Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcSearchSolrHandler


Class ezcSearchSolrHandler

Solr backend implementation

Source for this file: /Search/src/handlers/solr.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

public resource(stream) $connection
Holds the connection to Solr

Method Summary

public static string getName( )
Returns 'solr'.
public ezcSearchSolrHandler __construct( [ $host = 'localhost'] , [ $port = 8983] , [ $location = '/solr'] )
Creates a new Solr handler connection
public void beginTransaction( )
Starts a transaction for indexing.
public void commit( )
Ends a transaction and calls commit.
protected void connect( )
Connects to Solr
public ezcSearchDeleteQuerySolr createDeleteQuery( $type , $definition )
Creates a delete query object with the fields from the definition filled in.
public ezcSearchFindQuery createFindQuery( $type , $definition )
Creates a search query object with the fields from the definition filled in.
public void delete( $query )
Deletes documents using the query $query.
public void deleteById( $id , $definition )
Deletes a document by the document's $id
public ezcSearchResult find( $query )
Builds the search query and returns the parsed response
public ezcSearchResult findById( $id , $definition )
Finds a document by the document's $id
public void index( $definition , $document )
Indexes the document $document using definition $definition
public string mapFieldType( $name , $type )
Returns the field name as used by solr created from the field $name and $type.
public mixed mapFieldValueForIndex( $fieldType , $value )
This method prepares a $value before it is passed to the indexer.
public mixed mapFieldValueForReturn( $fieldType , $value )
This method prepares a $value before it is passed to the search handler.
public mixed mapFieldValueForSearch( $fieldType , $value )
This method prepares a $value before it is passed to the search handler.
public array(mixed) mapFieldValuesForIndex( $field , $values )
This method prepares a value or an array of $values before it is passed to the indexer.
public mixed|array(mixed) mapFieldValuesForReturn( $field , $values )
This method prepares a value or an array of $values after it has been returned by search handler.
public array(mixed) mapFieldValuesForSearch( $field , $values )
This method prepares a value or an array of $values before it is passed to the search handler.
public void reConnect( )
Closes the connection, and re-connects to Solr
protected void runCommit( )
Runs a commit command to tell solr we're done indexing.
public stdClass search( $queryWord , $defaultField , [ $searchFieldList = array()] , [ $returnFieldList = array()] , [ $highlightFieldList = array()] , [ $facetFieldList = array()] , [ $limit = null] , [ $offset = 0] , [ $order = array()] )
Executes a search by building and sending a query and returns the raw result
public string sendRawGetCommand( $type , [ $queryString = array()] )
Sends the raw command $type to Solr
public string sendRawPostCommand( $type , $queryString , $data )
Sends a post command $type to Solr and reads the result



static string getName( )

Returns 'solr'.


ezcSearchSolrHandler __construct( [string $host = 'localhost'] , [int $port = 8983] , [string $location = '/solr'] )

Creates a new Solr handler connection

Name Type Description
$host string
$port int
$location string


void beginTransaction( )

Starts a transaction for indexing.

When using a transaction, the amount of processing that solr does decreases, increasing indexing performance. Without this, the component sends a commit after every document that is indexed. Transactions can be nested, when commit() is called the same number of times as beginTransaction(), the component sends a commit.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcSearchIndexHandler::beginTransaction() Starts a transaction for indexing.


void commit( )

Ends a transaction and calls commit.

As transactions can be nested, this method will only call commit when all the nested transactions have been ended.

Type Description
ezcSearchTransactionException if no transaction is active.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcSearchIndexHandler::commit() Ends a transaction and calls commit.


void connect( )

Connects to Solr

Type Description
ezcSearchCanNotConnectException if a connection can not be established.


ezcSearchDeleteQuerySolr createDeleteQuery( string $type , ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition )

Creates a delete query object with the fields from the definition filled in.

Name Type Description
$type string
$definition ezcSearchDocumentDefinition
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcSearchIndexHandler::createDeleteQuery() Creates a delete query object with the fields from the definition filled in.


ezcSearchFindQuery createFindQuery( string $type , ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition )

Creates a search query object with the fields from the definition filled in.

Name Type Description
$type string
$definition ezcSearchDocumentDefinition
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcSearchHandler::createFindQuery() Creates a search query object with the fields from the definition filled in.


void delete( ezcSearchDeleteQuery $query )

Deletes documents using the query $query.

The $query should be created using createDeleteQuery().

Name Type Description
$query ezcSearchDeleteQuery
Type Description
ezcSearchQueryException if the delete query failed.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcSearchIndexHandler::delete() Builds the delete query and returns the parsed response


void deleteById( mixed $id , ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition )

Deletes a document by the document's $id

If the document with ID $id does not exist, no warning is returned.

Name Type Description
$id mixed
$definition ezcSearchDocumentDefinition
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcSearchIndexHandler::deleteById() Deletes a document by the document's $id


Builds the search query and returns the parsed response

Name Type Description
$query ezcSearchFindQuery
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcSearchHandler::find() Builds the search query and returns the parsed response


ezcSearchResult findById( mixed $id , ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition )

Finds a document by the document's $id

Name Type Description
$id mixed
$definition ezcSearchDocumentDefinition
Type Description
ezcSearchIdNotFoundException if the document with ID $id did not exist.
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcSearchHandler::findById() Finds a document by the document's $id


void index( ezcSearchDocumentDefinition $definition , mixed $document )

Indexes the document $document using definition $definition

Name Type Description
$definition ezcSearchDocumentDefinition
$document mixed
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcSearchIndexHandler::index() Indexes the document $document using definition $definition


string mapFieldType( string $name , string $type )

Returns the field name as used by solr created from the field $name and $type.

Name Type Description
$name string
$type string


mixed mapFieldValueForIndex( string $fieldType , mixed $value )

This method prepares a $value before it is passed to the indexer.

Depending on the $fieldType the $value is modified so that the indexer understands the value.

Name Type Description
$fieldType string
$value mixed


mixed mapFieldValueForReturn( string $fieldType , mixed $value )

This method prepares a $value before it is passed to the search handler.

Depending on the $fieldType the $value is modified so that the search handler understands the value.

Name Type Description
$fieldType string
$value mixed


mixed mapFieldValueForSearch( string $fieldType , mixed $value )

This method prepares a $value before it is passed to the search handler.

Depending on the $fieldType the $value is modified so that the search handler understands the value.

Name Type Description
$fieldType string
$value mixed


array(mixed) mapFieldValuesForIndex( ezcSearchDocumentDefinitionField $field , mixed $values )

This method prepares a value or an array of $values before it is passed to the indexer.

Depending on the $field the $values is modified so that the search handler understands the value. It will also correctly deal with multi-data fields in the search index.

Name Type Description
$field ezcSearchDocumentDefinitionField
$values mixed
Type Description
ezcSearchInvalidValueException if an array of values is submitted, but the field has not been defined as a multi-value field.


mixed|array(mixed) mapFieldValuesForReturn( ezcSearchDocumentDefinitionField $field , mixed $values )

This method prepares a value or an array of $values after it has been returned by search handler.

Depending on the $field the $values is modified. It will also correctly deal with multi-data fields in the search index.

Name Type Description
$field ezcSearchDocumentDefinitionField
$values mixed


array(mixed) mapFieldValuesForSearch( ezcSearchDocumentDefinitionField $field , mixed $values )

This method prepares a value or an array of $values before it is passed to the search handler.

Depending on the $field the $values is modified so that the search handler understands the value. It will also correctly deal with multi-data fields in the search index.

Name Type Description
$field ezcSearchDocumentDefinitionField
$values mixed
Type Description
ezcSearchInvalidValueException if an array of values is submitted, but the field has not been defined as a multi-value field.


void reConnect( )

Closes the connection, and re-connects to Solr

Type Description
ezcSearchCanNotConnectException if a connection can not be established.


void runCommit( )

Runs a commit command to tell solr we're done indexing.


stdClass search( string $queryWord , string $defaultField , [array(string=>string) $searchFieldList = array()] , [array(string=>string) $returnFieldList = array()] , [array(string=>string) $highlightFieldList = array()] , [array(string=>string) $facetFieldList = array()] , [int $limit = null] , [int $offset = 0] , [array(string=>string) $order = array()] )

Executes a search by building and sending a query and returns the raw result

Name Type Description
$queryWord string
$defaultField string
$searchFieldList array(string=>string)
$returnFieldList array(string=>string)
$highlightFieldList array(string=>string)
$facetFieldList array(string=>string)
$limit int
$offset int
$order array(string=>string)


string sendRawGetCommand( string $type , [array(string=>string) $queryString = array()] )

Sends the raw command $type to Solr

Name Type Description
$type string
$queryString array(string=>string)


string sendRawPostCommand( string $type , array(string=>string) $queryString , string $data )

Sends a post command $type to Solr and reads the result

Name Type Description
$type string
$queryString array(string=>string)
$data string
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