Interface NamespaceListener

public interface NamespaceListener

Receives notifications when a namespace mapping changes.

Method Summary
 void namespaceAdded(String prefix, String uri)
          Notifies the listeners that a new namespace uri has been added and mapped to prefix.
 void namespaceRemapped(String oldPrefix, String newPrefix, String uri)
          Notifies the listeners that an existing namespace uri has been re-mapped from oldPrefix to newPrefix.

Method Detail


public void namespaceRemapped(String oldPrefix,
                              String newPrefix,
                              String uri)
Notifies the listeners that an existing namespace uri has been re-mapped from oldPrefix to newPrefix.

oldPrefix - the old prefix.
newPrefix - the new prefix.
uri - the associated namespace uri.


public void namespaceAdded(String prefix,
                           String uri)
Notifies the listeners that a new namespace uri has been added and mapped to prefix.

prefix - the prefix.
uri - the namespace uri.

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