Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcGraphHorizontalRenderer


Class ezcGraphHorizontalRenderer

Class to transform horizontal bar charts primitives into image primitives.

Renders charts in a two dimensional view.

The class options are defined in the class ezcGraphRenderer2dOptions extending the basic renderer options in ezcGraphRendererOptions.

Source for this file: /Graph/src/renderer/horizontal_bar.php

Implements interfaces:

Version:   //autogentag//

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcGraphRenderer2d
protected ezcGraphRenderer2d::$axisLabels
protected ezcGraphRenderer2d::$circleSectors
protected ezcGraphRenderer2d::$linePostSymbols
protected ezcGraphRenderer2d::$options
protected ezcGraphRenderer2d::$pieSegmentBoundings
protected ezcGraphRenderer2d::$pieSegmentLabels
From ezcGraphRenderer
protected ezcGraphRenderer::$driver
protected ezcGraphRenderer::$elements
protected ezcGraphRenderer::$xAxisSpace
protected ezcGraphRenderer::$yAxisSpace

Method Summary

public void drawBar( $boundings , $context , $color , $position , $stepSize , [ $dataNumber = 1] , [ $dataCount = 1] , [ $symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL] , [ $axisPosition = 0.] )
Draw bar
public void drawDataLine( $boundings , $context , $color , $start , $end , [ $dataNumber = 1] , [ $dataCount = 1] , [ $symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL] , [ $symbolColor = null] , [ $fillColor = null] , [ $axisPosition = 0.] , [ $thickness = 1.] )
Draw data line
public void drawHorizontalBar( $boundings , $context , $color , $position , $stepSize , [ $dataNumber = 1] , [ $dataCount = 1] , [ $symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL] , [ $axisPosition = 0.] )
Draw horizontal bar

Inherited Methods

From ezcGraphRenderer2d
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawAxis()
Draw axis
protected void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawAxisLabel()
Draw axis label
protected void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawAxisLabels()
Draw all left axis labels
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawBackgroundImage()
Draw background image
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawBar()
Draw bar
public ezcGraphBoundings ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawBox()
Draw box
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawDataHighlightText()
Draws a highlight textbox for a datapoint.
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawDataLine()
Draw data line
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawGridLine()
Draw grid line
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawLegend()
Draw legend
public ezcGraphBoundings ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawOdometer()
Render odometer chart
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawOdometerMarker()
Draw a single odometer marker.
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawPieSegment()
Draw pie segment
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawRadarDataLine()
Draw radar chart data line
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawStackedBar()
Draw stacked bar
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawStepLine()
Draw step line
public void ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawText()
Draw text
protected void ezcGraphRenderer2d::finish()
Call all postprocessing functions
protected void ezcGraphRenderer2d::finishCircleSectors()
Draws the collected circle sectors
protected void ezcGraphRenderer2d::finishLineSymbols()
Draw the collected line symbols
protected void ezcGraphRenderer2d::finishPieSegmentLabels()
Draws the collected pie segment labels
protected float ezcGraphRenderer2d::getCoordinateFromAngleAndRadius()
Returns a coordinate in the given bounding box for the given angle radius with the center as base point.
protected void ezcGraphRenderer2d::legacyDrawAxis()
Draw axis
protected void ezcGraphRenderer2d::resetRenderer()
Reset renderer properties
From ezcGraphRenderer
protected void ezcGraphRenderer::addElementReference()
Adds a element reference for context
public abstract void ezcGraphRenderer::drawAxis()
Draw axis
protected void ezcGraphRenderer::drawAxisArrowHead()
Draw axis arrow head
public abstract void ezcGraphRenderer::drawBackgroundImage()
Draw background image
public abstract void ezcGraphRenderer::drawBar()
Draw bar
public abstract ezcGraphBoundings ezcGraphRenderer::drawBox()
Draw box
public abstract void ezcGraphRenderer::drawDataHighlightText()
Draws a highlight textbox for a datapoint.
public abstract void ezcGraphRenderer::drawDataLine()
Draw data line
public abstract void ezcGraphRenderer::drawLegend()
Draw legend
public abstract void ezcGraphRenderer::drawPieSegment()
Draw pie segment
public void ezcGraphRenderer::drawSymbol()
Draw Symbol
public abstract void ezcGraphRenderer::drawText()
Draw text
protected abstract void ezcGraphRenderer::finish()
Finish rendering
public array ezcGraphRenderer::getElementReferences()
Return all chart element references
public void ezcGraphRenderer::render()
Finally renders the image
protected void ezcGraphRenderer::resetRenderer()
Reset renderer properties
public void ezcGraphRenderer::setDriver()
Set renderers driver



void drawBar( $boundings , ezcGraphContext $context , ezcGraphColor $color , ezcGraphCoordinate $position , float $stepSize , [int $dataNumber = 1] , [int $dataCount = 1] , [int $symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL] , [float $axisPosition = 0.] )

Draw bar

Draws a bar as a data element in a line chart

Name Type Description
$boundings ezcGraphBoundings Chart boundings
$context ezcGraphContext Context of call
$color ezcGraphColor Color of line
$position ezcGraphCoordinate Position of data point
$stepSize float Space which can be used for bars
$dataNumber int Number of dataset
$dataCount int Count of datasets in chart
$symbol int Symbol to draw for line
$axisPosition float Position of axis for drawing filled lines
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawBar() Draw bar


void drawDataLine( $boundings , ezcGraphContext $context , ezcGraphColor $color , ezcGraphCoordinate $start , ezcGraphCoordinate $end , [int $dataNumber = 1] , [int $dataCount = 1] , [int $symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL] , [ezcGraphColor $symbolColor = null] , [ezcGraphColor $fillColor = null] , [float $axisPosition = 0.] , [float $thickness = 1.] )

Draw data line

Draws a line as a data element in a line chart

Name Type Description
$boundings ezcGraphBoundings Chart boundings
$context ezcGraphContext Context of call
$color ezcGraphColor Color of line
$start ezcGraphCoordinate Starting point
$end ezcGraphCoordinate Ending point
$dataNumber int Number of dataset
$dataCount int Count of datasets in chart
$symbol int Symbol to draw for line
$symbolColor ezcGraphColor Color of the symbol, defaults to linecolor
$fillColor ezcGraphColor Color to fill line with
$axisPosition float Position of axis for drawing filled lines
$thickness float Line thickness
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphRenderer2d::drawDataLine() Draw data line


void drawHorizontalBar( $boundings , ezcGraphContext $context , ezcGraphColor $color , ezcGraphCoordinate $position , float $stepSize , [int $dataNumber = 1] , [int $dataCount = 1] , [int $symbol = ezcGraph::NO_SYMBOL] , [float $axisPosition = 0.] )

Draw horizontal bar

Draws a horizontal bar as a data element in a line chart

Name Type Description
$boundings ezcGraphBoundings Chart boundings
$context ezcGraphContext Context of call
$color ezcGraphColor Color of line
$position ezcGraphCoordinate Position of data point
$stepSize float Space which can be used for bars
$dataNumber int Number of dataset
$dataCount int Count of datasets in chart
$symbol int Symbol to draw for line
$axisPosition float Position of axis for drawing filled lines
Implementation of:
Method Description
ezcGraphHorizontalBarRenderer::drawHorizontalBar() Draw horizontal bar
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