Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcSearchSimpleArticle


Class ezcSearchSimpleArticle

A sample definition for indexing articles.

Source for this file: /Search/src/extractors/helpers/simple.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Member Variables

public string $body
Article body.
public string $id
Id for the article.
public DateTime $published
Published date for the article.
public string $title
Article title.
public string $type
Article type.
public string $url
URL for the article.

Method Summary

public static ezcSearchDocumentDefinition getDefinition( )
Returns the definition of this class.
public ezcSearchSimpleArticle __construct( [ $id = null] , [ $title = null] , [ $body = null] , [ $published = null] , [ $url = null] , [ $type = null] )
Constructs a new image definition.
public array(string=>string) getState( )
Returns the state of this definition as an array.
public void setState( $state )
Sets the state of this definition.



static ezcSearchDocumentDefinition getDefinition( )

Returns the definition of this class.

Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcSearchDefinitionProvider::getDefinition() Returns the definition for the document.


ezcSearchSimpleArticle __construct( [string $id = null] , [string $title = null] , [string $body = null] , [DateTime $published = null] , [string $url = null] , [string $type = null] )

Constructs a new image definition.

Name Type Description
$id string
$title string
$body string
$published DateTime
$url string
$type string


array(string=>string) getState( )

Returns the state of this definition as an array.


void setState( $state )

Sets the state of this definition.

Name Type Description
$state array(string=>string)
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