Class ChildrenCollectorFilter

  extended byjavax.jcr.util.TraversingItemVisitor
      extended byjavax.jcr.util.TraversingItemVisitor.Default
          extended byorg.apache.jackrabbit.util.ChildrenCollectorFilter
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ChildrenCollectorFilter
extends TraversingItemVisitor.Default

ChildrenCollectorFilter is a utility class which can be used to 'collect' child items of a node whose names match a certain pattern. It implements the ItemVisitor interface.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes inherited from class javax.jcr.util.TraversingItemVisitor
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class javax.jcr.util.TraversingItemVisitor
breadthFirst, maxLevel
Constructor Summary
ChildrenCollectorFilter(String namePattern, Collection children, boolean collectNodes, boolean collectProperties, int maxLevel)
          Constructs a ChildrenCollectorFilter
Method Summary
protected  void entering(Node node, int level)
protected  void entering(Property property, int level)
static boolean matches(String name, String pattern)
          Matches the name pattern against the specified name.
Methods inherited from class javax.jcr.util.TraversingItemVisitor.Default
leaving, leaving
Methods inherited from class javax.jcr.util.TraversingItemVisitor
visit, visit
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ChildrenCollectorFilter(String namePattern,
                               Collection children,
                               boolean collectNodes,
                               boolean collectProperties,
                               int maxLevel)
Constructs a ChildrenCollectorFilter

namePattern - the pattern which should be applied to the names of the children
children - where the matching children should be added
collectNodes - true, if child nodes should be collected; otherwise false
collectProperties - true, if child properties should be collected; otherwise false
maxLevel - umber of hierarchy levels to traverse (e.g. 1 for direct children only, 2 for children and their children, and so on)
Method Detail


protected void entering(Node node,
                        int level)
                 throws RepositoryException



protected void entering(Property property,
                        int level)
                 throws RepositoryException



public static boolean matches(String name,
                              String pattern)
Matches the name pattern against the specified name.

The pattern may be a full name or a partial name with one or more wildcard characters ("*"), or a disjunction (using the "|" character to represent logical OR) of these. For example,


would match

"foo:bar", but also "jcr:whatever".

 The EBNF for pattern is:

 namePattern ::= disjunct {'|' disjunct}
 disjunct ::= name [':' name]
 name ::= '*' |
          ['*'] fragment {'*' fragment}['*']
 fragment ::= char {char}
 char ::= nonspace | ' '
 nonspace ::= (* Any Unicode character except:
               '/', ':', '[', ']', '*',
               ''', '"', '|' or any whitespace
               character *)

name - the name to test the pattern with
pattern - the pattern to be matched against the name
true if the specified name matches the pattern
See Also:

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