Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcTreeNode


Class ezcTreeNode

ezcTreeNode represents a node in a tree.

The methods that operate on nodes (fetchChildren, fetchPath, ..., isSiblingOf) are all marshalled to calls on the tree (that is stored in the $tree private variable) itself.


  1.  <?php
  2.      // Creates a new node with ID 'O' and as data 'Oxygen'
  3.      $node = new ezcTreeNode( $this->tree, 'O', 'Oxygen' );
  5.      // Adds a node as child element to another already create node in a tree
  6.      $parentNode->addChild( $node );
  7.  ?>

To use your own implementation of tree nodes, you can override the class that is used by the tree by setting the nodeClassName property of the ezcTree class. The class must inherit from this class though.

Source for this file: /Tree/src/tree_node.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//


mixed read/write $data
The data belonging to a node
bool read/write $dataFetched
Whether the data for this node has been fetched. Should *only* be modified by data store implementations.
bool read/write $dataStored
Whether the data for this node has been stored. Should *only* be modified by data store implementations.
string read $id
The ID that uniquely identifies a node
ezcTree read $tree
The tree object that this node belongs to

Method Summary

public ezcTreeNode __construct( $tree , $nodeId , $data )
Constructs a new ezcTreeNode object with ID $nodeId on tree $tree.
public void accept( $visitor )
Implements the accept method for visiting.
public void addChild( $node )
Adds the node $node as child of the current node to the tree.
public ezcTreeNodeList fetchChildren( )
Returns all the children of this node.
public ezcTreeNode fetchParent( )
Returns the parent node of this node.
public ezcTreeNodeList fetchPath( )
Returns all the nodes in the path from the root node to this node.
public ezcTreeNodeList fetchSubtree( )
Alias for fetchSubtreeDepthFirst().
public ezcTreeNodeList fetchSubtreeBreadthFirst( )
Returns this node and all its children, sorted accoring to the Breadth-first sorting algorithm.
public ezcTreeNodeList fetchSubtreeDepthFirst( )
Returns this node and all its children, sorted according to the Depth-first sorting algorithm.
public int getChildCount( )
Returns the number of direct children of this node.
public int getChildCountRecursive( )
Returns the number of children of this node, recursively iterating over the children.
public int getPathLength( )
Returns the distance from the root node to this node.
public bool hasChildNodes( )
Returns whether this node has children.
public void injectData( $data )
Inject data.
public bool isChildOf( $parentNode )
Returns whether this node is a direct child of the $parentNode node.
public bool isDescendantOf( $parentNode )
Returns whether this node is a direct or indirect child of the $parentNode node.
public bool isSiblingOf( $child2Node )
Returns whether this node, and the $child2Node node are are siblings (ie, they share the same parent).



ezcTreeNode __construct( ezcTree $tree , string $nodeId , mixed $data )

Constructs a new ezcTreeNode object with ID $nodeId on tree $tree.

If a third argument is specified it is used as data for the new node.

Name Type Description
$tree ezcTree
$nodeId string
$data mixed


void accept( ezcTreeVisitor $visitor )

Implements the accept method for visiting.

Name Type Description
$visitor ezcTreeVisitor
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcTreeVisitable::accept() Accepts the visitor.


void addChild( ezcTreeNode $node )

Adds the node $node as child of the current node to the tree.

Name Type Description
$node ezcTreeNode


ezcTreeNodeList fetchChildren( )

Returns all the children of this node.


ezcTreeNode fetchParent( )

Returns the parent node of this node.


ezcTreeNodeList fetchPath( )

Returns all the nodes in the path from the root node to this node.


ezcTreeNodeList fetchSubtree( )

Alias for fetchSubtreeDepthFirst().


ezcTreeNodeList fetchSubtreeBreadthFirst( )

Returns this node and all its children, sorted accoring to the Breadth-first sorting algorithm.


ezcTreeNodeList fetchSubtreeDepthFirst( )

Returns this node and all its children, sorted according to the Depth-first sorting algorithm.


int getChildCount( )

Returns the number of direct children of this node.


int getChildCountRecursive( )

Returns the number of children of this node, recursively iterating over the children.


int getPathLength( )

Returns the distance from the root node to this node.


bool hasChildNodes( )

Returns whether this node has children.


void injectData( string $data )

Inject data.

Used to set the data from a data loader. Should not be used for interfacing with the tree node, since the node will not be flagged as modified by this method.

Name Type Description
$data string


bool isChildOf( ezcTreeNode $parentNode )

Returns whether this node is a direct child of the $parentNode node.

Name Type Description
$parentNode ezcTreeNode


bool isDescendantOf( ezcTreeNode $parentNode )

Returns whether this node is a direct or indirect child of the $parentNode node.

Name Type Description
$parentNode ezcTreeNode


bool isSiblingOf( ezcTreeNode $child2Node )

Returns whether this node, and the $child2Node node are are siblings (ie, they share the same parent).

Name Type Description
$child2Node ezcTreeNode
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