Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcTreeVisitorYUI


Class ezcTreeVisitorYUI

An implementation of the ezcTreeVisitor interface that generates an XHTML representatation of a tree structure, as YUI wants.

See http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/menu.

  1.  <?php
  2.      $visitor = new ezcTreeVisitorYUI( 'menu' );
  3.      $tree->accept( $visitor );
  4.      echo (string) $visitor; // print the plot
  5.  ?>

Source for this file: /Tree/src/visitors/yui.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

protected string $class
Holds the XHTML class.
protected array(string=>array(string)) $edges = array()
Holds all the edges of the graph.
public ezcTreeVisitorYUIOptions $options
Holds the options for this class
protected string $root = null
Holds the root ID.
protected string $xmlId
Holds the XML ID.

Method Summary

public ezcTreeVisitorYUI __construct( $xmlId , [ $options = null] )
Constructs a new ezcTreeVisitorYUI visualizer.
protected string doChildren( $id , [ $level = 0] , [ $levelLast = array()] )
Loops over the children of the node with ID $id.
protected string formatData( $data , $highlight )
Formats a node's data.
public bool visit( $visitable )
Visits the node and sets the the member variables according to the node type and contents.



ezcTreeVisitorYUI __construct( string $xmlId , [ezcTreeVisitorYUIOptions $options = null] )

Constructs a new ezcTreeVisitorYUI visualizer.

Name Type Description
$xmlId string
$options ezcTreeVisitorYUIOptions


string doChildren( string $id , [int $level = 0] , [array(int=>bool) $levelLast = array()] )

Loops over the children of the node with ID $id.

This methods loops over all the node's children and adds the correct layout for each node depending on the state that is collected in the $level and $levelLast variables.

Name Type Description
$id string
$level int
$levelLast array(int=>bool)


string formatData( mixed $data , bool $highlight )

Formats a node's data.

It is just a simple method, that provide an easy way to change the way on how data is formatted when this class is extended. The data is passed in the $data argument, and whether the node should be highlighted is passed in the $highlight argument.

Name Type Description
$data mixed
$highlight bool


bool visit( ezcTreeVisitable $visitable )

Visits the node and sets the the member variables according to the node type and contents.

Name Type Description
$visitable ezcTreeVisitable
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcTreeVisitor::visit() Visit the $visitable.
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