Apache Zeta Components - high quality PHP components

Apache Zeta Components Manual :: Docs For Class ezcGraphChartElementDateAxis


Class ezcGraphChartElementDateAxis

Class to represent date axis.

Axis elements represent the axis in a bar, line or radar chart. They are chart elements (ezcGraphChartElement) extending from ezcGraphChartElementAxis, where additional formatting options can be found. You should generally use the axis, which matches your input data best, so that the automatic chart layouting works best. Aavailable axis types are:

  • ezcGraphChartElementDateAxis
  • ezcGraphChartElementLabeledAxis
  • ezcGraphChartElementLogarithmicalAxis
  • ezcGraphChartElementNumericAxis
Date axis will try to find a "nice" interval based on the values on the x axis. If non numeric values are given, ezcGraphChartElementDateAxis will convert them to timestamps using PHPs strtotime function.

It is always possible to set start date, end date and the interval manually by yourself.

The $dateFormat option provides an additional way of formatting the labels used on the axis. The options from the parent class $formatString and $labelCallback do still apply.

You may use a date axis like in the following example:

  1.   $graph = new ezcGraphLineChart();
  2.   $graph->options->fillLines = 210;
  3.   $graph->title = 'Concurrent requests';
  4.   $graph->legend = false;
  6.   $graph->xAxis = new ezcGraphChartElementDateAxis();
  8.   // Add data
  9.   $graph->data['Machine 1'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
  10.       '8:00' => 3241,
  11.       '8:13' => 934,
  12.       '8:24' => 1201,
  13.       '8:27' => 1752,
  14.       '8:51' => 123,
  15.   ) );
  16.   $graph->data['Machine 2'] = new ezcGraphArrayDataSet( array(
  17.       '8:05' => 623,
  18.       '8:12' => 2103,
  19.       '8:33' => 543,
  20.       '8:43' => 2034,
  21.       '8:59' => 3410,
  22.   ) );
  24.   $graph->data['Machine 1']->symbol = ezcGraph::BULLET;
  25.   $graph->data['Machine 2']->symbol = ezcGraph::BULLET;
  27.   $graph->render( 400, 150, 'tutorial_axis_datetime.svg' );

Source for this file: /Graph/src/axis/date.php

Version:   //autogentag//


DECADE = 315360000
MAJOR_COUNT = 10 Constant used for calculation of automatic definition of major scaling


MONTH = 2629800
YEAR = 31536000


string read/write $dateFormat
Format of date string Like http://php.net/date
float read/write $endDate
End date used to display on axis.
float read/write $interval
Time interval between steps on axis.
float read/write $startDate
Starting date used to display on axis.

Member Variables

protected int $maxValue = false
Maximum inserted date
protected int $minValue = false
Minimum inserted date
protected array $predefinedIntervals = array(
// Second
1 => 'H:i.s',
// Ten seconds
10 => 'H:i.s',
// Thirty seconds
30 => 'H:i.s',
// Minute
60 => 'H:i',
// Ten minutes
600 => 'H:i',
// Half an hour
1800 => 'H:i',
// Hour
3600 => 'H:i',
// Four hours
14400 => 'H:i',
// Six hours
21600 => 'H:i',
// Half a day
43200 => 'd.m a',
// Day
86400 => 'd.m',
// Week
604800 => 'W',
// Month
self::MONTH => 'M y',
// Year
self::YEAR => 'Y',
// Decade
self::DECADE => 'Y',

Nice time intervals to used if there is no user defined interval

Inherited Member Variables

From ezcGraphChartElementAxis
protected ezcGraphChartElementAxis::$axisLabelRenderer
protected ezcGraphChartElementAxis::$innerBoundings
From ezcBaseOptions
protected ezcBaseOptions::$properties

Method Summary

protected static int ensureTimestamp( $value )
Ensure proper timestamp
public void addData( $values )
Add data for this axis
public void calculateAxisBoundings( )
Calculate axis bounding values on base of the assigned values
protected void calculateInterval( $min , $max )
Calculate nice time interval
protected int calculateLowerNiceDate( $min , $interval )
Calculate lower nice date
public void calculateMaximum( $min , $max )
Calculate end date
public void calculateMinimum( $min , $max )
Calculate start date
public float getCoordinate( $value )
Get coordinate for a dedicated value on the chart
public string getLabel( $step )
Get label for a dedicated step on the axis
protected string getLabelFromTimestamp( $time , $step )
Get label for timestamp
public integer getMajorStepCount( )
Return count of major steps
public integer getMinorStepCount( )
Return count of minor steps
public array( getSteps( )
Return array of steps on this axis
public bool isZeroStep( $step )
Is zero step

Inherited Methods

From ezcGraphChartElementAxis
public abstract void ezcGraphChartElementAxis::addData()
Add data for this axis
public abstract void ezcGraphChartElementAxis::calculateAxisBoundings()
Calculate axis bounding values on base of the assigned values
public abstract float ezcGraphChartElementAxis::getCoordinate()
Get coordinate for a dedicated value on the chart
public abstract string ezcGraphChartElementAxis::getLabel()
Get label for a dedicated step on the axis
public abstract integer ezcGraphChartElementAxis::getMajorStepCount()
Return count of major steps
public abstract integer ezcGraphChartElementAxis::getMinorStepCount()
Return count of minor steps
public array( ezcGraphChartElementAxis::getSteps()
Return array of steps on this axis
public abstract bool ezcGraphChartElementAxis::isZeroStep()
Is zero step
public ezcGraphBoundings ezcGraphChartElementAxis::render()
Render the axis
public void ezcGraphChartElementAxis::setFromPalette()
Set colors and border fro this element
public void ezcGraphChartElementAxis::__set()
From ezcGraphChartElement
protected ezcGraphBoundings ezcGraphChartElement::getTitleSize()
Returns calculated boundings based on available percentual space of given bounding box specified in the elements options and direction of the box.
public abstract ezcGraphBoundings ezcGraphChartElement::render()
Renders this chart element
public void ezcGraphChartElement::setFromPalette()
Set colors and border fro this element
From ezcBaseOptions
public ezcBaseOptions ezcBaseOptions::__construct()
Construct a new options object.
public void ezcBaseOptions::merge()
Merge an array into the actual options object.
public bool ezcBaseOptions::offsetExists()
Returns if an option exists.
public mixed ezcBaseOptions::offsetGet()
Returns an option value.
public void ezcBaseOptions::offsetSet()
Set an option.
public void ezcBaseOptions::offsetUnset()
Unset an option.



static int ensureTimestamp( mixed $value )

Ensure proper timestamp

Takes a mixed value from datasets, like timestamps, or strings describing some time and converts it to a timestamp.

Name Type Description
$value mixed


void addData( $values )

Add data for this axis

Name Type Description
$values array Value which will be displayed on this axis
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphChartElementAxis::addData() Add data for this axis


void calculateAxisBoundings( )

Calculate axis bounding values on base of the assigned values

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphChartElementAxis::calculateAxisBoundings() Calculate axis bounding values on base of the assigned values


void calculateInterval( int $min , int $max )

Calculate nice time interval

Use the best fitting time interval defined in class property array predefinedIntervals.

Name Type Description
$min int Start time
$max int End time


int calculateLowerNiceDate( int $min , int $interval )

Calculate lower nice date

Calculates a date which is earlier or equal to the given date, and is divisible by the given interval.

Name Type Description
$min int Date
$interval int Interval


void calculateMaximum( mixed $min , mixed $max )

Calculate end date

Use calculateLowerNiceDate to get a date later or equal date then the maximum date to use it as the end date for the axis depending on the selected interval.

Name Type Description
$min mixed Minimum date
$max mixed Maximum date


void calculateMinimum( mixed $min , mixed $max )

Calculate start date

Use calculateLowerNiceDate to get a date earlier or equal date then the minimum date to use it as the start date for the axis depending on the selected interval.

Name Type Description
$min mixed Minimum date
$max mixed Maximum date


float getCoordinate( float $value )

Get coordinate for a dedicated value on the chart

Name Type Description
$value float Value to determine position for
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphChartElementAxis::getCoordinate() Get coordinate for a dedicated value on the chart


string getLabel( integer $step )

Get label for a dedicated step on the axis

Name Type Description
$step integer Number of step
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphChartElementAxis::getLabel() Get label for a dedicated step on the axis


string getLabelFromTimestamp( int $time , int $step )

Get label for timestamp

Name Type Description
$time int
$step int


integer getMajorStepCount( )

Return count of major steps

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphChartElementAxis::getMajorStepCount() Return count of major steps


integer getMinorStepCount( )

Return count of minor steps

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphChartElementAxis::getMinorStepCount() Return count of minor steps


array( getSteps( )

Return array of steps on this axis

Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphChartElementAxis::getSteps() Return array of steps on this axis


bool isZeroStep( int $step )

Is zero step

Returns true if the given step is the one on the initial axis position

Name Type Description
$step int Number of step
Redefinition of:
Method Description
ezcGraphChartElementAxis::isZeroStep() Is zero step
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