

Base class for compiled Templates.

All kid template modules expose a class named Template that extends from this class making the methods defined here available on all Template subclasses.

This class should not be instantiated directly.


a serializer

<kid.serialization.XMLSerializer object at 0x10ff670>


f __init__(self) ...

Initialize a template with instance attributes specified by keyword arguments.

Keyword arguments are available to the template using self.var notation.

f __iter__(self) ...

f __unicode__(self) ...

f content(self) ...

f generate(self, encoding=None, fragment=0, output=None) ...

Execute template and generate serialized output incrementally.

This method returns an iterator that yields an encoded string for each iteration. The iteration ends when the template is done executing.

The output encoding. Default: utf-8.
Controls whether prologue information (such as <?xml?> declaration and DOCTYPE should be written). Set to 1 when generating fragments meant to be inserted into existing XML documents.
A string specifying an output method ('xml', 'html', 'xhtml') or a Serializer object.

f initialize(self) ...

f pull(self) ...

Returns an iterator over the items in this template.

f serialize(self, encoding=None, fragment=0, output=None) ...

Execute a template and return a single string.

The output encoding. Default: utf-8.
Controls whether prologue information (such as <?xml?> declaration and DOCTYPE should be written). Set to 1 when generating fragments meant to be inserted into existing XML documents.
A string specifying an output method ('xml', 'html', 'xhtml') or a Serializer object.

This is a convienence method, roughly equivalent to:

''.join([x for x in obj.generate(encoding, fragment, output)]

f transform(self, stream=None, filters=[]) ...

Execute the template and apply any match transformations.

If stream is specified, it must be one of the following:

An ElementTree Element.
An pull.ElementStream instance or other iterator that yields stream events.
A file or URL unless the string starts with '<' in which case it is considered an XML document and processed as if it had been an Element.

By default, the pull method is called to obtain the stream.

f write(self, file, encoding=None, fragment=0, output=None) ...

Execute template and write output to file.

A filename or a file like object (must support write()).
The output encoding. Default: utf-8.
Controls whether prologue information (such as <?xml?> declaration and DOCTYPE should be written). Set to 1 when generating fragments meant to be inserted into existing XML documents.
A string specifying an output method ('xml', 'html', 'xhtml') or a Serializer object.

See the source for more information.