values.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type QName
PropertyId(NodeId parentId, QName propName)
          Creates a property identifier instance for the identified property.

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal that return QName
 QName AbstractRecord.readQName()
          Read a QName frmo the underlying stream.
 QName Record.readQName()
          Read a QName frmo the underlying stream.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal with parameters of type QName
 void AbstractRecord.writeQName(QName name)
          Write a QName to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writeQName(QName name)
          Write a QName to the underlying stream.

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype declared as QName
static QName ItemDef.ANY_NAME
          The special wildcard name used as the name of residual item definitions.
protected  QName ItemDefImpl.declaringNodeType
          The name of the declaring node type.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype that return QName
 QName[] EffectiveNodeType.getAllNodeTypes()
 QName ItemDef.getDeclaringNodeType()
          Gets the name of the declaring node type.
 QName ItemDefImpl.getDeclaringNodeType()
          Gets the name of the declaring node type.
 QName NodeDefImpl.getDefaultPrimaryType()
          Returns the name of the default primary type.
 QName NodeDef.getDefaultPrimaryType()
          Returns the name of the default primary type.
 QName[] EffectiveNodeType.getInheritedNodeTypes()
 QName[] EffectiveNodeType.getMergedNodeTypes()
 QName NodeTypeDef.getName()
          Returns the name of the node type being defined or null if not set.
 QName ItemDef.getName()
          Gets the name of the child item.
 QName ItemDefImpl.getName()
          Gets the name of the child item.
 QName[] EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key.getNames()
          Returns the node type names of this key.
 QName NodeTypeDef.getPrimaryItemName()
          Returns the name of the primary item (one of the child items of the node's of this node type) or null if not set.
 QName NodeTypeImpl.getQName()
          Returns the 'internal', i.e.
 QName[] NodeTypeRegistry.getRegisteredNodeTypes()
          Returns the names of all registered node types.
 QName[] NodeDefImpl.getRequiredPrimaryTypes()
          Returns the array of names of the required primary types.
 QName[] NodeDef.getRequiredPrimaryTypes()
          Returns the array of names of the required primary types.
 QName[] NodeTypeDef.getSupertypes()
          Returns an array containing the names of the supertypes.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype with parameters of type QName
 void EffectiveNodeType.checkAddNodeConstraints(QName name)
 void EffectiveNodeType.checkAddNodeConstraints(QName name, QName nodeTypeName, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg)
protected  void NodeTypeRegistry.checkForReferencesInContent(QName nodeTypeName)
          Checks whether there is existing content that directly or indirectly refers to the specified node type.
 void EffectiveNodeType.checkRemoveItemConstraints(QName name)
 boolean NodeTypeDefStore.contains(QName name)
 NodeTypeDef NodeTypeDefStore.get(QName name)
 NodeDef EffectiveNodeType.getApplicableChildNodeDef(QName name, QName nodeTypeName, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg)
          Returns the applicable child node definition for a child node with the specified name and node type.
 PropDef EffectiveNodeType.getApplicablePropertyDef(QName name, int type)
          Returns the applicable property definition for a property with the specified name and type.
 PropDef EffectiveNodeType.getApplicablePropertyDef(QName name, int type, boolean multiValued)
          Returns the applicable property definition for a property with the specified name, type and multiValued characteristic.
 Set NodeTypeRegistry.getDependentNodeTypes(QName nodeTypeName)
          Returns the names of those registered node types that have dependencies on the given node type.
 EffectiveNodeType NodeTypeRegistry.getEffectiveNodeType(QName ntName)
 EffectiveNodeType NodeTypeRegistry.getEffectiveNodeType(QName[] ntNames)
 EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key BitsetENTCacheImpl.getKey(QName[] ntNames)
          Returns a key for an effective node type that consists of the given node type names.
 EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key EffectiveNodeTypeCacheImpl.getKey(QName[] ntNames)
          Returns a key for an effective node type that consists of the given node type names.
 EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key EffectiveNodeTypeCache.getKey(QName[] ntNames)
          Returns a key for an effective node type that consists of the given node type names.
 ItemDef[] EffectiveNodeType.getNamedItemDefs(QName name)
 NodeDef[] EffectiveNodeType.getNamedNodeDefs(QName name)
 PropDef[] EffectiveNodeType.getNamedPropDefs(QName name)
 NodeTypeImpl NodeTypeManagerImpl.getNodeType(QName name)
 NodeTypeDef NodeTypeRegistry.getNodeTypeDef(QName nodeTypeName)
          Returns the node type definition of the node type with the given name.
 boolean EffectiveNodeType.hasNamedItemDef(QName name)
 boolean EffectiveNodeType.includesNodeType(QName nodeTypeName)
          Determines whether this effective node type representation includes (either through inheritance or aggregation) the given node type.
 boolean EffectiveNodeType.includesNodeTypes(QName[] nodeTypeNames)
          Determines whether this effective node type representation includes (either through inheritance or aggregation) all of the given node types.
 void BitsetENTCacheImpl.invalidate(QName name)
          Removes all effective node types that are aggregated with the node type of the given name.
 void EffectiveNodeTypeCacheImpl.invalidate(QName name)
          Removes all effective node types that are aggregated with the node type of the given name.
 void EffectiveNodeTypeCache.invalidate(QName name)
          Removes all effective node types that are aggregated with the node type of the given name.
 boolean NodeTypeRegistry.isBuiltIn(QName nodeTypeName)
 boolean NodeTypeImpl.isDerivedFrom(QName nodeTypeName)
          Checks if this node type is directly or indirectly derived from the specified node type.
 boolean NodeTypeRegistry.isRegistered(QName nodeTypeName)
 void NodeTypeRegistryListener.nodeTypeRegistered(QName ntName)
          Called when a node type has been registered.
 void NodeTypeManagerImpl.nodeTypeRegistered(QName ntName)
          Called when a node type has been registered.
 void NodeTypeRegistryListener.nodeTypeReRegistered(QName ntName)
          Called when a node type has been re-registered.
 void NodeTypeManagerImpl.nodeTypeReRegistered(QName ntName)
          Called when a node type has been re-registered.
 void NodeTypeRegistryListener.nodeTypeUnregistered(QName ntName)
          Called when a node type has been deregistered.
 void NodeTypeManagerImpl.nodeTypeUnregistered(QName ntName)
          Called when a node type has been deregistered.
 boolean NodeTypeDefStore.remove(QName name)
 void NodeDefImpl.setDeclaringNodeType(QName declaringNodeType)
          Sets the name of declaring node type.
 void ItemDefImpl.setDeclaringNodeType(QName declaringNodeType)
          Sets the name of declaring node type.
 void PropDefImpl.setDeclaringNodeType(QName declaringNodeType)
          Sets the name of declaring node type.
 void NodeDefImpl.setDefaultPrimaryType(QName defaultNodeType)
          Sets the name of default primary type.
 void NodeDefImpl.setName(QName name)
          Sets the name of the child item.
 void NodeTypeDef.setName(QName name)
          Sets the name of the node type being defined.
 void ItemDefImpl.setName(QName name)
          Sets the name of the child item.
 void PropDefImpl.setName(QName name)
          Sets the name of the child item.
 void NodeTypeDef.setPrimaryItemName(QName primaryItemName)
          Sets the name of the primary item (one of the child items of the node's of this node type)
 void NodeDefImpl.setRequiredPrimaryTypes(QName[] requiredPrimaryTypes)
          Sets the names of the required primary types.
 void NodeTypeDef.setSupertypes(QName[] names)
          Sets the supertypes.
 void NodeTypeRegistry.unregisterNodeType(QName ntName)
          Unregisters the specified node type.

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.virtual

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.virtual with parameters of type QName
 void VirtualNodeTypeStateManager.nodeTypeRegistered(QName ntName)
          Called when a node type has been registered.
 void VirtualNodeTypeStateManager.nodeTypeReRegistered(QName ntName)
          Called when a node type has been re-registered.
 void VirtualNodeTypeStateManager.nodeTypeUnregistered(QName ntName)
          Called when a node type has been deregistered.
 void VirtualNodeTypeStateProvider.onNodeTypeAdded(QName ntName)
 void VirtualNodeTypeStateProvider.onNodeTypeModified(QName ntName)
 void VirtualNodeTypeStateProvider.onNodeTypeRemoved(QName ntName)

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation that return QName
 QName EventState.getNodeType()
          Returns the node type of the parent node associated with this event.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation with parameters of type QName
static EventState EventState.childNodeAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.PathElement childPath, QName nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.PathElement childPath, QName nodeType, Set mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.PathElement childPath, QName nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.PathElement childPath, QName nodeType, Set mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, QName nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.propertyAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, QName nodeType, Set mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.propertyChanged(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, QName nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED.
static EventState EventState.propertyChanged(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, QName nodeType, Set mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED.
static EventState EventState.propertyRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, QName nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.PathElement childPath, QName nodeType, Set mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED.

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle.util

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle.util that return QName
 QName NodePropBundle.ChildNodeEntry.getName()
          Returns the name.
 QName NodePropBundle.PropertyEntry.getName()
          Returns the property name
 QName NodePropBundle.getNodeTypeName()
          Returns the nodetype name of this bundle
 QName ItemStateBinding.readIndexedQName(DataInputStream in)
          Deserializes an indexed QName
 QName ItemStateBinding.readQName(DataInputStream in)
          Deserializes a QName

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle.util with parameters of type QName
 void NodePropBundle.addChildNodeEntry(QName name, NodeId id)
          Adds a child node entry.
 PropertyState NodePropBundle.createPropertyState(PersistenceManager pMgr, QName name)
          Creates a property state from the values of this bundle
 NodePropBundle.PropertyEntry NodePropBundle.getPropertyEntry(QName name)
          Returns the property entry with the given name.
 boolean NodePropBundle.hasProperty(QName name)
          Checks if this bundle has a property
 void NodePropBundle.removeProperty(QName name)
          Removes the proprty with the given name from this bundle.
 void NodePropBundle.setNodeTypeName(QName nodeTypeName)
          Sets the node type name
 void ItemStateBinding.writeIndexedQName(DataOutputStream out, QName name)
          Serializes a indexed QName
 void ItemStateBinding.writeQName(DataOutputStream out, QName name)
          Serializes a QName

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle.util with parameters of type QName
NodePropBundle.ChildNodeEntry(QName name, NodeId id)
          Creates a new entry with the given name and id

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.mem

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.mem with parameters of type QName
protected static String InMemPersistenceManager.buildBlobFilePath(String parentUUID, QName propName, int index)

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query declared as QName
static QName LocationStepQueryNode.EMPTY_NAME
          The empty name used in matching the root node.
static QName RelationQueryNode.STAR_NAME_TEST
          Acts as an syntetic placeholder for a location step that matches any name.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query that return QName
 QName LocationStepQueryNode.getNameTest()
          Returns the label of the node for this location step, or null if the name test is '*'.
 QName OrderQueryNode.OrderSpec.getProperty()
          Returns the name of the property.
 QName RelationQueryNode.getProperty()
          Deprecated. Use RelationQueryNode.getRelativePath() instead.
 QName TextsearchQueryNode.getPropertyName()
          Deprecated. Use TextsearchQueryNode.getRelativePath() instead.
 QName ExactQueryNode.getPropertyName()
          Returns the name of the property to match.
 QName DerefQueryNode.getRefProperty()
          Returns the name of the reference property or null if none is set.
 QName[] QueryRootNode.getSelectProperties()
          Returns an array of select properties.
 QName ExactQueryNode.getValue()
          Returns the value of the property to match.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query with parameters of type QName
 void OrderQueryNode.addOrderSpec(QName property, boolean ascending)
          Adds an order specification to this query node.
 void QueryRootNode.addSelectProperty(QName propName)
          Adds a new select property to the query.
 PropertyTypeRegistry.TypeMapping[] PropertyTypeRegistry.getPropertyTypes(QName propName)
          Returns an array of type mappings for a given property name propName.
 void PropertyTypeRegistry.nodeTypeRegistered(QName ntName)
 void PropertyTypeRegistry.nodeTypeReRegistered(QName ntName)
 void PropertyTypeRegistry.nodeTypeUnregistered(QName ntName)
 void LocationStepQueryNode.setNameTest(QName nameTest)
          Sets a new name test.
 void RelationQueryNode.setProperty(QName name)
          Deprecated. Use RelationQueryNode.setRelativePath(Path) instead.
 void TextsearchQueryNode.setPropertyName(QName property)
          Deprecated. Use TextsearchQueryNode.setRelativePath(Path) instead.
 void DerefQueryNode.setRefProperty(QName propertyName)
          Sets a new name for the reference property.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query with parameters of type QName
DerefQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QName nameTest, boolean descendants)
          Creates a new DerefQueryNode without a name set for the reference property.
ExactQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QName property, QName value)
          Creates a new ExactQueryNode instance.
LocationStepQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QName nameTest, boolean descendants)
          Creates a new LocationStepQueryNode with a reference to its parent.
NodeTypeQueryNode(QueryNode parent, QName nodeType)
          Creates a new NodeTypeQueryNode.
OrderQueryNode.OrderSpec(QName property, boolean ascending)
          Creates a new OrderSpec for property.

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene declared as QName
protected  QName[] LazyQueryResultImpl.orderProps
          The names of properties to use for ordering the result set.
static QName ExcerptProvider.REP_EXCERPT
          QName of the rep:excerpt function.
protected  QName[] LazyQueryResultImpl.selectProps
          The select properties

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene that return QName
protected  QName[] QueryImpl.getSelectProperties()
          Returns the select properties for this query.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene with parameters of type QName
protected[] SearchIndex.createSortFields(QName[] orderProps, boolean[] orderSpecs)
          Creates the SortFields for the order properties.
 QueryHits SearchIndex.executeQuery(QueryImpl queryImpl, query, QName[] orderProps, boolean[] orderSpecs)
          Executes the query on the search index.
protected  InternalValue NodeIndexer.getValue(QName name)
          Utility method that extracts the first value of the named property of the current node.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene with parameters of type QName
LazyQueryResultImpl(SearchIndex index, ItemManager itemMgr, NamespaceResolver resolver, AccessManager accessMgr, QueryImpl queryImpl, query, QName[] selectProps, QName[] orderProps, boolean[] orderSpecs, boolean documentOrder)
          Creates a new query result.
LazyQueryResultImpl(SearchIndex index, ItemManager itemMgr, NamespaceResolver resolver, AccessManager accessMgr, QueryImpl queryImpl, query, QName[] selectProps, QName[] orderProps, boolean[] orderSpecs, boolean documentOrder)
          Creates a new query result.
QueryResultImpl(ItemManager itemMgr, NodeId[] ids, Float[] scores, QName[] selectProps, NamespaceResolver resolver, boolean docOrder)
          Creates a new query result.
WorkspaceTraversalResult(Session session, QName[] properties, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Creates a new WorkspaceTraversalResult.

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.sql

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.sql that return QName
 QName ASTPredicate.getIdentifier()
 QName ASTIdentifier.getName()
 QName ASTContainsExpression.getPropertyName()

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.sql with parameters of type QName
 void ASTPredicate.setIdentifier(QName identifier)
 void ASTIdentifier.setName(QName name)
 void ASTContainsExpression.setPropertyName(QName property)

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state that return QName
 QName PropertyState.getName()
          Returns the name of this property.
 QName NodeState.ChildNodeEntry.getName()
 QName NodeState.getNodeTypeName()
          Returns the name of this node's node type.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type QName
 NodeState.ChildNodeEntry NodeState.addChildNodeEntry(QName nodeName, NodeId id)
          Adds a new ChildNodeEntry.
 void NodeState.addPropertyName(QName propName)
          Adds a property name entry.
 NodeState LocalItemStateManager.createNew(NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a NodeState instance representing new, i.e.
 NodeState UpdatableItemStateManager.createNew(NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a NodeState instance representing new, i.e.
 NodeState SessionItemStateManager.createNew(NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a NodeState instance representing new, i.e.
 PropertyState LocalItemStateManager.createNew(QName propName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a PropertyState instance representing new, i.e.
 PropertyState UpdatableItemStateManager.createNew(QName propName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a PropertyState instance representing new, i.e.
 PropertyState SessionItemStateManager.createNew(QName propName, NodeId parentId)
          Creates a PropertyState instance representing new, i.e.
 NodeState SessionItemStateManager.createTransientNodeState(NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId, int initialStatus)
 PropertyState SessionItemStateManager.createTransientPropertyState(NodeId parentId, QName propName, int initialStatus)
 List NodeState.getChildNodeEntries(QName nodeName)
          Returns a list of ChildNodeEntrys with the specified name.
 NodeState.ChildNodeEntry NodeState.getChildNodeEntry(QName nodeName, int index)
          Returns the ChildNodeEntry with the specified name and index or null if there's no matching entry.
 boolean NodeState.hasChildNodeEntry(QName name)
          Determines if there is a ChildNodeEntry with the specified name.
 boolean NodeState.hasChildNodeEntry(QName name, int index)
          Determines if there is a ChildNodeEntry with the specified name and index.
 boolean NodeState.hasPropertyName(QName propName)
          Determines if there is a property entry with the specified QName.
 void LocalItemStateManager.nodeAdded(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been added

Optimization: shared state manager we're listening to does not deliver node state changes, therefore the state concerned must be a local state.

 void NodeStateListener.nodeAdded(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been added
 void SessionItemStateManager.nodeAdded(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been added

Pass notification to listeners if a transient state was modified or if the local state is not overlayed.

 void LocalItemStateManager.nodeRemoved(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been removed

Optimization: shared state manager we're listening to does not deliver node state changes, therefore the state concerned must be a local state.

 void NodeStateListener.nodeRemoved(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been removed
 void SessionItemStateManager.nodeRemoved(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Called when a child node has been removed

Pass notification to listeners if a transient state was modified or if the local state is not overlayed.

 void StateChangeDispatcher.notifyNodeAdded(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Notify listeners about changes to some state.
 void StateChangeDispatcher.notifyNodeRemoved(NodeState state, QName name, int index, NodeId id)
          Notify listeners about changes to some state.
 boolean NodeState.removeChildNodeEntry(QName nodeName, int index)
          Removes a ChildNodeEntry.
 boolean NodeState.removePropertyName(QName propName)
          Removes a property name entry.
 boolean NodeState.renameChildNodeEntry(QName oldName, int index, QName newName)
          Renames a new ChildNodeEntry.
 void NodeState.setNodeTypeName(QName nodeTypeName)
          Set the node type name.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type QName
NodeState(NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, NodeId parentId, int initialStatus, boolean isTransient)
          Constructs a new node state that is not connected.

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value with parameters of type QName
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(QName value)
static InternalValue[] InternalValue.create(QName[] values)

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version that return QName
 QName[] InternalFrozenNode.getFrozenMixinTypes()
          Returns the list of names of the frozen mixin types.
 QName InternalFrozenNode.getFrozenPrimaryType()
          Returns the name of frozen primary type.
 QName[] InternalVersion.getLabels()
          returns the labels that are assigned to this version
 QName NodeStateEx.getName()
          returns the name of this node
 QName InternalVersion.getName()
          Returns the name of this version.
 QName InternalFreeze.getName()
          returns the name of the node.
 QName[] InternalVersionHistory.getVersionLabels()
          Returns a string iterator over all version labels that exist in this version history

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type QName
 NodeStateEx NodeStateEx.addNode(QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName, NodeId id, boolean referenceable)
          Adds a new child node with the given name
 VirtualNodeState XAVersionManager.createNodeState(VirtualNodeState parent, QName name, NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName)
          Creates a new virtual node state
 VirtualPropertyState XAVersionManager.createPropertyState(VirtualNodeState parent, QName name, int type, boolean multiValued)
          Creats a new virtual property state
 NodeStateEx NodeStateEx.getNode(QName name, int index)
          retrieves the child node with the given name and 1-base index or null if the node does not exist.
 InternalValue NodeStateEx.getPropertyValue(QName name)
          Returns the value of the given property or null
 InternalValue[] NodeStateEx.getPropertyValues(QName name)
          Returns the values of the given property of null
 InternalVersion InternalVersionHistory.getVersion(QName versionName)
          Equivalalent to VersionHistory.getVersion(java.lang.String).
 InternalVersion InternalVersionHistory.getVersionByLabel(QName label)
          Equivalalent to VersionHistory.getVersionByLabel(java.lang.String) but returns null if the version does not exists.
 boolean InternalVersion.hasLabel(QName label)
          Checks, if this version has the given label assosiated
 boolean NodeStateEx.hasNode(QName name)
          checks if the given child node exists.
 boolean NodeStateEx.hasProperty(QName name)
          Checks if the given property exists
 boolean InternalVersionHistory.hasVersion(QName versionName)
          Checks if the version with the given name exists in this version history.
 boolean NodeStateEx.removeNode(QName name)
          removes the (first) child node with the given name.
 boolean NodeStateEx.removeNode(QName name, int index)
          removes the child node with the given name and 1-based index
 boolean NodeStateEx.removeProperty(QName name)
          removes the property with the given name
protected  void XAVersionManager.removeVersion(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalVersionHistoryImpl history, QName name)
          Removes the specified version from the history

Before modifying version history given, make a local copy of it.

 void XAVersionManager.removeVersion(VersionHistory history, QName versionName)
          Removes the specified version from the given version history.
 void VersionManagerImpl.removeVersion(VersionHistory history, QName name)
          Removes the specified version from the given version history.

This method must not be synchronized since it could cause deadlocks with item-reading listeners in the observation thread.

 void VersionManager.removeVersion(VersionHistory history, QName versionName)
          Removes the specified version from the given version history.
 void NodeStateEx.setPropertyValue(QName name, InternalValue value)
          Sets the property value
 void NodeStateEx.setPropertyValues(QName name, int type, InternalValue[] values)
          Sets the property values
 void NodeStateEx.setPropertyValues(QName name, int type, InternalValue[] values, boolean multiple)
          Sets the property values
protected  InternalVersion XAVersionManager.setVersionLabel(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalVersionHistoryImpl history, QName version, QName label, boolean move)
          Set version label on the specified version.

Before modifying version history given, make a local copy of it.

 Version XAVersionManager.setVersionLabel(VersionHistory history, QName version, QName label, boolean move)
          Sets the version label to the given version.
 Version VersionManagerImpl.setVersionLabel(VersionHistory history, QName version, QName label, boolean move)
          Sets the version label to the given version.

This method must not be synchronized since it could cause deadlocks with item-reading listeners in the observation thread.

 Version VersionManager.setVersionLabel(VersionHistory history, QName version, QName label, boolean move)
          Sets the version label to the given version.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type QName
NodeStateEx(UpdatableItemStateManager stateMgr, NodeTypeRegistry ntReg, NodeState nodeState, QName name)
          Creates a new persistent node

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual with parameters of type QName
 VirtualNodeState AbstractVISProvider.createNodeState(VirtualNodeState parent, QName name, NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName)
          Creates a new virtual node state
 VirtualNodeState VirtualItemStateProvider.createNodeState(VirtualNodeState parent, QName name, NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName)
          Creates a new virtual node state
 VirtualPropertyState AbstractVISProvider.createPropertyState(VirtualNodeState parent, QName name, int type, boolean multiValued)
          Creats a new virtual property state
 VirtualPropertyState VirtualItemStateProvider.createPropertyState(VirtualNodeState parent, QName name, int type, boolean multiValued)
          Creats a new virtual property state
protected  NodeDef AbstractVISProvider.getApplicableChildNodeDef(NodeState parent, QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName)
          Retrieves the node definition for the given contraints.
protected  PropDef AbstractVISProvider.getApplicablePropertyDef(NodeState parent, QName propertyName, int type, boolean multiValued)
          retrieves the property definition for the given contraints
protected  VirtualPropertyState VirtualNodeState.getOrCreatePropertyState(QName name, int type, boolean multiValued)
          Retrieves or creates a new property state as child property of this node
 VirtualPropertyState VirtualNodeState.getProperty(QName name)
          returns the property state of the given name
 InternalValue VirtualNodeState.getPropertyValue(QName name)
          Returns the value of the given property or null
 InternalValue[] VirtualNodeState.getPropertyValues(QName name)
          Returns the values of the given property of null
 InternalValue[] VirtualValueProvider.getVirtualValues(QName propName)
          Returns the values for the given name
 void VirtualNodeState.setMixinNodeTypes(QName[] mixins)
          sets the mixing node type and adds the respective property
 void VirtualNodeState.setPropertyValue(QName name, InternalValue value)
          Sets the property value
 void VirtualNodeState.setPropertyValues(QName name, int type, InternalValue[] values)
          Sets the property values
 void VirtualNodeState.setPropertyValues(QName name, int type, InternalValue[] values, boolean multiple)
          Sets the property values

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual with parameters of type QName
VirtualNodeState(AbstractVISProvider stateMgr, NodeId parentId, NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixins)
          creates a new virtual node state
VirtualNodeState(AbstractVISProvider stateMgr, NodeId parentId, NodeId id, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixins)
          creates a new virtual node state

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml that return QName
 QName[] NodeInfo.getMixinNames()
          Returns the names of the mixin types of the node being imported.
 QName NodeInfo.getName()
          Returns the name of the node being imported.
 QName NodeInfo.getNodeTypeName()
          Returns the name of the primary type of the node being imported.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml with parameters of type QName
protected  NodeImpl SessionImporter.createNode(NodeImpl parent, QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixinNames, NodeId id)
protected  NodeImpl SessionImporter.createNode(NodeImpl parent, QName nodeName, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixinNames, NodeId id)

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml with parameters of type QName
NodeInfo(QName name, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixinNames, NodeId id)
          Creates a node information instance.
NodeInfo(QName name, QName nodeTypeName, QName[] mixinNames, NodeId id)
          Creates a node information instance.
PropInfo(QName name, int type, TextValue[] values)
          Creates a proprety information instance.

Uses of QName in

Fields in declared as QName
static QName[] QName.EMPTY_ARRAY
static QName QName.JCR_CONTENT
static QName QName.JCR_CREATED
static QName QName.JCR_DATA
static QName QName.JCR_ENCODING
static QName QName.JCR_ISMIXIN
static QName QName.JCR_LANGUAGE
static QName QName.JCR_LOCKOWNER
static QName QName.JCR_MANDATORY
static QName QName.JCR_MIMETYPE
static QName QName.JCR_MULTIPLE
static QName QName.JCR_NAME
static QName QName.JCR_NODETYPES
static QName QName.JCR_PATH
static QName QName.JCR_PROTECTED
static QName QName.JCR_ROOT
          jcr:root (dummy name for root node used in XML serialization)
static QName QName.JCR_SCORE
static QName QName.JCR_STATEMENT
static QName QName.JCR_SYSTEM
static QName QName.JCR_UUID
static QName QName.JCR_XMLTEXT
static QName QName.MIX_LOCKABLE
static QName QName.NT_BASE
static QName QName.NT_FILE
static QName QName.NT_FOLDER
static QName QName.NT_FROZENNODE
static QName QName.NT_NODETYPE
static QName QName.NT_QUERY
static QName QName.NT_RESOURCE
static QName QName.NT_VERSION
static QName QName.REP_NODETYPES
static QName QName.REP_ROOT
static QName QName.REP_SYSTEM
static QName QName.ROOT
          Extra QName for the root node
static QName QName.SV_NAME
static QName QName.SV_NODE
static QName QName.SV_PROPERTY
static QName QName.SV_TYPE
static QName QName.SV_VALUE

Methods in that return QName
static QName QName.fromJCRName(String rawName, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Use NameFormat.parse(String, NamespaceResolver) instead.
 QName Path.PathElement.getName()
          Returns the qualified name of this path element.
 QName CachingNameResolver.getQName(String name)
          Returns the qualified name for the given prefixed JCR name.
 QName ParsingNameResolver.getQName(String name)
          Parses the prefixed JCR name and returns the resolved qualified name.
 QName AbstractNamespaceResolver.getQName(String jcrName)
          Deprecated. use NameFormat.parse(String, NamespaceResolver) instead.
 QName NameResolver.getQName(String name)
          Returns the qualified name for the given prefixed JCR name.
 QName NamespaceResolver.getQName(String jcrName)
          Deprecated. use NameFormat.parse(String, NamespaceResolver) instead.
static QName[] NameFormat.parse(String[] jcrNames, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Converts each JCR-style name in the passed array to its corresponding QName and returns the resulting QName array.
static QName NameFormat.parse(String jcrName, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Converts the jcrName to its corresponding QName.
 QName NameCache.retrieveName(String jcrName)
          Retrieves a qualified name from the cache for the given jcr name.
static QName QName.valueOf(String s)
          Returns a QName holding the value of the specified string.

Methods in with parameters of type QName
 void Path.PathBuilder.addFirst(QName name)
          Inserts the element at the beginning of the path to be built.
 void Path.PathBuilder.addFirst(QName name, int index)
          Inserts the element at the beginning of the path to be built.
 void Path.PathBuilder.addLast(QName name)
          Inserts the element at the end of the path to be built.
 void Path.PathBuilder.addLast(QName name, int index)
          Inserts the element at the end of the path to be built.
 void NameCache.cacheName(String jcrName, QName name)
          Puts a name into the cache.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, QName name, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path string and the give name.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, QName name, int index, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and the give name and index.
static Path.PathElement Path.PathElement.create(QName name)
          Creates a path element with the given qualified name.
static Path Path.create(QName name, int index)
          Creates a relative path based on a QName and an index.
static Path.PathElement Path.PathElement.create(QName name, int index)
          Same as Path.PathElement.create(QName) except that an explicit index can be specified.
static String[] NameFormat.format(QName[] qNames, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Same as NameFormat.format(QName, NamespaceResolver) except that this method takes an array of QNames and returns an array of corresponding string representations.
static String NameFormat.format(QName qName, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Formats the given QName to produce a string representation, i.e.
static void NameFormat.format(QName qName, NamespaceResolver resolver, StringBuffer buffer)
          Same as NameFormat.format(QName, NamespaceResolver) except that this method appends the JCR-style name to the given buffer rather than returning it directly.
 String CachingNameResolver.getJCRName(QName qname)
          Returns the prefixed JCR name for the given qualified name.
 String ParsingNameResolver.getJCRName(QName name)
          Returns the prefixed JCR name for the given qualified name.
 String AbstractNamespaceResolver.getJCRName(QName qName)
          Deprecated. use NameFormat.format(QName, NamespaceResolver) instead.
 String NameResolver.getJCRName(QName name)
          Returns the prefixed JCR name for the given qualified name.
 String NamespaceResolver.getJCRName(QName qName)
          Deprecated. use NameFormat.format(QName, NamespaceResolver) instead.
 String NameCache.retrieveName(QName name)
          Retrieves a jcr name from the cache for the given qualified name.

Uses of QName in org.apache.jackrabbit.util

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.util that return QName
static QName ISO9075.decode(QName name)
          Decodes the name.
static QName ISO9075.encode(QName name)
          Encodes the local part of name as specified in ISO 9075.
 QName PathMap.Element.getName()
          Return the name of this element

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.util with parameters of type QName
static QName ISO9075.decode(QName name)
          Decodes the name.
static QName ISO9075.encode(QName name)
          Encodes the local part of name as specified in ISO 9075.

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