Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcTreeMemoryDataStore


Class ezcTreeMemoryDataStore

ezcTreeMemoryDataStore implements storing of node data as part of the node itself. It stores this node information in objects of the ezcTreeMemoryNode class.

Source for this file: /Tree/src/stores/memory.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Method Summary

public void deleteDataForAllNodes( )
Deletes the data for all the nodes in the store.
public void deleteDataForNodes( $nodeList )
Deletes the data for all the nodes in the node list $nodeList.
public void fetchDataForNode( $node )
Retrieves the data for the node $node from the data store and assigns it to the node's 'data' property.
public void fetchDataForNodes( $nodeList )
Retrieves the data for all the nodes in the node list $nodeList and assigns this data to the nodes' 'data' properties.
public void storeDataForNode( $node )
Stores the data in the node to the data store.



void deleteDataForAllNodes( )

Deletes the data for all the nodes in the store.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcTreeDataStore::deleteDataForAllNodes() Deletes the data for all the nodes in the store.


void deleteDataForNodes( ezcTreeNodeList $nodeList )

Deletes the data for all the nodes in the node list $nodeList.

Name Type Description
$nodeList ezcTreeNodeList
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcTreeDataStore::deleteDataForNodes() Deletes the data for all the nodes in the node list $nodeList.


void fetchDataForNode( ezcTreeNode $node )

Retrieves the data for the node $node from the data store and assigns it to the node's 'data' property.

Name Type Description
$node ezcTreeNode
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcTreeDataStore::fetchDataForNode() Retrieves the data for the node $node from the data store and assigns it to the node's 'data' property.


void fetchDataForNodes( ezcTreeNodeList $nodeList )

Retrieves the data for all the nodes in the node list $nodeList and assigns this data to the nodes' 'data' properties.

Name Type Description
$nodeList ezcTreeNodeList
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcTreeDataStore::fetchDataForNodes() Retrieves the data for all the nodes in the node list $nodeList and assigns this data to the nodes' 'data' properties.


void storeDataForNode( ezcTreeNode $node )

Stores the data in the node to the data store.

Name Type Description
$node ezcTreeNode
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcTreeDataStore::storeDataForNode() Stores the data in the node to the data store.
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