Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcSearchDocumentDefinition


Class ezcSearchDocumentDefinition

The struct contains a document definition.

Source for this file: /Search/src/document_definition.php

Version:   //autogentag//


BOOLEAN = 7 Type for boolean fields.
DATE = 4 Type for date fields.
FLOAT = 6 Type for floating point fields.
HTML = 3 Type for HTML fields.
INT = 5 Type for integer fields.
STRING = 1 Type for string fields.
TEXT = 2 Type for text fields.

Member Variables

public string $defaultField = null
Contains the field name of the default search field.
public string $documentType
Contains the document type - which is the same as the class name.
public array(string=>ezcSearchDefinitionDocumentField) $fields = array()
Contains an array of field definitions

The array key also contains the name of the field

public string $idProperty = null
Contains the id property. This one is required.

Method Summary

public ezcSearchDocumentDefinition __construct( $documentType )
Creates a new ezcSearchDocumentDefinition for document type $documentType.
public array(string) getFieldNames( )
Returns a list with all the field names
public array(string) getHighlightFieldNames( )
Returns all the field names that should appear in the highlighted fields
public array(string) getSelectFieldNames( )
Returns all the field names that should appear in the search result



ezcSearchDocumentDefinition __construct( string $documentType )

Creates a new ezcSearchDocumentDefinition for document type $documentType.

Name Type Description
$documentType string


array(string) getFieldNames( )

Returns a list with all the field names


array(string) getHighlightFieldNames( )

Returns all the field names that should appear in the highlighted fields


array(string) getSelectFieldNames( )

Returns all the field names that should appear in the search result

Documentation generated by phpDocumentor 1.4.3